Ragazzi mi sto leggendo alcuni forum di calcio americani, sul Mondiale e la partita di ieri, e non riesco a credere ai miei occhi i messaggi di ODIO ANTI-ITALIANO che questi stronzetti stanno postando. Chiedo una cortesia ai moderatori di non cancellare questo thread nonostante ce ne siano già a riguardo del mondiale, ma vorrei riservarlo a questa cosa specifica... (che va anche oltre il calcio, come poi specificherò...)
Spero che molti qui parlino l'inglese, vi posto un pò dei messaggi che sto leggendo, più tardi ne posterò altri:
[quote] I've known many an Italian in my life and they are a very racist people. They have a million insults to use to describe certain minorities, words that you wouldn't understand unless you were Italian or they explained it to you. [/quote]
Tentevi forte e leggete questa, postata da un Texano:
Adesso smetto di fare il copia/incolla perchè a leggere QUESTE PICCOLE MERDINE mi è salita una certa incazzatura. Ma la cosa peggiore è che negli ultimi mesi ho notato che questo odio anti-italiano è un pò ovunque nelle chat americane, qualche settimana fa stavo giocando uno sparatutto in multi-player (usando un nickname anglosassone tra l'altro) e mi son dovuto sorbire la chat di due ragazzini americani che dicevano che gli italiani sono "dumbasses" (poveri idioti), "chickens" (gallinelle) e che siamo il popolo più stupido della terra.
Adesso mi fermo perchè son incazzato nero
Spero che molti qui parlino l'inglese, vi posto un pò dei messaggi che sto leggendo, più tardi ne posterò altri:
All I am saying is that if you saw nothing negative in today's Italian game then consider yourself happy and entertained. It is also obvious that you and I were watching a different game. All of Italy is celebrating, the Pope is happy and all is right with the world. Unfortunately for me it was a tainted and hollow victory. This team did not deserve to win. Ugly and dirty.
I am perfectly fine with watching an Italian or Italians confirm yet again that they are players without an ounce of honor in their game. Clawing and scratching and winning is what another Italian lover stated and I'll agree with him. However he failed to notice that it was a soccer game not a murder mystery.
I am perfectly fine with watching an Italian or Italians confirm yet again that they are players without an ounce of honor in their game. Clawing and scratching and winning is what another Italian lover stated and I'll agree with him. However he failed to notice that it was a soccer game not a murder mystery.
But I have no what so ever respect for that ********ing dirty cheating team from Italy. I hope all of the big teams get relegated and the league suffers massively. France was the only team that played today.
Italians are so racist they make fun of their own.
My Italian uncle tells racist joke about blacks and Sicilians.
I can't remember what it was exactly but it's like "Why did Italy have to settle for Sicilians?"
"Because Americans got the blacks"
Sorry I can't remember it but it's probably better that way I am in no way promoting racism.
My Italian uncle tells racist joke about blacks and Sicilians.
I can't remember what it was exactly but it's like "Why did Italy have to settle for Sicilians?"
"Because Americans got the blacks"
Sorry I can't remember it but it's probably better that way I am in no way promoting racism.
Tentevi forte e leggete questa, postata da un Texano:
Its more so that people think the Italian culture sux. Its not that we think you feminine, greasy, unclean, cheating, lying, diving, lazy Italians are genetically inferior or anything.
Of course, you wouldnt understand. You look up to the mafia that runs your government, police, military, soccer league, and businesses.
Your culture is a disgrace to mankind.
Of course, you wouldnt understand. You look up to the mafia that runs your government, police, military, soccer league, and businesses.
Your culture is a disgrace to mankind.
Adesso mi fermo perchè son incazzato nero