Ahahahahahah ma chi è???
The Aesthetics Crew
Restiamo ai personaggi seri e con fisici commentabili....ma di noi
sopra una sola teca di cristallo
popoli studiosi scriveranno
forse, tra mille inverni
«nessun vincolo univa questi morti
nella necropoli deserta»
C. Campo - Moriremo Lontani
Originariamente Scritto da DNP Visualizza Messaggio[ATTACH=CONFIG]125979[/ATTACH]"Solo un vero maestro può avere l'umiltà di restare un eterno allievo."
Originariamente Scritto da blackshark Visualizza MessaggioVedendo le foto fa piuttosto cagare, sembra cesko (anche se non capisco perché tu lo abbia citato)Originariamente Scritto da Seanfaccini, kazzi, fike, kuli
Originariamente Scritto da uruk Visualizza Messaggiotornando ai fitness model più "leggeri", cosa ne pensate di scott herman? su youtube ha decine di video su allenamenti/alimentazione etc. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126024[/ATTACH]
P.s. : riguardo al nuovo video di Zyzz che Chestbrah aveva detto di rilasciare a metà Settembre , ci sono delle novità :
" Still chasing a few people for unseen footage off their phones and cameras. Will need to make another trip to melbourne to collaborate with absthetics (stephen bornstein) into piecing the video together, and still need to record the final scene to the video so i am estimating another month before it is to be released.
Please be patient, the more time and effort put into the video the better it will be. This is the last unseen footage i have left of Zyzz so this video is extra special to me so it has to be perfect. So far i can say its better in my opinion than the legacy video and alot more personal and more of a documentary style video.
The video encompasses lots of new ideas that the legacy video didnt cover and the video will show a side to zyzz not many people have seen. Thats all the spoilers for now, get the word out and i will get this finished in a month! Thankyou for your time. "
- ChestbrahEmail non valida
Originariamente Scritto da phEEEz Visualizza MessaggioSecondo me manca di ampiezza nel dorso ..
P.s. : riguardo al nuovo video di Zyzz che Chestbrah aveva detto di rilasciare a metà Settembre , ci sono delle novità :
" Still chasing a few people for unseen footage off their phones and cameras. Will need to make another trip to melbourne to collaborate with absthetics (stephen bornstein) into piecing the video together, and still need to record the final scene to the video so i am estimating another month before it is to be released.
Please be patient, the more time and effort put into the video the better it will be. This is the last unseen footage i have left of Zyzz so this video is extra special to me so it has to be perfect. So far i can say its better in my opinion than the legacy video and alot more personal and more of a documentary style video.
The video encompasses lots of new ideas that the legacy video didnt cover and the video will show a side to zyzz not many people have seen. Thats all the spoilers for now, get the word out and i will get this finished in a month! Thankyou for your time. "
- Chestbrah