Originariamente Scritto da Max_79
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ER•6 $139 , Technical Specifications
Frequency response: 20 Hz to 16 kHz
Tolerance: ±3 dB to 6 kHz, ±6 dB to 16 kHz re nominal
Transducer type: Balanced Armature
1 kHz sensitivity: 97 dB SPL for a 0.1 volt input
Impedance: 48 Ohms
Maximum output: 120 dB SPL
Maximum continuous input: 2.5 Vrms
Weight: less than 1 oz.
Guarda queste
Sennheiser da 59.99 , non male : http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObje...2AD&nplm=TH316
Poi si va anche più su ovviamente, ma già per 149 euro ci sono questi da 114 db/W
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