To boost the amount you can bench-press, follow Smith's pyramid routine. He did either flat or incline bench presses once a week. Warm up with three sets of 10 repetitions, increasing the weight with each set, but staying below 70 percent of your one-rep max. (Smith did 135, 185, and 225.) Then do up to six sets of one repetition, starting with a weight that's at least 80 percent of your one-rep max. Progress by small--5 percent or less--increments. (Smith did 315, 335, 355, 365, 375, and 385.) Then reverse this path until you're back to the weight you used for your first one-rep set. To thoroughly exhaust the pectorals, Smith would finish by bench-pressing 315 pounds for two sets of five reps, then finally lifting 135 until failure.

C'è anche da dire che se per Seven Pounds ha perso 15 chili ed è arrivato a 189x90, rimanendo comunque HP+1 (e quindi non esattamente secco visto che era anche magro) ai tempi di I Robot pesava 105. HP +16 al 7,5% (secondo quanto dichiarato nell'articolo in questione che vi linko)... Mi pare estremamente improbabile (sia la % di BF che il peso) ma tant'è.
Ecco l'articolo completo: Will Smith's Workout Routine - Men's Health