ho trovato questo video
Michael O'Hearn - official website webdesigns by BLAZE MULTIMEDIA - WWW.BLAZEMULTIMEDIA.COM
dovete scendere giù nella pagina e guardare il primo video (era enorme
ho trovato anche un articolo dove ho estrapolato questo:
As a child, O'Hearn was impressed with the strength of power lifting and it became his first love. To this day, he still competes in powerlifting events and has won the highly competitive California State powerlifting title three years in a row. Currently, his best lifts are a 505 bench press, a 740 deadlift and an 815 squat
però non ho trovato video a riguardo
Michael O'Hearn - official website webdesigns by BLAZE MULTIMEDIA - WWW.BLAZEMULTIMEDIA.COM
dovete scendere giù nella pagina e guardare il primo video (era enorme
ho trovato anche un articolo dove ho estrapolato questo:
As a child, O'Hearn was impressed with the strength of power lifting and it became his first love. To this day, he still competes in powerlifting events and has won the highly competitive California State powerlifting title three years in a row. Currently, his best lifts are a 505 bench press, a 740 deadlift and an 815 squat
però non ho trovato video a riguardo