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  • PhD
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    Bellissime foto di due evergreen


    • IDDU
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      minchia freeman se è grosso


      • GrifoneRossoBlu
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        Ragazzi, Milan Sadek come si è classificato? Su google non trovo...


        • PaBloS94
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          • •°o.O PaBloS94 O.o°•
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          è finito 7°, questa è la classifica della sua intera categoria

          1. Emiliano Dell’uomo (Italy)
          2. Kamal Abdullsalam Abdullrahman (Qatar)
          3. Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk (Ukraine)
          4. Miguel Padilla (Mexico)
          5. David Walli (Germany)
          6. Islam Mohamed (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
          7. Milan Sadek (Czech Republic)
          8. Gergo Bognar (Hungary)
          9. Won Jongseop (Honk Kong)
          10. Roger Tanner (Switzerland)
          11. Abdulhadi M.K.M.K. Alkhaiyat (Kuwait)
          12. Tri Vuong (Miramar, Fla.)
          13. Marvin Nagelbloem (Netherlands)
          14. Peter Lagermand (Denmark)
          15. Andrew Crawford (Australia)

          Emiliano Dell'Uomo intervistato da RX Muscle


          ---------- Post added at 15:40:04 ---------- Previous post was at 09:51:48 ----------

          Funny video with Phil Heath

          Last edited by PaBloS94; 05-03-2013, 16:44:03.
          ISSA Certified


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          • GrifoneRossoBlu
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            grazie pablo, non posso rep


            • mirkoit@
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              R: **** Updates Bodybuilders ****

              Leggete le prime righe dell'articolo...solo 3 anni che si allena

              Inviato da Galaxy Nexus


              • marcu9
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                Originariamente Scritto da Sean
                Tu non capisci niente, Lukino, proietti le tue fissi su altri. Sei di una ignoranza abissale. Prima te la devi scrostare di dosso, poi potremmo forse avere un dialogo civile.


                • marcu9
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                  Click image for larger version

Name:	406899_10152294215695648_204354071_nok.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	80.6 KB
ID:	15939623Ha delle gambe che fanno paura, tra le più grosse che ci sono nel bb secondo me..
                  Originariamente Scritto da Sean
                  Tu non capisci niente, Lukino, proietti le tue fissi su altri. Sei di una ignoranza abissale. Prima te la devi scrostare di dosso, poi potremmo forse avere un dialogo civile.


                  • PaBloS94
                    Bodyweb Senior
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                    • •°o.O PaBloS94 O.o°•
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                    Lo so che non è un aggiornamento riguardo ai bodybuilders, ma volevo fare gli auguri di pronta guarigione alla signora Heath, colpita da un cancro al seno la settimana scorsa

                    Questo è quello che ha scritto Phil:

                    "After last week I'd like to make a big suggestion to all women young and older to remember to get your yearly mammagrams. Breast Cancer is a very important and extremely deadly cancer that is taking many of our young and older women each year. Getting frequent checkups along with checking yourselves is important as early detection is key. Someone may ask, "Why do you care Phil? You're a man and not a woman."

                    Well, I am posting this as my own wife was hit with Breast Cancer this past week and it has been a crazy week as its been filled with tears and tons of questions. My wife Jennie Heath has stage 1 Breast Cancer and by the grace of God, she was able to get this taken care of quickly due to her own assertiveness. The crazy part is her own Doctor suggested it was nothing and to wait 3 more months. Well Thank God she didn't [wait] as we found this small lump to be cancerous. Jennie is now awaiting more tests and will have surgery very soon to perform a lumpectomy and later double mastectomy which will sideline her from work and some other physical activities for about 4-6 weeks.

                    She's [Jennie] such an awesome person, as she was hit with something so huge, yet still was able to be vulnerable and allow me and other family & friends to surround her with love, prayers and positivity. I am certain that this will make our family stronger and she will be even more driven than ever.

                    I want every woman to get checked and every spouse that means us Men/Guys, to be strong for our women as we haven't a clue the terror, pain, fear and frustration our women go through. I will hopefully become some type of Male Rep for Women with Breast Cancer, as their spouses need to understand how to cope with such news. I'm not a professional in this area, but I do know that with my role as Mr. Olympia that I have a voice and will be brothers with all Men whose women/spouses go through this experience.

                    Oh, before I go, I want to thank my wife Jennie for allowing me to cry and to go through this walk with her. I promise to be strong for you when called upon and weak and sensitive when needed. You go Girl, I'm so proud of you that I dedicate this show [2013 Mr Olympia] to you and you alone because your strength will in fact be mine! I am so lucky to have you in my life and hope and pray we can fight through life's battles and yet LIVE LIFE TOGETHER HAPPILY!"

                    ISSA Certified


                    Updates Bodybuilders


                    • IDDU
                      Bodyweb Senior
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                      Originariamente Scritto da mirkoit@ Visualizza Messaggio

                      Leggete le prime righe dell'articolo...solo 3 anni che si allena
                      temo che a 5 non ci arrivi


                      • bosslucio
                        Bodyweb Advanced

                        • Jul 2010
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                        Originariamente Scritto da IDDU Visualizza Messaggio
                        temo che a 5 non ci arrivi
                        effettivamente è "vergognoso" quanti chili ha messo su in 3 anni
                        chiudo OT scusate


                        • Wyoming
                          Bodyweb Advanced
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                          in bocca al lupo alla signora Heath, per lui non deve essere facile questo periodo!


                          • Sparosparo
                            Bodyweb Advanced
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                            cazz..3 anni??


                            • X3me
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                              Originariamente Scritto da PaBloS94 Visualizza Messaggio
                              Lo so che non è un aggiornamento riguardo ai bodybuilders, ma volevo fare gli auguri di pronta guarigione alla signora Heath, colpita da un cancro al seno la settimana scorsa

                              Questo è quello che ha scritto Phil:

                              "After last week I'd like to make a big suggestion to all women young and older to remember to get your yearly mammagrams. Breast Cancer is a very important and extremely deadly cancer that is taking many of our young and older women each year. Getting frequent checkups along with checking yourselves is important as early detection is key. Someone may ask, "Why do you care Phil? You're a man and not a woman."

                              Well, I am posting this as my own wife was hit with Breast Cancer this past week and it has been a crazy week as its been filled with tears and tons of questions. My wife Jennie Heath has stage 1 Breast Cancer and by the grace of God, she was able to get this taken care of quickly due to her own assertiveness. The crazy part is her own Doctor suggested it was nothing and to wait 3 more months. Well Thank God she didn't [wait] as we found this small lump to be cancerous. Jennie is now awaiting more tests and will have surgery very soon to perform a lumpectomy and later double mastectomy which will sideline her from work and some other physical activities for about 4-6 weeks.

                              She's [Jennie] such an awesome person, as she was hit with something so huge, yet still was able to be vulnerable and allow me and other family & friends to surround her with love, prayers and positivity. I am certain that this will make our family stronger and she will be even more driven than ever.

                              I want every woman to get checked and every spouse that means us Men/Guys, to be strong for our women as we haven't a clue the terror, pain, fear and frustration our women go through. I will hopefully become some type of Male Rep for Women with Breast Cancer, as their spouses need to understand how to cope with such news. I'm not a professional in this area, but I do know that with my role as Mr. Olympia that I have a voice and will be brothers with all Men whose women/spouses go through this experience.

                              Oh, before I go, I want to thank my wife Jennie for allowing me to cry and to go through this walk with her. I promise to be strong for you when called upon and weak and sensitive when needed. You go Girl, I'm so proud of you that I dedicate this show [2013 Mr Olympia] to you and you alone because your strength will in fact be mine! I am so lucky to have you in my life and hope and pray we can fight through life's battles and yet LIVE LIFE TOGETHER HAPPILY!"

                              speriamo solo che sia una mastectomia sottocutane altrimenti é veramente una brutta operazione che lascia segnata una donna.

                              ---------- Post added at 21:44:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:41:22 ----------

                              Originariamente Scritto da IDDU Visualizza Messaggio
                              temo che a 5 non ci arrivi
                              - Climber
                              - ex Istruttore
                              - ex P.Trainer AFFWA


                              • PaBloS94
                                Bodyweb Senior
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                                • •°o.O PaBloS94 O.o°•
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                                Antoine Vaillant



                                ---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 10:18:29 ---------- Previous post was 07-03-2013 at 10:25:16 ----------

                                Dana Linn Bailey

                                Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                                Un seminario come quello che ha fatto Dana, fatto da una donna come Dana, credo sia pura utopia qui in Italia, e invece li la gente partecipa e ascolta con interesse.
                                Episodi come questi ci fanno capire la distanza di cultura fra noi e gli altri, loro di mentalità più aperta sicuramente

                                ---------- Post added at 10:28:49 ---------- Previous post was at 10:18:29 ----------

                                Generation Iron (Intervista a Vlad Yudin)


                                ---------- Post added at 11:04:53 ---------- Previous post was at 10:28:49 ----------

                                Circa 3 anni fa

                                Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
                                Last edited by PaBloS94; 08-03-2013, 11:25:03.
                                ISSA Certified


                                Updates Bodybuilders

