Whip,Pino, Dorian no calf's Crazy Log (Don't do this at Home!)

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    Wanna dance mod
    • Jan 2006
    • 35808
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    • milano
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    tu scherzi ma nn mi peso per rispetto alla bilancia...


    • nomoretrouble
      Crazy..... taaaazzzz!
      • Dec 2006
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      Originariamente Scritto da DORIAN Visualizza Messaggio
      tu scherzi ma nn mi peso per rispetto alla bilancia...
      hai il morbo di ettore


      • DORIAN
        Wanna dance mod
        • Jan 2006
        • 35808
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        • 724
        • milano
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        • Christian Troy
          Il Fabbricatorte
          • Oct 2005
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          dovrebbero copulare...

          I miei deliri


          • menphisdaemon
            • Mar 2008
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            Razza di froci...

            @ Fabio
            Fabio mi mandi per mail per favore il modello della maglietta ed il logo...se è bella la prendo pure io. Fatti a casa oggi e domani...al limite un pò di tappeto per sudare un pò, ma blandissimo.

            @ Alan
            Oscillazione degna di nota
            Io ho perso un Kg questa sett..e mi vedo ancora appannato. 87,3 stamattina

            Cmq ho deciso faccio ancora 2 settimane sfondandomi anche la domenica, poi parto con 2 settimane in cui non tocco le kcal ma manipolo i macro. Da maggio il primo taglio calorico leggero. Top form primi di agosto.

            Ora cerco di mettere giù il dc e poi lo posto. Niente scarico..con dei WO così non ha senso fermarsi.
            "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
            Joel Marion

            "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


            "Huge By choice, not by chance."


            • DORIAN
              Wanna dance mod
              • Jan 2006
              • 35808
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              in settimana te la mando..oggi nn esco neppure se mi tiran fuori...tappeto niente.sto sudando solo al pc...al massimo una doccia bollente prima di pranzo...
              mangio come un orco e anche questo aiuta visto che ho perso un sacco di liquidi e volume..


              • Bellero
                Bodyweb Advanced
                • Nov 2005
                • 4608
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                • Lariano - Roma
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                buongiorno ammori.....si preannuncia un fine settimana di cacca....che bello
                "è una vergogna per un uomo invecchiare senza vedere la bellezza e la forza di cui il suo corpo è capace" (Socrate)


                • Bellero
                  Bodyweb Advanced
                  • Nov 2005
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                  • Lariano - Roma
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                  @fabiuzzu: tutto partito
                  "è una vergogna per un uomo invecchiare senza vedere la bellezza e la forza di cui il suo corpo è capace" (Socrate)


                  • DORIAN
                    Wanna dance mod
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 35808
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                    • milano
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                    io sn gia' al secondo pasto..
                    8 gallette
                    100g bresaola di tacchino..

                    in pratica ricarico cosi'....
                    pasto 1
                    3 uova
                    60g crudo
                    8 gallette
                    10g ciocc

                    pasto 2
                    8 gallette
                    100g bresa di tacchino

                    pasto 3
                    60g riso
                    150g pollo
                    1 evo piccolo

                    pasto 4
                    60g riso
                    150g pollo
                    1 evo piccolo

                    pasto 5
                    gnocchi zafferano+grana 300g
                    patate al forno 500g
                    carne di cavallo 250/300g
                    una decina di biscotti tra meringhe al ciocc e brutti ma buoni...


                    • menphisdaemon
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 12086
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                      Non escludo qualche widowmaker in schiena ampiezza..max 1 a seduta/2 a settimana

                      SESSION B
                      Preacher's Barbell Curl(11-15rp)
                      Hammer Curl 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS
                      Front Lat Machine(11-15rp)
                      T Bar Rows 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS

                      SESSION C
                      Leg Press Toe Press (10-12 reps)
                      lying leg curls(15-20rp)
                      Front Squat(1X4to8SS + widowmaker)

                      SESSION A1
                      Guillotine Smith Press Ultra Wide(11-15rp)
                      Machine Shoulder Press(15-20rp)
                      Bar Push Down widowmaker

                      SESSION B2
                      Alternate Dumbbell Curls(11-15rp)
                      Low Cable Hammer curl 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS
                      Reverse Grip Chin Ups(11-15rp)
                      Yates Row Alla Smith 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS

                      SESSION C2
                      Seated Calves Raises (10-12 reps)
                      Sumo Press(15-20rp)
                      Squat(1X4to8SS + widowmaker)

                      SESSION A3
                      Flat DB's Press(11-15rp)
                      Hang Clean&Press(15-20rp)
                      Ropes Push Downs(15-20rp)

                      SESSION B3
                      Low cable Curls(11-15rp)
                      Pinwheel Curls 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS
                      Assisted Chin Ups(11-15rp)
                      Barbell Row 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS

                      SESSION C3
                      Standing Calves Raises(10-12rp)
                      Smith RDL(15-20rp)
                      Leg Press(1X4to8SS + widowmaker)

                      CHEST= Decline Barbell Press
                      SHOULDERS= Smith Front Press
                      TRICEPS=Reverse Grip Bench Presses (11-20rp)
                      BICEPS=EZ Barbell Curls
                      BACK W.=V Bar Front Lat
                      BACK T.=Deadlift
                      HAMS= DB Leg Curl/Cable Leg Curl
                      "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                      Joel Marion

                      "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                      "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                      • menphisdaemon
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 12086
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                        Io oggi non mangerei troi.ate..ricarica ma pulito sennò rischi di fare la fine del pollo...mangiale appena ti senti meglio piuttosto.
                        "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                        Joel Marion

                        "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                        "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                        • DORIAN
                          Wanna dance mod
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 35808
                          • 1,446
                          • 724
                          • milano
                          • Send PM

                          Originariamente Scritto da DORIAN Visualizza Messaggio
                          io sn gia' al secondo pasto..
                          8 gallette
                          100g bresaola di tacchino..

                          in pratica ricarico cosi'....
                          pasto 1
                          3 uova
                          60g crudo
                          8 gallette
                          10g ciocc

                          pasto 2
                          8 gallette
                          100g bresa di tacchino

                          pasto 3
                          60g riso
                          150g pollo
                          1 evo piccolo

                          pasto 4
                          60g riso
                          150g pollo
                          1 evo piccolo

                          pasto 5
                          gnocchi zafferano+grana 300g
                          patate al forno 500g
                          carne di cavallo 250/300g
                          una decina di biscotti tra meringhe al ciocc e brutti ma buoni...
                          3500 kcals credo..

                          Originariamente Scritto da menphisdaemon Visualizza Messaggio
                          SESSION B
                          Preacher's Barbell Curl(11-15rp)
                          Hammer Curl 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS
                          Front Lat Machine(11-15rp)
                          T Bar Rows 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS

                          SESSION C
                          Leg Press Toe Press (10-12 reps)
                          lying leg curls(15-20rp)
                          Front Squat(1X4to8SS + widowmaker)

                          SESSION A1
                          Guillotine Smith Press Ultra Wide(11-15rp)
                          Machine Shoulder Press(15-20rp)
                          Bar Push Down widowmaker

                          SESSION B2
                          Alternate Dumbbell Curls(11-15rp)
                          Low Cable Hammer curl 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS
                          Reverse Grip Chin Ups(11-15rp)
                          Yates Row Alla Smith 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS

                          SESSION C2
                          Seated Calves Raises (10-12 reps)
                          Sumo Press(15-20rp)
                          Squat(1X4to8SS + widowmaker)

                          SESSION A3
                          Flat DB's Press(11-15rp)
                          Hang Clean&Press(15-20rp)
                          Ropes Push Downs(15-20rp)

                          SESSION B3
                          Low cable Curls(11-15rp)
                          Pinwheel Curls 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS
                          Assisted Chin Ups(11-15rp)
                          Barbell Row 1x6/8 + 1X10/12 SS

                          SESSION C3
                          Standing Calves Raises(10-12rp)
                          Smith RDL(15-20rp)
                          Leg Press(1X4to8SS + widowmaker)

                          CHEST= Decline Barbell Press
                          SHOULDERS= Smith Front Press
                          TRICEPS=Reverse Grip Bench Presses (11-20rp)
                          BICEPS=EZ Barbell Curls
                          BACK W.=V Bar Front Lat
                          BACK T.=Deadlift
                          HAMS= DB Leg Curl/Cable Leg Curl
                          manca la session A.


                          • menphisdaemon
                            UNDERGROUND BODYBUILDING MILITIA
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 12086
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                            monday=chest shoulders triceps
                            tuesday=biceps forearms backwidth backthickness
                            thursday=calves hams quads
                            friday-repeat of mondays bodyparts
                            monday-repeate of tuesdays bodyparts
                            tuesday-repeat of thursdays bodyparts

                            SESSION A
                            Incline Smith Press(11-15rp)
                            Military Presses (11-20rp)
                            Narrow Bench Press (11-15rp)
                            Bar Push Down widowmaker
                            "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                            Joel Marion

                            "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                            "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                            • menphisdaemon
                              UNDERGROUND BODYBUILDING MILITIA
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 12086
                              • 1,105
                              • 1,189
                              • Treviso
                              • Send PM

                              double post
                              "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                              Joel Marion

                              "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                              "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                              • DORIAN
                                Wanna dance mod
                                • Jan 2006
                                • 35808
                                • 1,446
                                • 724
                                • milano
                                • Send PM

                                che carico usi?75%?8rm?

