Tornare in palestra dopo varicocele recidivo

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  • pft
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    Tornare in palestra dopo varicocele recidivo

    Ciao a tutti,

    ho 32 anni e 8 anni fa sono stato operato al testicolo sinistro per varicocele di IV grado. Dopodichè tutto è andato per il meglio: attività sessuale, spermiogramma, libido e allenamento.
    Negli ultimi due anni mi sono anzi allenato molto bene includendo sempre esercizi multiarticolari belli tosti per favorire la fase anabolica (squat, stacco da terra, pressa etc), tutto ciò fino a un paio di settimane fa quando ho iniziato ad avvertire fastidio alla zona inguinale e del testicolo e calo della libido.
    Ho effettuato un ecocolordoppler la settimana scorsa che ha evidenziato un varicocele di III grado sempre al testicolo sinistro. Fra una decina di giorni ho appuntamento con l'andrologo/urologo che, previo risultato dello spermiogramma e dosaggi ormonali, penso procederà a programmare l'intervento.
    Nel frattempo mi ha detto di evitare ogni attività fisica che comporti l'intervento della muscolatura addominale, cosa che dice avrei già dovuto fare.

    Adesso posso anche pensare di fermarmi per qualche settimana, non è un dramma, anche se sinceramente mi dispiace parecchio ed è molto frustrante; ma quello che più mi preme sapere è se secondo voi e la vs. esperienza poi si riesce a tornare come prima e ad allenarsi senza alcun problema includendo nel workout anche stacchi squat etc.

    L'urologo dice che per chi è geneticamente predisposto il bb sarebbe comunque da evitare per non incorrere in ulteriori recidive. So che bisognerebbe attenersi a quanto dice il medico e nessuno può prendersi la responsabilità di contraddire il suo parere professionale, ma qual'è la Vs. esperienza/consoscenza in merito?

    Grazie molte
  • vip69
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    guarda,io operato di varicocele sx e dopo 2 mesi dall intervento si presenta la recidiva nonostante avevo sospeso ogni tipo di attivita fisica.sfortuna....mah!comunque la libido non è influenzata dal varicocele e viceversa.non c'è nessuna non hai grossi problemi come spermiogrammi disastrosi o dolori e gonfiore insopportabile ti consiglio di non operarti

    ---------- Post added at 23:34:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:33:27 ----------

    e di continuare ad allenarti


    • pft
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      Farò lo spermiogramma la prossima settimana, vediamo un po' che dice...

      Il calo della libido c'è, non so se è una coincidenza o una cosa psicologica, ma prima ero sempre in tiro ora neanche la mattina quando mi sveglio...

      Ma pensate che anche con un varicocele di III grado si possano fare stacco e squat?
      Last edited by pft; 20-06-2012, 12:19:13.


      • vip69
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        tranquillo,il calo della libido non c entra niente col varicocele.quando vedrai l urologo\andrologo glielo accenni.secondo me puoi continuare a fare squat e stacco


        • Luigi 87
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          Non è vero che il varicocele non può influire sulla libido, proprio oggi ho letto diversi studi scientifici che dimostrano che dopo una operazione (legatura o scleroembolizzazione) migliorano sia la mobilità/qualità dello sperma, sia i valori ormonali testo e testo libero...
          Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

          diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????


          • vip69
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            ...non credo proprio,il varicocele potrebbe incidere sulla fertilita'( forma,motilita' e numero di spermatozoi),ma non sulla libido e sul fattore ormonale dove le cause sono ben altre...


            • Luigi 87
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              Mi dispiace contraddirti, ecco qualche studio...

              varicocele in infertile men.Gat Y, Gornish M, Belenky A, Bachar GN.
              Andrology Unit, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tiqva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

              BACKGROUND: To evaluate the effect of internal spermatic vein (ISV) embolization on levels of serum testosterone and free testosterone and on spermatogenesis. METHODS: The files of 83 infertile men treated for varicocele were reviewed for changes in serum testosterone, free testosterone and spermatogenesis after ISV embolization. RESULTS: Mean serum testosterone concentration rose after embolization by 43%, from 12.07 +/- 6.07 nmol/l to 17.22 +/- 8.43 nmol/l (P<0.001). Mean serum free testosterone concentration rose by 72%, from 5.93 +/- 2.44 nmol/l to 10.21 +/- 7.69 nmol/l (P<0.001). Mean sperm concentration increased from 7.49 +/- 1.73 x 10(6)/ml to 18.14 +/- 2.36 x 10(6)/ml (P<0.001); mean sperm motility increased from 21.74 +/- 2.47 to 34.47 +/- 2.27% (P<0.001); and mean sperm morphology increased from 6.63 +/- 1.07 to 13.08 +/- 1.44% (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: ISV embolization apparently induces an increase in both serum testosterone and free testosterone concentrations and in sperm parameters in infertile patient with varicocele, regardless of the size of the varicocele.

              Varicocele ligation on free testosterone levels in infertile men with varicocele.Ishikawa T, Fujisawa M.
              The Population Council, New York, NY, USA.

              We have analyzed the effects of varicocele ligation on free testosterone levels, and investigated the interrelationships between free testosterone and fertility. The records were retrospectively evaluated for 42 infertile patients who underwent varicocele ligation, with serum free testosterone levels, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), lutenizing hormone (LH), testosterone, estradiol, prolactin, ejaculated volume, sperm concentration and motility before and after surgery. Serum free testosterone levels increased from 12.97+/-4.16 to 13.59+/-3.93 pg/mL, but the difference was insignificant. The differences before and after surgery of patients in sperm concentration and motility were also insignificant. However, in free testosterone increasing group, the sperm concentration and motility increased significantly, from 4.05+/-4.35 to 7.90+/-8.19 million/mL (P=0.01) and from 30.64+/-21.87% to 41.00+/-22.00%, respectively (P=0.03). The increase in serum free testosterone level by varicocele ligation results in a significant improvement in sperm concentration and motility.

              Low plasma testosterone in varicocele patients with impotence and male infertility.Younes AK.
              Department of Andrology, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

              To study the affect of bilateral varicocele (grade 3) on impotence and male infertility patients, 29 patients were selected from an outpatient clinic during 15 May 1998 to 15 August 1999 (the mean age was 33.9 +/- 6.3), 15 patients complaining of erectile dysfunction and 14 patients complaining of male infertility. The mean duration of impotence was 3 +/- 2.3 years and for male infertility was 6 +/- 2.5. All organic and psychogenic causes related to impotence and male infertility except bilateral varicocele (grade 3) and low plasma testosterone were excluded by clinical and laboratory investigations. Twenty males with normal erection and fertility were included as controls. Detailed medical history and complete physical examination included measurement of testicular size by orchiometer; semen and hormonal parameters were measured for all patients and control. In impotent patients left and right testicular volume was significantly decreased (p < .05), while in male infertility patients left and right testicular volume was highly significantly and, significantly decreased (p < .005, p < .05) compared to controls. In male infertility patients, left testicular volume was highly significantly decreased compared to impotent patients (p < .005). The sperm count and semen volume in impotent patients was significantly decreased (p < .05, p < .01), but no significant differences were found in sperm motility and abnormal forms, while in male infertility the sperm count was highly significantly decreased (p < .005), the sperm motility was significantly decreased (p < .05), the abnormal form was significantly increased (p) < .05), but in the semen volume there was no significant difference compared to controls. In impotent patients the sperm count was significantly increased and abnormal form was significantly decreased compared to male infertility (p < .05). The mean serum testosterone was significantly decreased in impotent patients (p < .01), and highly significantly decreased in male infertility (p < .005) compared to controls. The mean serum FSH was significantly increased in male infertility (p < .05) and nonsignificant in impotent patients compared to controls. The mean serum LH and prolactin levels were nonsignificant in both impotent and male infertility patients compared to controls, but LH was significantly increased in impotence compared to male infertility patients (p < .025). Therefore, bilateral varicocele (grade 3) is associated with significant reduction in testicular function with significant increase in serum levels of FSH and LH, which may cause erectile dysfunction and male infertility.

              The effect of microsurgical varicocelectomy on serum follicle stimulating hormone, testosterone and free testosterone levels in infertile men with varicocele.
              Cayan S, Kadioglu A, Orhan I, Kandirali E, Tefekli A, Tellaloglu S.

              Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Mersin University, Mersin, Istanbul, Turkey.

              OBJECTIVES: To analyse the effects of varicocelectomy on serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone and free testosterone levels, and to investigate the interrelationships between seminal and hormonal variables. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The records were retrospectively evaluated for 78 infertile patients who underwent microsurgical inguinal varicocelectomy, with documented serum FSH, testosterone, free testosterone levels, sperm concentration and sperm motility before and after surgery. Left and bilateral varicoceles were detected in 40 and 38 patients, respectively. In addition, serum hormonal values of 10 fertile men in whom physical examinations and Doppler ultrasonography revealed no evidence of varicocele were recorded and used as a control group. RESULTS: The mean (sd) serum FSH levels of all patients decreased from 15.21 (3.34) before surgery to 10.82 (2.93) mIU/mL afterward (P=0.01), and serum testosterone levels increased from 5.63 (1.40) to 8.37 (2.2) ng/mL (P=0.01), whereas free testosterone levels increased from 23.13 (3.19) to 32.83 (4.37) pg/mL (P<0.001). In contrast to the significant difference in sperm motility before and after surgery of all patients (P<0.01), the difference in sperm count was insignificant (P>0.05). Thirty-six patients with high serum FSH levels before surgery had significantly lower levels afterward (P=0.001). In this group, the sperm concentration and motility also increased, from 17.66 (4.35) to 20.76 (4.37) million/mL (P=0.05) and from 30.9 (4.4)% to 37.5 (4.34)%, respectively (P=0.01). In the remaining 42 patients who had normal preoperative serum FSH levels, there was a slight decrease after surgery (P=0.02). Their sperm concentration increased slightly (P=0. 04), and motility also increased (P=0.001). Sixty patients had a significantly higher testosterone level after surgery; in this group the sperm concentration and motility increased (P=0.01). CONCLUSION: Varicocelectomy promotes Sertoli and Leydig cell function. The significant increase in serum free testosterone level results in a significant improvement in sperm concentration and motility.

              Andrologia. 1983 Nov-Dec;15(6):637-41.Links
              Testosterone in peripheral plasma, spermatic vein and in testicular tissue under basal conditions and after HCG-stimulation in patients with varicocele.Pirke KM, Vogt HJ, Sintermann R, Spyra B.
              The incretory testicular function was tested in 21 patient with varicocele aged 19 to 39 years. In one group baseline testosterone was measured, while a second group received a single injection of 5000 IU HCG. Testosterone was studied in peripheral plasma in the spermatic vein and in testicular tissue. Baseline values after stimulation were not different from those of normal controls. Testosterone in the spermatic vein rose, and in testicular tissue was greatly increased after HCG. The data provide further evidence that Leydig cell function is normal in patients with varicocele. In varicocele spermatogenesis is not impaired by low intratesticular testosterone concentrations.

              Plasma testosterone in patients with varicocele and sexual inadequacy.Comhaire F, Vermeulen A.
              Plasma testosterone concentration was decreased in 10 patients combining varicocele with sexual inadequacy (mean 346.2 ng/100 ml) against normal concentration observed in 23 men with varicocele without sexual disturbances (mean 567.8 ng/100 ml) and in 31 patients with pure psychogenic impotence (mean 581.6 ng/100 ml). There was a significant inverse linear correlation between age and plasma testosterone concentration in the varicocele patients (r= minus 0.56, P smaller than 0.01) in contrast to the absence of such correlation in normal men or in patients with psychogenic impotence of the same age range. The secretion products of the secondary sex glands were more often in the lower range in the ejaculates of men combining varicocele with sexual disturbance (P smaller than 0.02), proving the decreased testosterone level to induce a deficient function of these glands. Plasma testosterone levels normalized after surgical correction in varicocele patients with a low preoperative concentration. Since adequate surgical or hormonal treatment resulted in complete recovery of sexual potency in the majority of patients with varicocele and sexual inadequacy, it is suggested that the decreased testosterone production might have contributed to the impairment of sexual function.
              Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

              diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????


              • vip69
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                -Il primo studio dice che l intervento di risoluzione del varicocele, Apparentemente induce un aumento di testo totale e libero.
                -Nel secondo studio dice che dopo l intervento c'è un aumento Insignificante di testosterone.O meglio,nel gruppo dove c'è stato un aumento Insignificante del testo c'è stao un aumento significativo di concentrazione e motilita' dello sperma.
                Ora devo andare e leggero piu tardi gli altri studi,ma i primi due smentiscono te...
                Last edited by vip69; 22-06-2012, 14:18:56.


                • Luigi 87
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                  scusa un attimo... se uno studio dice che OPERANDOSI, il testo aumenta, significa che chi ha il varicocele (condizione patologica) ha il testo più basso del suo ottimale...
                  Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

                  diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????

