si goku...faccelo vedere.....
Se vi dicessi che Skip Lacour e' natural??
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Originariamente Scritto da flexer77direi che tu nn hai i dorsali cosí larghi frontalmente!.... vabuò l'omino è stilizzato e dovevo evidenziare il rapporto vita spalle... cmq posso dirti che sono +2Kgin un mesetto post gainer (sia ciccia che muscoli)
......ok, se vi interessa vi posto la risposta che Skip Lacour ha dato ad un tipo che sul suo forum lo accusava direttamente di non essere natural:
<TABLE class=windowbg2 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" bgColor=#f8f8f8><TBODY><TR><TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=top width="80%" bgColor=#f8f8f8 height="100%">*No one can get that big drug free
*No one can get that ripped drug free
*He has that steroids "look"
*Have you noticed how his jaw line has changed over the years? (it has?)
*He has a human growth hormone gut (I do?)
*He has an outty belly button (which I don't)--an obvious sign of steroid
*I am friends with a guy who used to train with him and Skip openly admitted he uses steroids to him
*I know the guy who sells him his drugs
*He uses growth hormone. There's no test for growth hormone.
*Anyone can beat a polygraph
*Anyone can beat a urine test
*He just cycles off the drugs in enough time to beat the test
*For the Team Universe and Musclemania, you only have to be drug free for one year. (even though I've done the TU all 10 YEARS and the Musclemania the year befoe all of those!)
*If he doesn’t use them now, he’s obviously used them in the past
*He takes prohormones. Everyone know prohormones are exactly the same thing as steroids!
*I know a guy who knows a guy who guy a guy who...
*All those guys in the Team Universe take drugs
*He can't admit he uses steroids or he'll lose his endorsement contracts
*He being drug free is a marketing scheme. But I have to give it to him, he's great marketer and smart businessman (gee, thanks)
and to top it off...
*He has poor genetics. That why he takes drugs and only looks as good as he does.
*He only uses moderate doses
*He just doesn't respond to the drugs like regular guys
But it used to be.....
*He's all genetics...he's a genetic freak
And the latest and greatest I heard...
I recently had an operation to have scar tissue removed from my shoulder. When I asked the guy why in the world I would have to do that he said "Because the shoulders are great injection spots for injecting steroids. I guess I had a abscess that formed.
Hmmmm......10 years at the top...I've think I've heard them all about 1 million times each!
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=bottom bgColor=#f8f8f8><TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>« Last Edit: Jan 23<SUP>rd</SUP>, 2004, 3:14pm by Skip La Cour »</TD><TD align=right>IP Logged</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><HR class=hr width="100%" SIZE=1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
......cosa ne pensate? metto anche la frase del tipo che lo accusa:
Hey guys do you think Skip is natural? Just kidding. That's all they talk about on the other message boards. In all serious though, wouldn't you guys like to see weight classes in the IFBB. I would. It would give smaller guys like Farnsworth and Raymond a chance to do well in the pros whiel still staying drug freeLast edited by mich74; 13-02-2004, 12:56:57.
Originariamente Scritto da mich74......cosa ne pensate? metto anche la frase del tipo che lo accusa:
Hey guys do you think Skip is natural? Just kidding. That's all they talk about on the other message boards. In all serious though, wouldn't you guys like to see weight classes in the IFBB. I would. It would give smaller guys like Farnsworth and Raymond a chance to do well in the pros whiel still staying drug free
Credo che se fosse natural non avrebbe quel volume denso e plastico..visto il livello di definizione mostrato...drammaticamente con volumi assolutamente NON possibili in maniera naturale.Tutti noi sappimo benissimo che se uno si tira in quel modo...e credetemi è difficile da ottenere QUEL livello...mi riferisco alla foto 1 e 3...non riesce assolutamente ad avere ancora..nonostante tutto..quella densità...
io l'ho visto dal vivo,andavamo al mare insiaeme,eravamo vicini di ombrellone.naturalissimo!a mezzogiorno mangiava 3/4 di pane con mezzo kilo di nutella,alle 17.00 mangiava peperoni all'insalata.di sera si mantenava leggero..."zukkine a skipece"e nu ruot e mulignan a parmigiana,proprio nu brav guaglion.