Palestre In Italia

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  • jackoilrain
    Bodyweb Member
    • Aug 2003
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    Palestre In Italia

    Se qualcuno conosce l'inglese poco come me potrà comunque facilmente notare che le palestre italiane costano più o lo stesso prezzo della gold gym (che su questo forum é inutile presentare),e di conseguenza mi chiedo se non siamo impazziti.
    Più che altro con quale coraggio si fanno questi prezzi.


    Gold’s has hundreds of locations across the US and Canada and in several foreign countries, as well. The branch that I joined is part of a group of about ten in the Metro Boston area. I can use my membership card (a little, swipey thing that fits on a keychain) at any of the Golds’ in that group any time. If I am traveling, I can go to other Gold’s locations up to five times a month. If I decide to move, they can transfer my membership to another location.

    When I went to Gold’s for the first time, they let me try out the facility for free for the day. The employees were refreshingly non-pushy. As a prospective customer, I was expecting them to pounce on me and bombard me with information about the gym, but I had to ask them for information. In fact, their indifferent attitude got a bit annoying when it turned out that the woman who deals with new members was lying on the tanning beds, so I had to wait around for ten minutes or so.

    It usually costs $99 to join, but they were running a special $5 initiation fee deal (I think it’s still going on) when I arrived. I had the option of signing up for the whole year, which would come out to a monthly fee of about $50 or go month-by-month for $60. I chose the latter since I don’t think I’ll use the gym in the summer when I can run, cycle, and swim outside. During the summer, I can put my membership on hold for $8 per month, which I’ll probably do since I don’t want to have to pay another joining fee when I start up again.


    Gold’s is open from 5 AM to 10 PM on weekdays, which is great for working people. Weekend hours are approximately 8 AM to 6PM, depending on the location.


    Gold’s has two tanning beds that one can use an unlimited amount of times for $40 a month (prices may differ at other Gold’s locations). They also sell energy bars and drinks. I was surprised that the membership didn’t include a free tutorial on how to use the various machines, but you can sign up for personal training sessions, which I believe cost $99 for six sessions. During the day, you can leave children in the childcare facility, but I’m not sure if that costs extra.
    il mio

    "La teoria e' quando si sa tutto e niente funziona. La pratica e' quando tutto funziona e nessuno sa il perche'. In questo caso, abbiamo messo insieme la teoria e la pratica: non c'e' niente che funziona... e nessuno sa il perche'!"
    Albert Einstein

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