Paragonando due "schede" diverse solo per il numero dei set per esercizio: uno (1S) o tre (3S).
Can J Appl Physiol 1997 Jun;22(3):244-55
Hormonal responses of multiset versus single-set heavy-resistance exercise protocols.
Gotshalk LA, Loebel CC, Nindl BC, Putukian M, Sebastianelli WJ, Newton RU, Hakkinen K, Kraemer WJ.
Center for Sports Medicine, Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802, USA.
The purpose of this study was to compare serum growth hormone (GH), testosterone (T), cortisol (C), and whole blood lactate (L) responses to single set (1S) versus multiple set (3S) heavy-resistance exercise protocols. Eight recreationally weight-trained men completed two identical resistance exercise workouts (1S vs. 3S).
Blood was obtained:
preexercise (PRE),
immediately postexercise (OP),
5 min postexercise (5P),
15 min postexercise (15P),
30 min postexercise (30P)
and 60 min postexercise (60P)
and was analyzed for:
GH levels,
T levels,
C levels,
L levels.
For 1S and 3S, GH, L, and T significantly increased from PRE to OP and remained significantly elevated to 60P, except for 1S.
For GH, T, and L, 3S showed significantly greater increases compared to 1S.
For C, 3S and 1S were increased significantly from resting at OP, 5P, and 15P; 3S increased compared to 1S at 5P, 15P and 30P.
Higher volumes of total work produce significantly greater increases in circulating anabolic hormones during the recovery phase following exercise.
Concludono che le serie multiple producono un incremento degli ormoni anabolici (naturali) SIGNIFICATIVAMENTE maggiore della serie singola.
Parrebbe un punto a favore delle serie multiple, ma sarebbe importante poter fare i rapporti vari (T/C, etc.) avendo a disposizione l'articolo completo.
Qualche volontario che vada in una biblioteca e lo trovi, oppure abbia la possiblita' di recuperarlo via internett tramite qualche banca dati (a pagamento)?
Can J Appl Physiol 1997 Jun;22(3):244-55
Hormonal responses of multiset versus single-set heavy-resistance exercise protocols.
Gotshalk LA, Loebel CC, Nindl BC, Putukian M, Sebastianelli WJ, Newton RU, Hakkinen K, Kraemer WJ.
Center for Sports Medicine, Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802, USA.
The purpose of this study was to compare serum growth hormone (GH), testosterone (T), cortisol (C), and whole blood lactate (L) responses to single set (1S) versus multiple set (3S) heavy-resistance exercise protocols. Eight recreationally weight-trained men completed two identical resistance exercise workouts (1S vs. 3S).
Blood was obtained:
preexercise (PRE),
immediately postexercise (OP),
5 min postexercise (5P),
15 min postexercise (15P),
30 min postexercise (30P)
and 60 min postexercise (60P)
and was analyzed for:
GH levels,
T levels,
C levels,
L levels.
For 1S and 3S, GH, L, and T significantly increased from PRE to OP and remained significantly elevated to 60P, except for 1S.
For GH, T, and L, 3S showed significantly greater increases compared to 1S.
For C, 3S and 1S were increased significantly from resting at OP, 5P, and 15P; 3S increased compared to 1S at 5P, 15P and 30P.
Higher volumes of total work produce significantly greater increases in circulating anabolic hormones during the recovery phase following exercise.
Concludono che le serie multiple producono un incremento degli ormoni anabolici (naturali) SIGNIFICATIVAMENTE maggiore della serie singola.
Parrebbe un punto a favore delle serie multiple, ma sarebbe importante poter fare i rapporti vari (T/C, etc.) avendo a disposizione l'articolo completo.
Qualche volontario che vada in una biblioteca e lo trovi, oppure abbia la possiblita' di recuperarlo via internett tramite qualche banca dati (a pagamento)?
