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Dexter Jackson
---------- Post added at 18:11:03 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36:56 ----------
2012 Flex Pro: Shawn Rhoden-1 Day Out
2012 Flex Pro: Stan Efferding 1 Day Out
2012 Flex Pro: Lionel Brown
2012 Flex Pro: Eduardo Correa: 1 Day Out
2012 Flex Pro: Fouad Abiad: 1 Day Out
2012 Flex Pro: Lionel Beyeke-1 Day Out
Last edited by PaBloS94; 18-02-2012, 15:41:37.
Bull Mentula road to FIBO PRO 2012
---------- Post added at 18:41:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:40:11 ----------
Ho trovato un sito dove trasmetteranno l'Arnlod Classic ma per motivi di spam penso di non poterlo linkare..."Solo un vero maestro può avere l'umiltà di restare un eterno allievo."
Originariamente Scritto da IDDU Visualizza Messaggiosvenatissimo .... ma separazione muscolare
proprio non mi piace
---------- Post added at 19:01:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44:42 ----------
Flex PRO, prime foto
Last edited by BB_fixed; 18-02-2012, 20:04:35."Solo un vero maestro può avere l'umiltà di restare un eterno allievo."
Roelly Winklaar
---------- Post added at 20:05:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54:49 ----------
Phil Heath & Hide Yamaghishi
Jay Cutler
---------- Post added at 21:28:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05:15 ----------
Mark Dugdale
King Kamali
---------- Post added at 22:16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28:25 ----------
Dopo Dexter....
Branch Warren 3 weeks out
First call out (Orribile angolatura)
Second call out
Lionel Beyeke vince il Flex Pro 2012..... un altro successo per Rambod considerando anche il terzo posto di Abiad
2012 FLEX PRO FINAL Written Report
IFBB Pro Men
2012 FLEX PRO FINAL Written Report
IFBB Pro Men
1. Lionel Beyeke
2. Ben Pakulski
3. Fouad Abiad
4. Shawn Rhoden
5. Eduardo Correa
6.Grigori Atoyan
7.Lionel Brown
8.Omar Deckard
9.Constantinos Demetriou
10.Mark Dugdale
11.Stan Efferding
12.Oleg Emelyanov
13.DeShaun Grimez
14.Rusty Jeffers
15.JoJo Ntiforo
16.Vladimir Sizov
17Mehmet Yildirim
Pro Fitness
1. Adela Garcia
2. Oksana Grishina
3. Myriam Capes
Jodi Boam
Bethany Cisternino
Allison Ethier
Paula Williams-Gulman
Vanda Hadarean
Tanji Johnson
Michele Mayberry
Camala Rodriguez
Sheri Vucick
Flex Pro Final Wrap Up with Shawn, Flex and Sean
Qualche intervista fatta dal team Muscular Development:
- Flex Pro Fitness Winner Adela Garcia
- Lionel "L-Train" Brown Interview after the 2012 Flex Pro
- Interview with Troy Alves at the Flex Pro
- 2012 Flex Pro Final Wrap Up with Shawn Ray, Flex Wheeler
- Lionel Beyeke Wins 2012 Flex Pro!
- 2012 FLEX PRO FINAL Report
Pre-Judging Video Wrap Up Posted!
- Hany Rambod, Flex Wheeler and Chris Cormier talk Pre-Judging
- Todd Jewell with Shawn Ray at the 2012 Flex Pro
- Stan McQuay with Shawn Ray at the 2012 Flex Pro
- Eduardo Correa after Pre-Judging at the 2012 Flex Pro
- Omar Deckard after Pre-Judging at the 2012 Flex Pro
- Mark Dugdale after Pre-Judging at the 2012 FLex Pro
- 2012 Flex Pro Pre-judging Wrap Up with Flex, Shawn and Sean
- 2012 FLEX PRO Pre-Judging Report
P.S. Cliccando sulla scritta verrete indirizzate o alle foto degli atleti o al servizio corrispondente
---------- Post added at 09:16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 09:07:00 ----------
2012 Flex Pro Prejedgment
Fouad Abiad
Lionel Beyeke
Ben Pakulski
Stan Efferding
Deshawn Grimez
Eduardo Correa
Shawn Rhoden
Rusty Jeffers
Lionel Brown
---------- Post added at 09:18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 09:16:47 ----------
Usciamo un pò dal Flex pro per darvi qualche altro aggiornamento su...
Evan Centopani
Evan Centopani Turtures Quads 19 Days Out from the 2012 Arnold Classic
Phil Heath
Last edited by PaBloS94; 19-02-2012, 12:28:38.
Originariamente Scritto da karpov Visualizza MessaggioCorrea a me sembrava quello messo meglio
IMHO dovrebbe lavorare in ampiezza e braccia cheseppur ricche di striature e svenate sono ancora sproporzionate al resto del corpo