Peccato non ci sia la sezione miracoli

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    Peccato non ci sia la sezione miracoli

    ecco il nuovo prodotto che il vostro ippone vi ha trovato!
    By David Schmidt, President, Patch Inventor, LifeWave Products, LLC

    • LifeWave is a new technology that consists of orthomolecular organic structures that passively interact with the human body for the purpose of inducing electron flow and thermomagnetic frequency modulation.
    • The induced electron flow assists in recruiting calcium ions into the muscle fiber during the contraction phase, allowing the user to utilize more muscle fiber during contraction, thereby allowing the LifeWave user to lift heavier weights.
    • The passive thermomagnetic frequency modulation of the LifeWave technology creates a condition in which the transport of long chain fatty acids across the Mitochondrial membrane for subsequant beta-oxidation and energy production is increased, providing the LifeWave user with increased energy and stamina.
    • In third party tests conducted independently, over 99% of LifeWave users experienced significant improvements in physical strength after a few minutes of using LifeWave, with typical increases being 10% and higher.
    • In third party tests conducted independently, over 99% of LifeWave users experienced significant increases in stamina after a few minutes of using LifeWave, with typical increases being 25% and higher.
    • All materials in LifeWave have been clinically tested for safety and efficacy, and are listed under FDA 21 CFR.
    • All LifeWave devices are manufactured at FDA registered facilities.
      Patent Pending
    INTRODUCTION The LifeWave technology is a new, Patent Pending and innovative approach to performance enhancement, strength and stamina increase. The LifeWave device is presently embodied in the form of a sport patch, and as such is worn by a user at specific points on the human body in the same fashion as a band aid or transdermal patch. The LifeWave products contain NO magnets, NO batteries, NO copper or dissimilar metals, it is NOT a transdermal infusion system or anything of this nature. Instead, LifeWave utilizes in part a novel arrangement and proprietary process-construction of FDA listed beneficial orthomolecular organic compounds to achieve the truly amazing results reported to LifeWave by users of the products. These orthomolecular organic compounds have been determined by the FDA to be safe for use in the presence of humans; in addition, the materials utilized in the ground-breaking research conducted by LifeWave scientists are more fully described as complex orthomolecular organic structures that are capable of either thermomagnetic levorotatory action due to the atom proton energy associated with thermomagnetic fields or thermomagnetic dextrorotatory action due to the atom proton energy associated with thermomagnetic fields. In both cases, in the practical embodiments of the LifeWave devices, the orthomolecular organic materials utilized are arranged parallel with respect to the plane of thermomagnetic rotation. LifeWave Products, LLC manufactures the LifeWave Sport Patch devices at FDA registered facilities that comply with GMP and QSR requirements.


    How does the LifeWave technology work? The LifeWave concept is based on the principle that the atom proton energy associated with human thermomagnetic fields are capable of interacting with passive orthomolecular organic materials so long as these materials are arranged parallel to the plane of rotation, with this arrangement inducing electron flow due to well known and long established electromotive principles. It is well known in conventional industrial electrical generators and alternators that electricity is produced as a result of the relative rotation of magnetic fields in the presence of a conductor such as copper wire. In the LifeWave technology and device, the human body provides both the oscillating thermomagnetic field as well as the conductive media (electrolytes), with the LifeWave device passively interacting with this thermomagnetic field so as to induce electron flow in the conductive media through field shaping and resonance feedback effects.

    Recently, work performed in the field of thermally induced quantum tunneling effects have yielded devices capable of thermionic emission at a scale of only 20 nanometers. In these devices, electron or ion emission are due to the temperature of the emitter, with the rate of emission increasing rapidly with a resultant increase in temperature. These devices in part mimic conditions existing at the microscopic level in human beings. In addition, work performed by Brownridge has demonstrated in the laboratory that either thermal gradients or static thermal conditions are capable of inducing potential gradients in certain crystalline organic materials where the enharmonic ionic vibrations of these materials lack a center of symmetry and as a result produce crystalline polarization. Again, these systems for producing electron flow and potential are present at the microscopic level in human beings.

    It is well known that hemoglobin is the Iron-containing pigment of the red blood cells. Its function is to carry Oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. It is also well known that collagen is a Copper containing, fibrous insoluble protein in the connective tissue, including skin, bone, ligaments and cartilage. In addition, human beings possess a natural temperature differential from the core to the extremities.

    In physics, the Seebeck effect describes a phenomena in which when a system consists of two metals (such as Iron and Copper), with one metal at a higher temperature than the other, a current flows in the system. The Thomson thermoelectric effect is the designation of the potential gradient along a conductor which accompanies a temperature gradient. The thermomagnetic phenomena arises in that the thermoelectric and thermomagnetic power is measured by the electromotive force produced by the unit difference of temperature, in this case the temperature differential from the core to the extremities. In short, all of the conditions necessary for human beings to produce thermomagnetic fields and electron flow are present in humans.

    The LifeWave technology is a passive device, constructed in a new and proprietary process-construction of safe and beneficial orthomolecular organic compounds for the purpose of improving human performance through the interaction of the device with the human thermomagnetic field, with it being believed by LifeWave that said interaction of the LifeWave device with the individual induces an electron flow in the individual. This interaction is not unlike the effect that occurs in an electrical generator in which electricity is produced from moving magnets or magnetic fields. In humans, the increase in electron flow has numerous demonstrable benefits such as an immediate and measurable increase in physical strength, improved stamina.


    Thermomagnetic fields arise as a result of dissimilar materials forming junctions along a temperature gradient. The thermoelectric effect has been known for well over 150 years, and was first discovered by Michael Faraday. In humans, Iron containing hemoglobin forms microscopic and macroscopic junctions with copper containing collagen, with these junctions occurring along a temperature gradient that initiates at the core with a corresponding temperature drop at the extremities.

    Traditional magnetic fields (H) are defined as the region surrounding a moving charge, such as when electrons move through a conductor. These conditions also exist within humans, however the focus of this discussion pertains to thermomagnetics. Furthermore, materials such as Iron that are capable of being magnetized permanently are defined as being ferromagnetic (results from parallel alignment of neighboring magnetic dipoles) and materials such as Copper are defined as being diamagnetic (nonpermanent magnetism where the magnetic susceptibility is negative; diamagnetism is expressed vividly in superconductivity). Thermomagnetic fields, however, are distinguished from both ferromagnetic phenomena and diamagnetic behavior in that the thermomagnetic field produced is not the result of alignment of magnetic dipoles but rather the result of a thermally induced condition of electron charges moving through a conductor.

    As a case in point, if we were to take a bar of Copper and maintain a temperature gradient from one end to the other, if the hot side was high enough a thermal increase in kinetic energy of the outer orbit electrons would occur and allow the electrons to discharge into space. In practice, due to the electrical conductivity of Copper, the electrons shift in tremendous quantity to the cool side of the Copper bar with the heat propagation velocity. Excited electrons on the cool side will now travel toward the hot side encircling the Copper bar by gyroscopic phenomena. The result is low voltage (millivolts) at high current.

    In experiments performed that were designed to produce very large thermomagnetic fields (10000 Gauss), conditions have been achieved in which the EMF of a ring containing Iron and Copper junctions (at a thermal gradient) traveled in linear velocity equal to the heat propagation, with the resulting kinetic energy in the orbital electron spinning being so great that electron shells travel on the same orbital plane. As a result, portions of the atom proton energy are exposed to the center of the ring. It is quite obvious that this thermomagnetic phenomena is unique and easily distinguishable from traditional ferromagnetic and diamagenetic behavior.


    Schroeder has performed work in artificially produced thermomagnetic fields which have found practical application in the direct conversion of waste heat to magnetism. In these devices, a low voltage generating unit is formed by alternate segments of dissimilar metals arranged in the form of helix formed into a loop or torus, with heating and cooling of alternate junctions causing a low voltage but high current flow, current flow being dependent upon temperature differential between alternate junctions, junction area, and size of the unit. The voltage generated by heating and cooling junctions of dissimilar metals is less than one volt but with properly shaped dissimilar metal segments arranged in a torus fashion with alternate junctions heated and cooled there is a large current flow.

    In humans, the properties of the thermomagnetic field are similar to those replicated in the device as sited above, namely low voltage and high current power conditions. This is consistent with the physiological parameters of human microbiology in that the cell potential is between 45mV and 70mV. As such, any thermomagnetic field produced by a human being, and hence any induced electron flow that would result from this field, would be completely compatible with the existing cell potential found in humans.


    Users of the LifeWave device and technology have experienced immediate and demonstrable increases in physical strength within minutes after wearing the LifeWave device. This is not a chemically induced increase in strength such as would be the case with anabolic steroids, etc. but rather a phenomena in which existing muscle mass is utilized more efficiently due to the increase in electron flow. To understand how this phenomena could be possible, if we examine the striated skeletal muscle system we know that this voluntary group nerve supply is under conscious control because these nerves are branches of the peripheral cerebrospinal nervous system (the brain and spinal cord as the cerebrospinal axis). The muscle fibers themselves are tissues composed of contractile cells that effect movement based on the excitatory process set up in nerve fibers by stimuli (the nerve impulse). It is presently believed by medical research that the nerve impulse is probably in the nature of a wave of electrochemical disturbances. The efficiency with which large muscle groups are contracted can be defined as the number of muscle fibers utilized in a contraction divided by the number of fibers present in that muscle group. It is presently believed that most humans only contract a small percentage of muscle fibers in a given group for a given nerve impulse (low efficiency of muscle mass usage as a function of number of muscle fibers contracted divided by number of muscle fibers present; not all motor units respond to a given stimulus).

    If now we were to induce a condition in which the total power available for nerve impulses could be increased so that more muscle fibers could contract for a given muscle group, the net efficiency of the striated fibers would increase (more muscle fibers in a group being contracted in a contraction phase; more motor units responding to a stimulus), and hence usable physical strength could be improved. It is believed by LifeWave Products, LLC that this is one possible explanation for the phenomena associated with users of the LifeWave technology, namely immediate and demonstrable increases in strength and stamina within minutes of wearing the LifeWave technology.

    In support of this explanation, work performed by Mower in the augmentation of muscle contractility by biphasic stimulation lends validity to this argument. In this work, Mower sites that enhanced myocardial function is obtained through biphasic pacing. The combination of cathodal with anodal pulses of either a stimulating or conditioning nature, preserves the improved conduction and contractility of anodal pacing while eliminating the drawback of increased stimulation threshold. The result is a depolarization wave of increased propagation speed. This increased propagation speed results in superior cardiac contraction leading to an improvement in blood flow.

    Striated muscle may also be stimulated electrically, chemically, mechanically or by temperature change. Where the muscle fiber is stimulated by a motor neuron, the neuron transmits an impulse that activates all of the muscle fibers within its control, that is, those muscle fibers in its motor unit. Depolarization in one region of the membrane stimulates adjacent regions to depolarize as well, resulting in a wave of depolarization traveling over the membrane in all directions away from the site of stimulation. Thus, when a motor neuron transmits an impulse, all the muscle fibers in its motor unit are stimulated to contract simultaneously.

    The minimum strength to elicit a contraction is called the threshold stimulus. Once this level of stimulation has been met, the generally held belief is that increasing the level will not increase the contraction. Additionally, since the muscle fibers within each muscle are organized into motor units, and each motor unit is controlled by a single motor neuron, all of the muscle fibers in a motor unit are stimulated at the same time. However, the whole muscle is controlled by many different motor units that respond to different stimulation thresholds. Thus, when a given stimulus is applied to a muscle, some motor units may respond while others may not.

    Therefore, artificial means of externally applied cathodal and anodal pulses of his biphasic stimulation provides improved and enhanced contraction of striated muscle.

    Similarly, striated muscle stimulation can also serve to preserve the neural pathway, such that, upon healing of the nerve fibers associated with the stimulated tissue, patients "remember" how to contract that particular muscle.

    In short, for a given stimulus applied to a striated muscle group, not all motor units will respond to that stimulus, hence not all muscle fibers in that group will contract for a given stimulus in that contraction phase. Externally applied biphasic stimulation has demonstrated the capability of augmentation of the contraction phase for enhanced or improved contractility. In the LifeWave device, the induced electron flow is created from an external passive device in a new and novel way, with the end result being an improvement in the contraction phase for a given muscle group as a result of more motor units being capable of responding to a given stimulus.

    For additional supportive documentation, studies performed and published in the Journal Of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology (as one example) reinforce the above as stated.

    In addition to the above, it has been well known since the 1970's (Becker) that maintaining a localized potential in the human body will have the ability to draw calcium ions to the sight. This method has been successfully utilized by Becker to improve the rate at which broken bones heal.

    In the LifeWave device, an induced electron flow could have the same effect in drawing calcium ions into muscle fibers for the purpose of improving the efficiency of muscle mass usage.

    It is well known that striated muscle is activated by motor nerves under voluntary control and is concerned with locomotion. It is composed of large, long fibers that consist of multinucleate cells. Within each fiber are longitudinal Myofibrils, each with a distinctive pattern of bands caused by the distribution of the proteins Actin and Myosin. The bands for repeating units are called sarcomeres. Myofibril banding patterns during contraction and relaxation phases are easily distinguishable. The contraction of voluntary muscle is best understood by the "sliding filament" theory. First, the muscle needs stimulation by an impulse from a motor nerve. Second, the actin and myosin filaments make contact to form a complex called Actomyosin. This complex can only be formed in the presence of calcium ions. Since the muscle fibers are organized into motor units, and each motor unit is controlled by a single motor neuron, all muscle fibers in a motor unit are stimulated at the same time. However, the whole muscle group is controlled by many different motor units that respond to different thresholds. Therefore, for a given muscle contraction, not all muscle fibers contract during the contraction phase (low efficiency of muscle mass usage).

    The LifeWave technology is a passive device composed of orthomolecular organic structures arranged parallel to the plane of human thermomagnetic rotation. The LifeWave device initiates an induced flow of electrons within the user, much in the same way that a generator produces electricity. This action improves the efficiency of muscle contraction by recruiting more calcium ions through attraction (allows for formation of actomyosin) and improves the efficiency of muscle mass usage (more muscle fibers in a group contract during the contraction phase). The end result is that within minutes of wearing the LifeWave device, the user becomes physically stronger.


    Users of the LifeWave device and technology have experienced immediate and demonstrable increases in physical stamina within minutes after wearing the LifeWave device. Actual results obtained from users have been as low as 8% improvements to as high as 400% improvements. The passive thermomagnetic frequency modulation of the LifeWave technology creates a condition in which the transport of long chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane for subsequent beta-oxidation and energy production is triggered or improved, thereby providing the user with increased energy and stamina.

    To understand how this phenomena could be possible, let us examine the metabolic process involving primary energy sources within the human body. For the purpose of this discussion, we shall focus on fatty acids, a hydrocarbon in which one of the hydrogen atoms has been replaced by a carboxyl group, also described as a monobasic aliphatic acid made up of an alkyl radical attached to a carboxyl group.

    Essential fatty acids - those that have been determined to be essential to maintain health and can not be synthesized by the human body - are by example the unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic.

    The metabolic role of fatty acids may be described in part in that fatty acids are one of the primary sources of energy for humans, and through Beta-Oxidation, are broken down into basic units of energy. Of interest here is that in order for this process to work, fatty acids need to enter the mitochondria for Beta-Oxidation, and they are unable to penetrate the inner mitochondrial membrane by themselves.

    In addition to lipid metabolism, the mitochondria is involved with protein synthesis, and by using either phase-contrast microscopy or electron microscopy, the mitochondrial filaments or rods are seen to be 0.5 micrometers in diameter. This information is significant in that in the LifeWave technology, materials and structures must be selected based upon the resonant and sympathetic frequencies of the mitochondria during both protein synthesis and lipid metabolism, while not interfering with the other primary objective of the technology, namely assisting in the recruitment of calcium ions to muscle fiber sites (for formation of actomyosin).

    In the human body, to overcome the problem of the inability of fatty acids to transport from the cytosol (soluble portion of the cell) across the mitochondrial membrane, it has been determined by several researchers that various nutrients are essential to transport long chain fatty acids from the cytosol across the mitochondrial membrane for fatty acid oxidation/metabolism and energy production.

    However, other methods - other than the use of nutrients - of assisting the fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane are possible. In experiments performed by the author, a method was discovered that involved an active energy source that is capable of both improving or increasing cell motility and cell metabolic rate. In this method, a function generator was utilized as a waveform source and multi-frequency input to a radio transmission unit. The radio transmitter was used to produce a high frequency carrier wave, while the function generator provided the "primary" frequencies of study. A linear amplifier was used to increase the transmitters output to about 300 watts, and the "antenna" in this system, which is used for transmitting the signal, is a high impedance plasma-producing receptacle.

    In operation, an in vitro analysis was performed in which various modulation frequencies were studied for there effects on cell motility and mitochondrial metabolic rate. In summary, it was discovered that by using this equipment in vitro, both cell motility and mitochondrial metabolic rate could be actively altered (either decreased or increased) with specific modulation frequencies (frequencies dependent upon type of cell being investigated, material being metabolized, etc.)

    To obtain the desirable effect of improving cell metabolism passively (specifically, increasing the rate of fatty acid Beta-Oxidation by allowing fatty acids to transport across the mitochondrial membrane) the author constructed a LifeWave device consisting of orthomolecular organic structures designed to passively interact with the human thermomagnetic field for the purpose of creating a system of thermomagnetic frequency modulation.

    In the experiment described above, the desired effect (increased cell metabolic rate) was accomplished actively by coupling the desired frequency to a high energy plasma source. In the LifeWave device, the desired frequency is obtained passively through material selection, material arrangement and material processing, with the device coupling to the human body by passive modulation of the human thermomagnetic field. The end result is that what has been observed by LifeWave users is dramatic improvements in stamina and energy levels within minutes of product use.

    As an example, in tests performed, users were asked to perform an exercise such as push-ups, Bench Press, Curl, etc. for 1 set and perform as many repetitions as possible. In all cases users were able to perform more repetitions when using LifeWave than without. A representative example would be one user who performed a Barbell Curl with 100 lbs. for 3 repetitions without LifeWave; the LifeWave patches were applied and worn for 1 minute, and then the user was able to perform 9 repetitions with the same 100 lbs.


    A group of over 50 individuals was selected from a broad cross section of the general population. Each individual volunteered to participate in a series of tests designed for the purpose of collecting initial preliminary data of the effectiveness of the LifeWave technology. (These tests are separate from independent lab tests). Some of the information desired from these tests included change in strength, change in stamina. As an initial indicator, a simple strength resistance test was administered to each individual by way of conventional physical therapy protocols eg. adduction of either arm. In every case, every individual demonstrated an improvement in strength while wearing the LifeWave device.

    In more quantitative studies, users were asked to perform tests using both hand dynamometers and free weights. As representative examples, one individual produced a nominal hand pressure of 140 lbs. in the control test, followed by 160 lbs. of hand pressure while wearing the LifeWave device. A representative example with free weights would be an individual who under control conditions achieved a bench press of 385 lbs., but after wearing the LifeWave device lifted 415 lbs.

    With respect to stamina improvements, gains of 25% and better were achieved by individuals while wearing the LifeWave device as compared with the control. As a representative example, an individual who could bench press 200 lbs. for 8 repetitions without the LifeWave device could now bench press the same weight 12 to 16 repetitions while wearing the LifeWave device.

    The phenomena as observed is not unusual or unknown in other devices; the way in which the LifeWave device has achieved these results is new and innovative. For example, in physical therapy electrical signals are utilized for the purpose of forcing voluntary muscle groups to contract under stimulation. These devices are commonly known as electrical or electronic muscle stimulators (EMS) and cause stimulated contraction and relaxation phases of muscle groups. In the LifeWave device, based on the mode of operation as presented, an improvement in net efficiency of total muscle mass utilized during a contraction phase may be achieved due to an increase in electron flow during the wave of electrochemical disturbances created by the nerve impulse (more motor units responding during a contraction phase).

    In studies that have been conducted with volunteers from a broad cross section of the general population, in each and every case users experienced an immediate increase in physical strength directly attributed to the LifeWave device.

    A REAL WORLD STUDY The following third party independent study was performed by Joseph A. Goodson MS, ATC, Head Athletic Trainer at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. A summary of the test and results follows.

    A group of 40 athletes were randomly selected to participate in a LifeWave test study. Athletes were divided into groups as follows: GROUP (1) consisted of 10 track and field athletes, and served as a control group; GROUP (2) consisted of 10 track and field athletes, and served as a test group for the LifeWave patches; GROUP (3) consisted of 10 football athletes, and served as a control group; GROUP (4) consisted of 10 football athletes, and served as a test group for the LifeWave patches.

    All athletes in all groups were first required to participate in a base line study, with said study to be used as a reference for comparison. The base line data was collected during the first week of the study for all athletes. The control and test studies were performed the following week for all groups.

    For the track and field athletes, the tests performed consisted of 90 minute sprint sessions. Each athlete was monitored for any potential adverse reaction such as abnormal change in heart rate, etc. during these tests. At the end of the tests, the athletes were asked to complete a questionnaire, and report - subjectively - how they felt during the sprint session and after the sprint session. Information of interest included how well the athlete was able to recover between sprints, any muscle cramping during or after sprints, soreness, and overall feelings of energy after the sessions were completed.

    For the football athletes, the tests performed consisted of 60 minute weight lifting sessions. Each athlete was monitored for any potential adverse reaction such as abnormal change in heart rate, etc. during these tests. The athletes performed weight lifting routines designed by the strength coaches, and consisted of exercises such as Bench Press, Dumbell Flys, Shoulder Press, Lat Pulldowns, etc., with each exercise being performed for 3 sets of 8 repetitions. During the tests, the athletes were asked to complete a questionnaire, and report - both objectively and subjectively - what results were obtained while performing the weight lifting exercises. Information of interest included how much weight the athlete was able to lift while performing the exercises, how well the athlete was able to recover between exercises, any muscle cramping, soreness, and overall feelings of energy after the weight lifting sessions were completed.

    In GROUP (1), the control group for the track and field athletes, there was no change noted in the athletes performance during the duration of the two week study. After each 90 minute sprint session, these athletes reported feeling tired, with most athletes experiencing muscle soreness after the sessions were completed.

    In GROUP (2) the test group for the track and field athletes that used the LifeWave patches, there was a significant difference in the athletes performance from the base line study to the test study. While using the LifeWave patches, all athletes (10/10) reported having more energy while sprinting, and recovering more quickly between sprints. In addition, the LifeWave users reported feeling energetic at the end of the sprint session, with little or no muscle cramping, and no soreness.

    In GROUP (3), the control group for the football athletes, there was no change noted in the athletes performance during the duration of the two week study. After each 60 minute weight lifting session, these athletes reported feeling fatigued and sore.

    In GROUP (4), the test group for the football athletes that used the LifeWave patches, there was a significant difference in the athletes performance from the base line study to the test study. While using the LifeWave patches, all athletes reported having more energy while weight lifting, as well as significant improvements in the amount of weight that they were able to lift. Some representative examples would include: Athlete # 1 performed Dumbell Flys with 65 lb. dumbells in the base line study for 3 sets of 8 reps, but when using the LifeWave patches performed Dumbell Flys with 80 lb. dumbells for 3 sets of 8 reps. Athlete # 2 performed a Bench Press with 185 lbs. in the base line study for 3 sets of 8 reps, but when using the LifeWave patches performed a Bench Press with 225 lbs. for 3 sets of 8 reps. Athlete # 3 performed a Lat Pulldown with 90 lbs. in the base line study for 3 sets of 8 reps, but when using the LifeWave patches performed a Lat Pulldown with 180 lbs. for 3 sets of 8 reps.


    In general, the LifeWave device may be applied virtually anywhere on the human body for the purpose of promoting a beneficial response. However, as an interesting note, the most effective locations appear to coincide with points as described in the system of acupuncture. Because acupuncture points typically coincide with locations of high electropotential - as discovered by Walter Rawls - this correlation is not surprising.

    For example, in all of the tests administered as cited, the LifeWave device was placed along the midline of the epigastric region in the depression located in the center of the chest. In acupuncture, this point is referred to "Shanzhong", and is described as being located along the Ren channel on the anterior midline, at the level of the fourth intercostal space. Additionally, a second point of interest for the placement of the LifeWave device would include the midline of the umbilical region; "Zhongji", 4 cun below the umbilicus, and the crossing point of the Ren channel.

    If the two patch system is utilized (white patch and tan patch), then the white patch is applied to the right forearm, and the tan patch is applied to the left forearm. It has been observed that in most individuals the LifeWave effect is more dramatic and pronounced with the two patch system as opposed to using only one patch (white only). This may be understood in terms of total surface area of exposure, as well as electron flow in one localized region as opposed to electron flow between two distant sites.


    For individuals who are new to LifeWave, there are numerous simple and quick tests that may be performed to demonstrate to the user the validity of the LifeWave technology. As one example, an individual would first perform an exercise such as push-ups for as many repetitions as possible (one set only; perform to failure). The user would then apply the LifeWave patches, wait a few minutes (or to recovery), and then perform the push-ups for as many repetitions as possible (one set only; to failure). What most individuals will find is that when wearing the LifeWave patches it is possible to perform more push-ups than without LifeWave. In fact, it is typical for users to exceed 25% improvements with this simple test.


    All materials used in the LifeWave patches have been clinically tested for safety and efficacy. Double Blind placebo controlled studies have been performed for the purpose of determining the effectiveness of these ingredients on athletic performance, namely strength and stamina improvements. In tests performed by LifeWave, over 99% of users experienced improvements in strength and/or stamina within minutes of using the product. In addition, most individuals who used LifeWave who suffered from some type of muscular ache or discomfort found relief within a period of from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. Further, all materials used in LifeWave products are listed under FDA 21 CFR, and manufactured at FDA registered facilities.


    In conclusion, based on the observed and reported beneficial effects that hundreds of users of the LifeWave devices have relayed to us, it is clear that a legitimate, beneficial and efficacious physiological augmentation of the motor unit response and voluntary muscular system is taking place, with the mode of operation of the LifeWave device being a new and valuable phenomena. As more data is collected by both LifeWave Products, LLC and third party laboratories, further insight into this augmentation phase will be achieved. LifeWave Products, LLC is dedicated to bringing the consumer only safe and valuable technologies that promote strength, stamina and wellness. Due to the LifeWave phenomena, the professional athlete, or any individual who desires increased strength or stamina may achieve these results within minutes of wearing the LifeWave device technology.


    While conducting undergrad and masters studies at Pace University during the 1980's, Mr. Schmidt received a grant from a private corporation in New Jersey for the purpose of investigating new and alternative therapies for immunogenic and non-immunogenic neuroblastomas. This work was performed in conjunction with the support of the Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia, and resulted in the discovery of a new method for selectively targeting C1300 and TBJ cancer cells without harming the host’s cells.

    Over the past 15 years, Mr. Schmidt has been a true innovator in the field of research and development. He has been credited with inventing such numerous intellectual properties as a biomimetic battery, organic plastic, novel ultrasonic probe designs, and new fuel cell anodes amongst others. He has not only developed new and patent pending methods for the production of Hydrogen gas on demand from water, but has also made contributions to the integration of these systems with multi-fuel combustion chambers and bladeless turbine engines.

    In addition, Mr. Schmidt is responsible for pioneering work conducted on behalf of the Navy for new methods of Oxygen generation. As a result of his innovations, he was invited to be part of the design team for the Navy’s next generation submarine.

    Amongst his awards, Mr. Schmidt has earned an honorary doctorate degree from the International Hall Of Fame for accomplishments in both genetics and metallurgy; he is also a former Board Of Directors member for NuPro Innovations, Inc., a publicly traded firm engaged in the sale of a proprietary metaphoric polymer.

    At this time, Mr. Schmidt serves as President of LifeWave Products, LLC. He is the principal investigator and inventor of the LifeWave technology.


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    ho tolto il link x la solita storia che il sito vendeva il prodotto e quindi era out dal regolamento, spero che così sia lo stesso by Drugo84

    non domandatemi se funziona perchè lo sta provando un mio amico....


    Last edited by Drugo84; 08-11-2004, 15:34:53.
    Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza (Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto 26:118).

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    • zigo zago (Padova)
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    beh.. in pratico sono dei cerotti transdermici con aminoacidi in forma nanotecnologica che posizionati in posizioni particolari aumentano fino al 30% la prestazione fisica.
    figo, se funzionasse

    Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza (Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto 26:118).


    • Steel77
      Bodyweb Advanced
      • Feb 2002
      • 73344
      • 2,282
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      • Italy [IT]
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