2011 Briitish Grand Prix- Finals 202 , Flex Lewis.
(Topic in the Photo Gallery forum)
17-06-2011, 12:14:36
210 Kg di panca...un po' zozzi..e ragazzone grosso!!
(Topic in the Photo Gallery forum)
21-02-2008, 00:28:37
3 anni di allenamento [Video dei progressi youtube]
(Topic in the Photo Gallery forum)
10-12-2008, 16:20:33
3 nuovi video, allenamento bicipiti e nuove pose
(Topic in the Photo Gallery forum)
19-05-2008, 10:50:13
3Years Belli Saturi...MPB-foto di fine 2008-
(Topic in the Photo Gallery forum)
22-12-2008, 11:27:43
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