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Susan K Fried and Salome P Rao 1 From the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (SKF and SPR), and the Division of Gerontology, Department of Medicine and the GRECC, Baltimore VA Medical Center, Baltimore (SKF).
2 Presented at the Sugars and Health Workshop, held in Washington, DC, September 18–20, 2002. Published proceedings edited by David R Lineback (University of Maryland, College Park) and Julie Miller Jones (College of St Catherine, St Paul).
3 Manuscript preparation supported by ILSI NA.
4 Address reprint requests to SK Fried, Division of Gerontology, Department of Medicine, University of Maryland at Baltimore, VA Medical Center (BT/GR/18), 10 North Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. E-mail: sfried@grecc.umaryland.edu.

Key Words: WORDSSucrose • fructose • diet • obesity • metabolic syndrome

The focus here is on the effects of dietary sugars in the context of diets recommended for lowering CVD risk, specifically with regard to the following issues: 1) What is the independent effect of dietary sugars on fasting and fed concentrations of serum triacylglycerol? 2) Do other dietary factors (eg, amount and type of fat, composition of other dietary carbohydrates, fiber) modify the hypertriglyceridemic effects of high-sugars meals or diets, and what amount of sucrose can be incorporated into healthy diets without deleterious effects on the serum lipoprotein profile? 3) Does the rate of absorption of dietary carbohydrate [reflected in the glycemic index (GI)] affect circulating triacylglycerol? 4) Does abdominal obesity influence the metabolic effects of diets that are high in total carbohydrate or high in sugars? 5) What mechanisms underlie the apparently greater responsiveness of abdominally or viscerally obese individuals to the hypertriglyceridemic effects of high-carbohydrate and high-sugars diets? 6) Can exercise diminish the hypertriglyceridemic effects of diets that are high in sugars?
As shown in Figure 1

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FIGURE 1. Interrelations of sugar and triacylglycerol (TG) metabolism. When available, dietary fructose is rapidly taken up by the liver, where it can be converted to glycerol-3-phosphate (G-3-P), favoring esterification of unbound fatty acids (FA) to form TGs. The TG is then packaged with apolipoprotein B (apoB) and secreted into plasma as VLDL particles. Although de novo synthesis of FAs from glucose or fructose increases with very high carbohydrate intake, the pathway makes only a minor contribution to VLDL synthesis. High rates of lipolysis in visceral adipose depots can also increase the availability of FAs from adipose tissue lipolysis and promote hepatic TG synthesis. The TG is normally cleared by lipoprotein lipase into muscle and adipose tissue.
The increased fasting triacylglycerol concentration associated with high dietary sucrose is accounted for by accumulation of atherogenic triacylglycerol-rich remnants. Sucrose may increase hepatic triacylglycerol synthesis and VLDL production and also decrease the catabolism of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (14). Rates of hepatic triacylglycerol synthesis would be expected to be highest when the supply of fatty acids to the liver is also high. The likely sources of fatty acids are adipocyte lipolysis and the uptake of triacylglycerol-rich remnant particles. It is also possible that triacylglycerol stored within lipid droplets in hepatocytes can be used for VLDL synthesis. Moreover, the supply of fatty acids modulates the packaging of triacylglycerol into VLDL. The provision of fatty acids decreases apolipoprotein B degradation and therefore promotes VLDL production (15). The role of insulin in determining hepatic triacylglycerol and VLDL production is controversial, appearing to be acutely inhibitory but chronically stimulatory (16–18). High-sugars diets also modify the rate of clearance of circulating triacylglycerol (13). Because the high-sugars diets increase concentrations of VLDL, these particles may compete for hydrolysis by lipoprotein lipase, which delays the clearance of chylomicrons and accounts for their presence in fasted serum (19). The higher affinity of lipoprotein lipase than of VLDL for chylomicrons may also be a factor in determining the relative rates of triacylglycerol clearance in these lipoprotein fractions (20). Although high-sugars diets increase de novo fatty acid synthesis by the liver, the absolute rate is too low to account for the elevated triacylglycerol production (21). Effects are similar in lean and obese subjects (22).

Several recent studies examined the independent effect of dietary sucrose on serum lipids in the context of diets that contain moderate quantities of total carbohydrate and fat. Marckmann et al (29) and Raben et al (30) tested the effects of high sucrose (23% of energy) or low sucrose (2.5% of energy) in a diet with 29% of energy from fat and 59% of energy from carbohydrate for 2 wk in healthy, nonobese women. Diets were fed ad libitum, and the subjects were allowed to eat to satiety. Both diets increased serum triacylglycerol concentrations more than the control high-fat (46% of energy from fat, 21% of energy from saturated fat) diet did. However, the high-sucrose diet produced significantly higher concentrations of fasting and nonfasting triacylglycerol than did the low-sucrose diets (29). These data led Marckmann et al to conclude that their short-term results indicated that high-carbohydrate diets in which a high amount of sucrose is substituted for saturated fat are not advisable. However, no information is available on whether more moderate quantities of sucrose (> 2.3% but < 23% of energy) also increase serum triacylglycerol concentrations. Further studies of the dose-response for the effect of sucrose on serum triacylglycerols in the context of moderate carbohydrate diets are needed to guide policy recommendations.
Data from Hudgins et al (31) using liquid or solid diets show that sucrose increases serum triacylglycerol concentrations, but starch does not. Thus, the design of many studies of total carbohydrate and serum triacylglycerols are somewhat confounded by the covariation of sugars and total carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate is increased whereas the ratio of sugars to total carbohydrate is kept constant (21). For example, Reaven’s group has consistently reported increased fasting and postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations with diets with 60% of energy from carbohydrate than with diets with 40% of energy from carbohydrate in which the ratio of sugars to starch was constant at one-third of the total (32). The intake of total sugars in the high-carbohydrate group was 18% of energy, compared with 12% of energy in the low-carbohydrate group, and the intake of sucrose was 8% of energy and 12% of energy, respectively. Although neither of these diets is considered high in sucrose (ie,

Knowledge is limited about the effect of high-carbohydrate or high-sugars diets on serum triacylglycerol concentrations in children. A recent report showed no significant effect of increasing dietary fructose from 6% of energy to 24% of energy in a diet with 60% of energy from total carbohydrate or of increasing total carbohydrate from 30% of energy to 60% of energy in children or adolescents (37). However, some persons did show exaggerated responses, and further research is needed to identify the underlying mechanisms and the prevalence of high-responders in these age groups.

The hypertriglyceridemic effects of high-sugars, high-carbohydrate diets may dissipate with time
The long-term effects of high-sucrose and high-starch diets were tested in the Carbohydrate Ration Management in European National diets (CARMEN) study (43). This 6-mo, multicenter, randomized controlled trial compared the effects of a 10% increase in each carbohydrate source (and a 10% decrease in total fat) in 398 moderately obese men and women [average body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2): 30]. This study was well-controlled, in that most foods were purchased in a special shop, which enhanced compliance while allowing for more of a real-life situation. The low-fat, high-sucrose group increased their intake of sucrose by 33 g (8%) to

The importance of the small weight loss in preventing the expected increase in serum triacylglycerol concentrations in the CARMEN trial was supported by Schaefer et al (44) in a study of obese men. Similarly, Kasim-Karakas et al (45) reported that postmenopausal women consuming a high-carbohydrate diet with 15% of energy from fat that emphasized starches were able to maintain a significant weight loss and did not have increased triacylglycerol concentrations. Taken together, these studies indicate that, in highly compliant and motivated patients, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets containing low or high amounts of sucrose can be followed over the long term without detrimental effects on fasting serum triacylglycerol (or HDL) concentrations (43). Nevertheless, it will be important to investigate further the effects of long-term consumption of high carbohydrate with various contents of sugars on postprandial serum triacylglycerol concentrations and on the apolipoprotein composition and atherogenicity of the triacylglycerol-rich particles.
Hypertriglyceridemic effects of high-sugars diets may be sex specific
Fructose is considered the most hypertriglyceridemic sugar and is thought to account for the hypertriglyceridemic effect of sucrose (46). The addition of a large amount of fructose (17% of energy) to foods increased day-long plasma triacylglycerol concentrations by 32% in healthy lean men after 6 wk (47). However, there was no effect of this high-fructose diet in healthy lean women, which suggests that there is a pronounced sex difference in fructose metabolism, and this possibility should be considered in the design of all future studies.
Metabolic effects of fructose depend on the dose
In contrast to the effect of chronic consumption of high amounts of dietary fructose, low amounts of fructose added to a glucose load improved the area under the glucose curve during a tolerance test without affecting the triacylglycerol response (48). Most, if not all, studies to date used either sucrose or pure fructose. High-fructose corn syrups have replaced sucrose in many applications over the past 20 y. Despite the name, most of the high-fructose corn syrup used is similar in composition to sucrose, and thus its metabolic effects should also be similar (49). Future studies on the effects of fructose should consider the source and dietary form of fructose (solid food or beverage) and the sex-, genetics-, and obesity-related differences in responsiveness.