Alcool:perchè se bevete non crescete!

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  • Animal
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    Alcool:perchè se bevete non crescete!

    1: Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1997 Aug;21(5):792-8 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut

    Studies on the time-course of ethanol's acute effects on skeletal muscle protein synthesis: comparison with acute changes in proteolytic activity.

    Reilly ME, Mantle D, Richardson PJ, Salisbury J, Jones J, Peters TJ, Preedy VR.

    Department of Clinical Biochemistry, King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom.

    A study of the effects of ethanol on skeletal muscle protein synthesis and protease activities was carried out in young male Wistar rats (150 g) for up to 24 hr after a single intraperitoneal dose of 75 mmol of ethanol/kg of body weight. At 20 min, the mean blood ethanol levels were 448 mg/dl. This level dropped steadily to zero through the following 24 hr.

    So, this study basically looks at the effects of ethanol 24 hours
    after drinking it.

    Compared with pair-fed controls, significant reductions in total protein, RNA, and DNA contents were seen only after 24 hr in all skeletal muscles studied: changes were more marked in the muscles containing large proportions of type II fibers. In plantaris muscle, the fractional rate of protein synthesis (ks, %/day) did not fall 20 min after dosage but was reduced after 1 hr by 23% (p < 0.001), and by 63% after 24 hr, compared with control saline-injected rats (p < 0.001).

    So, let us see.......23% reduction in protein synthesis after
    1 hr and 63%!!!! after 24 hours.

    This effect was independent of dietary intake because,

    VERY IMPORTANT: Effect was independent of dietary intake.
    SO, even with a PERFECT diet, ethanol still wreaks HAVOC
    with your bodies anabolicity.

    compared with the pair-fed group, the 24-hr ethanol-treated rats still showed a 52% decrease in fractional rates of protein synthesis (p < 0.001). Smaller reductions in ks were seen in soleus muscles in response to ethanol at 24 hr (-39%, p < 0.001). The activities of a variety of lysosomal and nonlysosomal proteases in plantaris muscle of 24-hr treated rats were not significantly affected by ethanol. Only alanyl- and tripeptidyl-aminopeptidase activities were reduced significantly (26%, p < 0.05 and 39%, p < 0.01, respectively). These results suggest that the muscle compositional changes seen over acute periods of ethanol toxicity are predominantly associated with impaired synthesis of protein and that the contribution of cellular proteolytic systems may be minimal.


    The effects of ethanol on skeletal muscle protein metabolism are greater in muscles containing a predominance of type II fibers than in those containing mainly type I fibers.

    Type II fibers= LARGE muscle fibers for TRAINING.
    Type I=Fast twitch for activities like walking.

    Ethanol's effects on muscle may be influenced by hormonal changes after 24 hr, because protein synthesis is still compromised and free plasma T3 and corticosterone are altered at this time-point.

    Even worse, ethanol causes a HORMONAL shift. It increases
    estrogen through the up-regulation of the aromatase enzyme,
    lowers testosterone,increases cortisol and to boot reduces
    free T3 levels.

    PMID: 9267527 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • NaturalMan
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    Interessante ul alvoro freschissimo a riguardo:
    Alcohol Alcohol 2002 Mar-Apr;37(2):169-73
    Effects of acute alcohol intoxication on pituitary-gonadal axis hormones, pituitary-adrenal axis hormones, beta-endorphin and prolactin in human adults of both sexes.

    Frias J, Torres JM, Miranda MT, Ruiz E, Ortega E.

    - The effects of acute alcohol intoxication (AAI) on the pituitary-gonadal axis hormones, and the possible contribution of pituitary-adrenal axis hormones, beta-endorphin and prolactin to alcohol-induced dysfunction of pituitary-gonadal axis hormones were studied in adult men and women. Blood samples were drawn from adults of both sexes who arrived at the emergency department with evident behavioural symptoms of drunkenness (AAI) or from adult volunteers with nil consumption of alcohol (controls). Our results demonstrated that AAI produces a high increase in plasma prolactin, corticotropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH), and cortisol in adults of both sexes, a decrease in luteinizing hormone levels only in men, an increase in dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEAS) and a contradictory behaviour of testosterone according to gender, with increased plasma testosterone in women and a decrease in men. ACTH and prolactin correlated positively with cortisol, DHEAS and testosterone in women, which suggests that prolactin and ACTH could contribute to stimulated adrenal androgen production. In contrast, the decrease in testosterone and increase in beta-endorphin in men suggests that AAI could have an inhibitory effect on testicular testosterone, perhaps mediated by beta-endorphin. Our results suggest that the effect of alcohol on pituitary-gonadal axis hormones in humans could depend on the gender and degree of sexual maturity of the individual.

    Un altro bellissimo lavoro è quello che dimostra un decremento notturno dei livelli di TSH e del GH .... le sbornie del sabato sera sono da evitare perchè riducono la secrezione di GH un importante spinta anabolica!
    La secrezione di GH rimane ridotta o assente anche 8 ore dopo l'ingestione!!!!!!
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996 Jul;81(7):2627-32
    Ethanol decreases nocturnal plasma levels of thyrotropin and growth hormone but not those of thyroid hormones or prolactin in man.
    Ekman AC, Vakkuri O, Ekman M, Leppaluoto J, Ruokonen A, Knip M.

    Previous studies on the effects of ethanol on circulating pituitary hormones have been carried out mostly during daytime when the secretion of these hormones is generally at a nadir. Therefore, we studied the effects of ethanol on the nocturnal secretion of GH, PRL, TSH, and thyroid hormones (protocol I, nine healthy subjects, five women) and on the TSH and PRL responses to synthetic TRH (protocol II, healthy subjects, four women). Ethanol was given in doses of 0, 0.5 or 1.0 g/kg of BW(protocol I) and 0 or 1.0 g/kg (protocol II) and ingested po at 1900-1945 h. In protocol I, plasma GH rose from 0.6 +/- 0.2 microgram/L (mean +/- SE) at 2200 h to 25.0 +/- 4.3 micrograms/L at 0100 h in control subjects and was almost completely inhibited at 4.5 +/- 1.7 micrograms/L at 0100 h in subjects receiving 1.0 g/kg ethanol (P < 0.01). In subjects receiving 0.5 g/kg ethanol, the inhibition was also significant (P < 0.01), plasma GH being 8.2 +/- 2.5 micrograms/L at 0100 h. Plasma GHRH was measured after solid phase separation in RIA, but it did not show any ethanol-related changes. Plasma PRL exhibited a clear diurnal rhythm in control subjects and rose from 77 +/- 16 at 1800 h to 248 +/- 62 micrograms/L at 0700 h (P < 0.01). The plasma PRL profile was not affected by ethanol. Plasma TSH was 1.4 +/- 0.2 mU/L at 1800-2200 h and rose to 2.3-2.4 mU/L for 0100-0700 h (P < 0.001) in the control subjects. Ethanol 1.0 g/kg suppressed plasma TSH to 1.4 +/- 0.2 mU/L (P < 0.05 at 0100 h and P < 0.01 at 0200 h). According to the area under the curve analyses, the suppression in the nocturnal TSH was 32% in the 0.5 g/kg group and 45% in the 1.0 g/kg group (P < 0.05 for both cases). Circulating free or total T3 and T4 did not show any statistically significant changes that could explain the ethanol-induced inhibition in the nocturnal TSH peak. In protocol II, synthetic TRH (1 microgram/kg BW) was given intravenously, and blood samples were collected before, at 20 and 60 min. TRH significantly stimulated plasma TSH and PRL, but ethanol (1.0 g/kg BW) had no effect on these responses. In conclusion, small amounts of ethanol have unexpectedly great effects on nocturnal surges of TSH, and especially on those of GH, that are apparently mediated by suprapituitary mechanisms. On the other hand, ethanol did not affect the nocturnal PRL surge. These inhibitory effects of ethanol may have unfavorable effects on growth and metabolism in adolescent drinkers.

    Se trovo posto un altro studio che associava l'assunzione id alcool e l'esercizio fisico...dove si parlava di interferenza dell'alcool su un altro ormone anabolico il testosterone e tossicità dell'alcool per le cells di Leydig dei testicoli!

    Qualcosina la trovate anche sul mio sito :

    Last edited by NaturalMan; 03-04-2002, 23:59:59.



    • Will
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      Ok ma... un riassuntino in italiano?


      • MISTER X
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        Originally posted by Will
        Ok ma... un riassuntino in italiano?


        • Animal
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          L'alcol abbassa il testosterone,limita la funzione sessuale(lh ed fsh)e alza gli estrogeni aumentando l'attività dell'enzima aromatasi.
          Abbassa il gh pure.
          Questo per dirlo in 4 righe.


          • donpablo
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            Anche in piccole dosi??? TIpo due bicchieri di vino al giorno o roba simile? Vabe' che sono astemio, pero' mi interessa...
            Qualcuno ha visto i miei polpacci???


            • Caesar
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              Raga ma che ***** state a dì e io che sono sommelier che faccio mi sparo? Magari tutta questa roba succede con quantità industriali di alcool... O no?


              • Eagle
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                Etanolo in dosi moderate

                L'etanolo (alcol) in dosi elevate, intossicazioni, sbornie, fa praticamente solo cose negative, sui muscoli, ormoni, etc (qualche cosa di buono comunque ci sara' altrimenti .....)

                In dosi moderate pare pero' che non faccia poi cosi' male:

                - effetto protettivo contro le malettie cardiovascolari
                - incremento della sensiblita' all'insulina del muscolo skeletrico
                - probabile aumento dei capillari muscolari
                - aumento di una serie di fattori di crescita
                - potrebbe aiutare le donne obese a perdere grasso
                - altro (leggetevi gli articoli)

                J Appl Physiol 2002 Mar;92(3):1176-82
                Acute ethanol increases angiogenic growth factor gene expression in rat skeletal muscle.

                Gavin TP, Wagner PD.

                Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0623, USA.

                Moderate ethanol consumption demonstrates a protective effect against cardiovascular disease and improves insulin sensitivity, possibly through angiogenesis. We investigated whether 1) ethanol would increase skeletal muscle growth factor gene expression and 2) the effects of ethanol on skeletal muscle growth factor gene expression were independent of exercise-induced growth factor gene expression. Female Wistar rats were used. Four groups (saline + rest; saline + exercise; 17 mmol/kg ethanol + rest; and 17 mmol/kg ethanol + exercise) were used to measure the growth factor response to acute exercise and ethanol administration. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), Flt-1, and Flk-1 mRNA were analyzed from the left gastrocnemius by quantitative Northern blot. Ethanol increased VEGF, TGF-beta(1), bFGF, and Flt-1 mRNA at rest and after acute exercise. Ethanol increased resting Flk-1 mRNA. Ethanol increased bFGF mRNA independently of exercise. These findings suggest that 1) ethanol can increase skeletal muscle angiogenic growth factor gene expression and 2) the mechanisms responsible for the ethanol-induced increases in VEGF, TGF-beta(1), and Flt-1 mRNA appear to be different from those responsible for exercise-induced regulation.

                Therefore, these results provide evidence in adult rat tissue that the protective cardiovascular effects of moderate ethanol consumption may result in part through the increase of angiogenic growth factors.

                Med Hypotheses 2001 Sep;57(3):405-7
                Does regular ethanol consumption promote insulin sensitivity and leanness by stimulating AMP-activated protein kinase?

                McCarty MF.

                Pantox Laboratories, San Diego, California 92109, USA.

                There is good reason to believe that regular moderate alcohol consumption promotes insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle; conceivably, this benefits the protective effects of moderate drinking on vascular health and risk for obesity and diabetes. The mechanism responsible for alcohol's insulin-sensitizing activity remains obscure. As a working hypothesis, it is proposed that metabolism of acetate in peripheral tissues generates sufficient levels of AMP to temporarily stimulate the AMP-activated protein kinase, which in turn induces the synthesis of certain long-lived proteins that act to boost insulin sensitivity and possibly aid the efficiency of fat oxidation as well.

                Med Hypotheses 2000 May;54(5):794-7
                The insulin-sensitizing activity of moderate alcohol consumption may promote leanness in women.

                McCarty MF.

                Pantox Laboratories, San Diego, USA.

                Cross-sectional epidemiology reveals that women who drink alcohol regularly and moderately, on average, tend to have a decidedly lower body-mass index (BMI) than non-drinking women, despite slightly higher caloric intakes. In men, moderate drinkers are no heavier than non-drinkers, yet they consume considerably more calories. The thermogenic effect which this implies is not explained by the modest acute thermic effect of ethanol ingestion. However, there is indirect evidence that regular alcohol consumption has an insulin-sensitizing effect on skeletal muscle that down-regulates insulin secretion. Decreased insulin activity on adipocytes and the liver may discourage fat storage and promote hepatic mechanisms of ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and associated thermogenesis, thus possibly accounting for the relative leanness of female drinkers. The possibility that prescribing moderate alcohol intake could aid weight control in non-drinking overweight females should receive clinical evaluation.
                The impact of moderate drinking on risk for diabetes in women appears to be quite dramatic.
                Io credo nelle persone, però non credo nella maggioranza delle persone. Mi sa che mi troverò sempre a mio agio e d'accordo con una minoranza.

                NEUROPROLOTERAPIA - la nuova cura per problemi articolari e muscolari. Mininvasiva ma soprattutto, che funziona!


                • Caesar
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                  Re: Etanolo in dosi moderate

                  Grande Eagle mi hai rincuorato. Spero che non si diffonda questa storia delle donne obese non vorrei beccarmi qualche insulto per aver consigliato qualche vino di troppo.


                  • miketyson
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                    ottimo post!

                    interessante..........cosi dovro rimunciare alle mie pinte di birra rossa al sabato sera! beh forse è un bene,d'altronde alcool e fumo sono 2 vizi di M....
                    Alboreto is nothing


                    • carlo2002
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                      BONA LA BIRRAA...

                      Non sapendo ne leggere ne scrivere (ne tantomeno tradurre dall'inglese...che accanimento eagle, eh?) suggerisco un semplice esperimento che la dice lunga sugli effetti dell'alcool sulla capacità anaerobica:

                      1. autovalutatevi su un sollevamento massimale a caso (panca, stacco o squat): tocca essere ovviamente freschi di forze, ben riscaldati e ...SOBRI! Ricordatevi il peso spostato...

                      2. Ripetere la prova a distanza di qualche giorno, nelle stesse condizioni fisiche, ma dopo aver tracannato 50cc di birra (ghiacciata e spumosa va giu che è un piacere...) e dopo avere aspettato mezz'oretta...però non bisogna lasciarsi influenzare dai post e dai commenti precedenti...

                      Il peso spostato sarà superiore, uguale o inferiore al proprio 1RM?
                      ...posteribus sententiam arduam


                      • body2
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                        Ma tutti sti danni li fà solo il whisky, brandy, vino ecc o anche la birra?
                        Nel senso se al sabato mi bevo 3-4 birre medie gli ormoni vanno giu lo stesso?
                        "Deve essere bello morire facendo ciò che ti piace"

                        Estratto dal film Point Break


                        • carlo2002
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                          ehi puoi sempre berti una birretta analcolica


                          • body2
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                            seeee e che piacere c'è ehhe
                            "Deve essere bello morire facendo ciò che ti piace"

                            Estratto dal film Point Break


                            • Body80
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                              Con la birra i si gonfia pure lo stomaco e l'addome tirato TE LO SOGNIIIIIII!

                              THIBEZERRA fan club TEZZERA n.1

