Aggiungo un commento a questa lettura, solo perche' lo trovo capace di dare un soffio di brezza e sollievo allo spirito. Purtroppo non ne trovo la versione italiana, cmq e' S. Giustino nel "Dialogo con Trifone"
My soul was impatient to learn what is the principle of philosophy and specific to it... Knowledge of incorporeal matters held me entirely captive; the contemplation of ideas gave wings to my thinking. In a short time, I considered that I had become wise, and I was even so stupid as to hope to see God immediately, for that is the goal of Plato's philosophy. In that state of mind... I was going towards an isolated place, where I was sure I would be alone, when an old man began to follow me...
My soul was impatient to learn what is the principle of philosophy and specific to it... Knowledge of incorporeal matters held me entirely captive; the contemplation of ideas gave wings to my thinking. In a short time, I considered that I had become wise, and I was even so stupid as to hope to see God immediately, for that is the goal of Plato's philosophy. In that state of mind... I was going towards an isolated place, where I was sure I would be alone, when an old man began to follow me...