Ciao, Sono Irvin Gelb e sono stato un fotografo per gli scomparti di bodybuilding intorno al mondo per oltre 20 anni. Sarebbe il mio piacere ripartire alcune foto classiche dei bodybuilders con voi. Qui sono le foto del sacerdote del Lee dal suo primo tiro di foto all'età di 20 anni in Gold' ginnastica Venezia di s. Era la sua prima volta a Los Angeles e la prima volta quello ho veduto tutto nell'arresto di ginnastica i loro allenamenti per vedere questo freak eccellente. Spero che godiate di questi. Se avete qualunque domande circa questo tiro o qualche cosa relativo prego a fotographia di bodybuilding per ritenere libero di chiedermi.
Irv Gelb
I am Irvin Gelb and have been a photographer for bodybuilding magazines around the world for over 20 years. It would be my pleasure to share some classic photos of bodybuilders with you. Here are photos of Lee Priest from his first photo shoot at the age of 20 years old in Gold's Gym Venice. It was his first time in Los Angeles and the first time that I have seen everyone in the gym stop their workouts to see this super freak. I hope that you enjoy these. If you have any questions about this shoot or anything related to bodybuilding photography please feel free to ask me.
Irv Gelb
Irv Gelb
I am Irvin Gelb and have been a photographer for bodybuilding magazines around the world for over 20 years. It would be my pleasure to share some classic photos of bodybuilders with you. Here are photos of Lee Priest from his first photo shoot at the age of 20 years old in Gold's Gym Venice. It was his first time in Los Angeles and the first time that I have seen everyone in the gym stop their workouts to see this super freak. I hope that you enjoy these. If you have any questions about this shoot or anything related to bodybuilding photography please feel free to ask me.
Irv Gelb