ragazzi nn riesco a tradurre queste righe,mi escono fuori discorsi senza senso! chi mi aiuta please?
"Powerlifters were significantly tighter than controls on the anterior drawer
at 90 degrees of knee flexion. Both powerlifters and weightlifters were
significantly tighter than controls on the quadriceps active drawer at 90
degrees of knee flexion. Data on powerlifters and weightlifters were also
analyzed by years of experience and skill level. No effect of squat training
on knee stability was demonstrated in any of the groups tested."
"Powerlifters were significantly tighter than controls on the anterior drawer
at 90 degrees of knee flexion. Both powerlifters and weightlifters were
significantly tighter than controls on the quadriceps active drawer at 90
degrees of knee flexion. Data on powerlifters and weightlifters were also
analyzed by years of experience and skill level. No effect of squat training
on knee stability was demonstrated in any of the groups tested."