Alcuni pezzi di un'intervista

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    Alcuni pezzi di un'intervista

    Recente intervista ad Oliva...Pezzi interessanti di una vita dedicata al bodybuilding ed al rispetto di se stessi.
    Quest'uomo fu veramente il più grande di tutti i tempi, e non c'è stato veramente nessuno come lui.
    BDJ è l'intervistatore. SO è Sergio.

    Citazioni significative:
    riguardo l'uso di steroidi
    BDJ: Could you relay your own experience with drug use?

    SO: This is an area of great interest for people. I don't care who wants to take steroids, because that's a personal choice... that's his life. Now, today, everybody has access to them. I even saw in one of the big magazines that Arnold denies having used them, but Arnold was one of the first to bring steroids over to America. And everybody in the old days used them: Zane, Columbu, myself, Arnold, Larry Scott, Harold Poole, Dave Draper, and even Steve Reeves. There's no way to deny it. It wasn't much, nothing like today. But the development of drugs is much different. I used decca and dianabol, and that was something really big at the time; and decca was not considered that bad. It was even prescribed by doctors to help make your bones strong. Today you have guys weighing 200 pounds, and six months later they weigh 250-300 pounds! So you know these guys are taking something unbelievable. When they say they haven't taken any thing, you know that it's phony."

    Citazione estremamente significativa. Testimonianza personale e riferimenti di un colloquio con Nubret:

    BDJ: Judging from past photos, I believe you were your biggest while training with Jones.

    SO: No question about it. And it's too bad... I should have stayed with him. When I went to London in 1970 for the Mr. Universe, everyone knew I beat those guys, including Bill Pearl... I was given second place. From there I was to go to the 1971 Mr. Olympia, in Paris. I spoke to Serge Nubret who asked that I go to the Mr. Olympia since Joe Weider wouldn't be there to fix the contest. I then flew to Paris, and while there Joe found out I was going to compete. And he refused... he would not let me compete. He said I was suspended for a year because I competed in the non-IFBB sanctioned Mr. Universe in London the year before. He used any kind of trick. He allowed me to do a posing exhibition, but not compete. In 1972, the Mr. Olympia promoter called everyone to go, and everyone did. But Joe didn't want Arnold to go, but Arnold wanted to compete. (I have nothing against Arnold, he has done very well; many people used him in the beginning, then he used them.) Arnold competed in Essen. By that time, the training I had with Jones allowed me to win the contest by miles. People are still talking about Essen '72. Even Arnold himself said that he didn't win, that it was nothing but politics... it was nothing but politics, but they gave it to him. After that contest Weider put the promoter out of the promotion business. Serge Nubret used to be the big man when it came to running contests. Weider also put him out of the business because Serge did not want to run the contests the way Weider wanted to run them * his way with the placings predetermined.Vedete poi che quando parlo di "mafia" all'interno delle gare come i Mr. Olympia ho più che ragione


    BDJ: What is your opinion on the competitors of today, compared to your competition days?

    SO: When I see what they are going through, and what they have to take to be what they are... I wouldn't want it. You can even see how differently the muscle develops on bodybuilders of today versus those of the sixties. The amount of steroids that they use is way over the limit. And that's why you see those physiques... they're tremendous.

    BDJ: I find most of the physiques today look like one another; almost clone-like. Competitors of the sixties and seventies each had a special unique look or style.

    SO: Yes, they all look the same. And if they have a little bit of shape, they all have the same kind of shape! They all have the same look. And it's hard to differentiate one from the other.

    BDJ: What are your thoughts on some of the past Mr. Olympias, in regards to political tampering? How about the 1979 Mr. Olympia between Zane and Mentzer?

    SO: Mentzer all the way. There is no doubt about it. But don't forget, Mike came from the outside; Zane was with Weider. Don't let anybody fool you. Zane, Arnold, Columbu, Haney... all those guys were under contract. Now, Lee Haney is my friend and I have a lot of respect for him, but there is no way in the old days that Lee Haney would have won the Mr. Olympia. His physique is unproportional -- a man with a back, but no arms or calves. Then there's Dorian Yates. He has a belly like a cow and no arms. That is not a complete physique. That is not proportional or symmetrical. But being under contract.... Now, if they put Zane and Mentzer together in a contest that was not Weider dominated then Mike would have won. Zane knows that, and Zane is my personal friend.

    BDJ: Do you think Haney deserved any of the Mr. Olympia wins?

    SO: He may have deserved some Mr. Olympias, but not all... not the guys he competed against. But, he knows. Everybody knows.


    BDJ: I could only imagine what you would look like if you have access to the drugs of today.

    SO: Geez... I wouldn't even want to think about it. My God... (laughter). We used to talk about the big deal of taking decca and dianabol. Now the talk is about growth hormone. I see what they are using... the way they look... I tell you, it's scary... I would pass on that. Anybody can go work out and get a physique without steroids, and that is what I recommend. The drugs today is not worth the money or the way it makes you look. The consequences later are going to be big.

    FLEX WHEELER, considerazioni e mr. Olympia 1985

    BDJ: Physique wise, who do you consider to be the best bodybuilder?

    SO: There are a few. One of the best right now is Flex Wheeler. I also like Shawn Ray and Ron Coleman. I compare myself to Flex Wheeler, a little bit. He reminds me of myself, with a tiny waist. My back was much bigger, though. He is the only one with a really complete physique.

    BDJ: Your last year of competition was 1985. I've heard from some spectators that they did not care whether you won the contest; it was worth attending just to see the legendary Oliva. Tell us about that.

    SO: I could have entered that contest much better, and much bigger... that night was not the same physique that I always carried. I felt sick, like a Zombie. I followed my wife's suggestion in changing my diet. I've always had a problem with my diet. Thank God I had good genes to be able to eat what I want. So it seemed everything that I ate, I turned it into muscle. Anyway, she wanted me to follow the diet that Frank Zane followed. But she made a mistake. The diet was all right for Frank Zane's metabolism, but for me, it was not doing the job. I had no power to train and I felt too weak to workout... it was a disaster. If I did it my way, I would have looked unbelievable. The second thing is, and I found this out, that even if I looked like King Kong and cut, they would have given me the same placing. Weider indicated no other placing for me but eighth.

    Mi pare basti così ragazzi.
    Non ho parole....che schifo, i Weider fanno proprio schifo....ecco mi spiego adesso il perchè della faccia di Sergio all'olympia 84 quando Ben lo ha richiamato dopo il piazzamento per "celebrarlo"...una presa per il culo....Ma lui disse "non importa come mi sono piazzato, non importa se primo, ottavo sono e sarò sempre IL MITO"

    E il mito, diventò famoso e il più acclamato, senza essere sotto contratto con Weider... Ecco i coglioni dove stanno....

    Sergio, mettilo in evidenza questo... è un post che dice ed insegna tante cose....avverte su tante cose, ci spiega tante cose
  • criss
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    ma non esagerare..sono cose vecchie, sapute e risapute
    sigpic...Risin' up, back on the street
    Did my time, took my chances
    Went the distance now I'm back on my feet
    Just a man and his will to survive......


    • Sergio
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      E precisiamo, SERGIO, ma Oliva


      • criss
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        cmq a me fanno piu' stupire le cose che scrivi tu caro valerio
        sigpic...Risin' up, back on the street
        Did my time, took my chances
        Went the distance now I'm back on my feet
        Just a man and his will to survive......


        • zuperman
          Zuper Hero
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          Originariamente Scritto da Sergio
          E precisiamo, SERGIO, ma Oliva
          Ricordiamo che tu sei natural

          no. sono serio.
          Allenamento e dieta fanno di te un atleta


          • Drugo84
            Gentiluomo di Fortuna
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            endorfino dipendente

            #BodyWeb Forum's Rules


            • Ector
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              Originariamente Scritto da criss
              cmq a me fanno piu' stupire le cose che scrivi tu caro valerio
              Non mi toccare Pupazzi...per favore...

              Pulcinella si è messo a piangere.... niente firma quindi!

              Per favore, non chiedetemi opinioni/consigli medici. Vi è una sezione dedicata sul forum


              • Luna Caprese
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                "He has a belly like a cow and no arms" questa su Dorian l' avevo citata già ; cmq è risaputo che i Weider per propagandare il bb nel mondo abbiano fatto scelte precise ; pensate al contrasto tra il vecchio maestro Bob Hoffman e il suo allievo Joe Weider già 50 anni fa ; nacque proprio per un conflitto di interesse e di federazioni... ;

                "il quattrino comanda" ( Gianfranco Funari )
                "Ho preso il fucile e gli ho tirato due colpi di pistola" ( Aspirante velina )


                • maurox
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                  Oliva ha parlato fin troppo male degli altri, d'altra parte uno che anni fa disse di essere in grado di preparare Paul Dillet per vincere l'Olympia nell'era di un dinosauro come Yates vuol dire che proprio non c'era gia' con la testa , seppure bella grossa


                  • Luna Caprese
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                    dici che sua moglie fece bene a sparagli ?
                    "Ho preso il fucile e gli ho tirato due colpi di pistola" ( Aspirante velina )


                    • LOTHAR
                      • Mar 2005
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                      a me yates non è mai piaciuto almeno agli inizi...vita larga petto con una forma è migliorato col tempo...penso la migliore forma fu nel 1997, l'ultimo Olympia....


                      • GJ
                        Gemello del Blou
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                        Originariamente Scritto da Luna Caprese
                        dici che sua moglie fece bene a sparagli ?
                        ma i mostri neri non sono invincibili?

                        The Blous Brothers


                        • GJ
                          Gemello del Blou
                          • Jun 2005
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                          Originariamente Scritto da LOTHAR
                          a me yates non è mai piaciuto almeno agli inizi...vita larga petto con una forma è migliorato col tempo...penso la migliore forma fu nel 1997, l'ultimo Olympia....
                          vedo due tizi più incazzati di undertaker e big show venire verso di te

                          uno c'ha la faccia di maurox l'altro di jpp

                          The Blous Brothers


                          • maurox
                            Bodyweb Senior
                            • Mar 2005
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                            Originariamente Scritto da GJ
                            vedo due tizi più incazzati di undertaker e big show venire verso di te

                            uno c'ha la faccia di maurox l'altro di jpp

                            Guarda, io ci rinuncio ...

