Leggevo Testosterone Magazine e mi sono imbattuto nel seguente paragrafo:
"If you're having a difficult time developing strength and/or size on one side relative to the other, you may have a nerve problem in the C6-T1 area of the spine. Check with a reputable chiropractor for an accurate diagnosis. Another possible cause could be adhesions on or between the forearm and hand muscles. Frequently, we abuse our gripping muscles with repetitive trauma throughout the day. This problem can be easily treated by an Active Release Technique practitioner"
Mi spiegate che relazione c'è tra forza e problema nervoso nella C6-T1?
"If you're having a difficult time developing strength and/or size on one side relative to the other, you may have a nerve problem in the C6-T1 area of the spine. Check with a reputable chiropractor for an accurate diagnosis. Another possible cause could be adhesions on or between the forearm and hand muscles. Frequently, we abuse our gripping muscles with repetitive trauma throughout the day. This problem can be easily treated by an Active Release Technique practitioner"
Mi spiegate che relazione c'è tra forza e problema nervoso nella C6-T1?