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Il Baretto del Disagio
Originariamente Scritto da Death Magnetic Visualizza MessaggioIo mi passo sempre la cappella dietro le orecchie prima di uscire.
Inviato dal mio ASUS_AI2202 utilizzando Tapatalk
comunque nel caso dei maschi non bisogna segarsi per 10 giorni e poi cucinare l'eiaculato assieme a qualche solvente da mischiare con un profumo a scelta, almeno questo è quello che lessisigpic
Originariamente Scritto da valium Visualizza Messaggiocomunque pazzesco, ci stavo pensando ieri o avantieri e poi l'ha scritto blood
comunque nel caso dei maschi non bisogna segarsi per 10 giorni e poi cucinare l'eiaculato assieme a qualche solvente da mischiare con un profumo a scelta, almeno questo è quello che lessi
Originariamente Scritto da Mario12 Visualizza Messaggiocioè , devo sborrare nella padella ?sigpic
Originariamente Scritto da M K K Visualizza MessaggioComunque l'amico artificiale di Blood è pauroso, per fare i compiti è micidiale.
( Sto facendo le serali, così divento laureo anch'io)
Questa AI è come una specie di deadline che separa il passato dal futuro.
Un interruttore che hanno acceso e che cambierà ogni qualsiasi cosa da oggi in poi
Oltre a puzzare di palle sudate bisogna battersi il petto per attirare le femmine con il bacino largoOgni mio intervento e' da considerarsi di stampo satirico e ironico ,cosi come ogni riferimento alla mia e altrui persone e' da intendersi come mai realmente accaduto e di pura fantasia. In nessun caso , il contenuto dei miei interventi su questo forum e' atto all' offesa , denigrazione o all odio verso persone o idee.Originariamente Scritto da Bob TerwilligerDi solito i buoni propositi di contenersi si sfasciano contro la dura realtà dell'alcolismo.
I know you NGers have trouble with the ladies sometimes. It's a problem for all of us. Well I have developed a technique that will allow you to attract ladies using the secrets of your own body chemistry - pheromones! I want everyone who has a chance should try this out and post their results. Warning: If you are a girl and you try this the results may be unpleasant or even disastrous. I warned you.
You don't need to spend your parent's hard-earned money to buy sex pheromones anymore! Yes, you can now prepare it right in the privacy of your room at almost no cost in your own time. I used to work at a popular sex pheromones firm and learned the secret while at it for 7 months. Without going into the physiological details of how pheromones are produced naturally by all individuals and how they work, I explain you how to prepare it on your own. Please note, the method is applicable only for the male sex pheromone.
1. Test tubes or any other glass container (no metal)
2. Filter paper
3. Early morning fresh urine
4. Enriched semen
This is gonna be the hardest part for many of you. You gotta abstain from sex/masturbation in any form for 10-11 days. Don't extend it beyond 12 days though. This is to enrich your semen.
After you have completed enrichment, arouse yourself to an intense degree with the aid of your sex partner or quality porn. Masturbate and collect the enriched semen in a glass container. Now filter the collection into another glass container using a filter paper. It should be done within a minute of ejaculation or the pro-pheromone in the semen will be oxidized. Seal the container tight after you collect the filtrate.
The urine in the early morning (after an adequate sleep) is very different from urine at other times of the day. It contains high levels of urea, which will be used as a catalyst for activating the pro-pheromone. Make sure you have a good night's sleep and collect the urine in the moring.
Now you are all set to begin the actual preparation. Take catalyst (morning urine) and pro-hormone (enriched semen) in the ratio of 10:7 and mix them in a clean glass container. In a few seconds you should start to smell something 'weird' and 'repulsive'. Mind you, it's the MALE pheromone. Unless you are a female or are gay, you won't find it attractive. Transfer the container to the stove and reduce it over LOW HEAT to 10-20% of its original volume. This step is extremely important to concentrate the solution. Once the solution has cooled, close the preparation tight and keep away from light.
Use as much as required and whenever necessary. An one time application of about 1.5 ml of the preparation lasts for about 16 hours. This may seem like a lot of solution, and it works best if you spread it widely over your chest, arms, neck, and armpits. Applying small amounts in the crotch area will help too! Note: This may smell repulsive to you for the first 10-15 minutes of application, but to women or gay men it will not produce this effect.
Speaking from personal experience and various experiments, females go fuckin crazy when they are exposed to the preparation. I have used the home-made pheromone to gently caress incrediblt HOT girls. They lose control and go fuckin crazy like flies jumping into the burning fire at night. Try it, you will be like OMFG!
Expiry: 3 days unless frozen.
TL;DR use your semen to and urnine to get girls to go crazy for you!sigpic
Originariamente Scritto da valium Visualizza Messaggiocomunque pazzesco, ci stavo pensando ieri o avantieri e poi l'ha scritto blood
comunque nel caso dei maschi non bisogna segarsi per 10 giorni e poi cucinare l'eiaculato assieme a qualche solvente da mischiare con un profumo a scelta, almeno questo è quello che lessi
Io mi sono semplicemente imbattuto in un 3d a caso nel forum dei brutti e l ho copiaincollato.
Originariamente Scritto da BLOOD black Visualizza MessaggioPensavi a fare profumi a base di kazzo?
Io mi sono semplicemente imbattuto in un 3d a caso nel forum dei brutti e l ho copiaincollato.sigpic
Originariamente Scritto da Mario12 Visualizza Messaggiofacciamo un organizzazione su sta roba e diventiamo miliardari.Ogni mio intervento e' da considerarsi di stampo satirico e ironico ,cosi come ogni riferimento alla mia e altrui persone e' da intendersi come mai realmente accaduto e di pura fantasia. In nessun caso , il contenuto dei miei interventi su questo forum e' atto all' offesa , denigrazione o all odio verso persone o idee.Originariamente Scritto da Bob TerwilligerDi solito i buoni propositi di contenersi si sfasciano contro la dura realtà dell'alcolismo.
Originariamente Scritto da Mario12 Visualizza Messaggionon penso esista un profumo che attiri le donne … al massimo sono attratte dalla faccia.
Inviato dal mio SM-G970F utilizzando TapatalkOriginariamente Scritto da Pescalei ti parla però, ti saluta, è gentile, sei tu la merda hunt
Originariamente Scritto da valium Visualizza MessaggioTrovato
I know you NGers have trouble with the ladies sometimes. It's a problem for all of us. Well I have developed a technique that will allow you to attract ladies using the secrets of your own body chemistry - pheromones! I want everyone who has a chance should try this out and post their results. Warning: If you are a girl and you try this the results may be unpleasant or even disastrous. I warned you.
You don't need to spend your parent's hard-earned money to buy sex pheromones anymore! Yes, you can now prepare it right in the privacy of your room at almost no cost in your own time. I used to work at a popular sex pheromones firm and learned the secret while at it for 7 months. Without going into the physiological details of how pheromones are produced naturally by all individuals and how they work, I explain you how to prepare it on your own. Please note, the method is applicable only for the male sex pheromone.
1. Test tubes or any other glass container (no metal)
2. Filter paper
3. Early morning fresh urine
4. Enriched semen
This is gonna be the hardest part for many of you. You gotta abstain from sex/masturbation in any form for 10-11 days. Don't extend it beyond 12 days though. This is to enrich your semen.
After you have completed enrichment, arouse yourself to an intense degree with the aid of your sex partner or quality porn. Masturbate and collect the enriched semen in a glass container. Now filter the collection into another glass container using a filter paper. It should be done within a minute of ejaculation or the pro-pheromone in the semen will be oxidized. Seal the container tight after you collect the filtrate.
The urine in the early morning (after an adequate sleep) is very different from urine at other times of the day. It contains high levels of urea, which will be used as a catalyst for activating the pro-pheromone. Make sure you have a good night's sleep and collect the urine in the moring.
Now you are all set to begin the actual preparation. Take catalyst (morning urine) and pro-hormone (enriched semen) in the ratio of 10:7 and mix them in a clean glass container. In a few seconds you should start to smell something 'weird' and 'repulsive'. Mind you, it's the MALE pheromone. Unless you are a female or are gay, you won't find it attractive. Transfer the container to the stove and reduce it over LOW HEAT to 10-20% of its original volume. This step is extremely important to concentrate the solution. Once the solution has cooled, close the preparation tight and keep away from light.
Use as much as required and whenever necessary. An one time application of about 1.5 ml of the preparation lasts for about 16 hours. This may seem like a lot of solution, and it works best if you spread it widely over your chest, arms, neck, and armpits. Applying small amounts in the crotch area will help too! Note: This may smell repulsive to you for the first 10-15 minutes of application, but to women or gay men it will not produce this effect.
Speaking from personal experience and various experiments, females go fuckin crazy when they are exposed to the preparation. I have used the home-made pheromone to gently caress incrediblt HOT girls. They lose control and go fuckin crazy like flies jumping into the burning fire at night. Try it, you will be like OMFG!
Expiry: 3 days unless frozen.
TL;DR use your semen to and urnine to get girls to go crazy for you!
Dov'è scritta sta robaSpesso vado più d'accordo con persone che la pensano in maniera diametralmente opposta alla mia.
"Un acceso silenzio brucerà la campagna
come i falò la sera."
Originariamente Scritto da valium Visualizza Messaggioqualche giorno fa pensavo a un post di un forum che ho letto più di 10 anni fa
Se ciò non accade vuol dire che sei un tipo a cui piace la comfort zone, non agggiungi skills al tuo essere, non ti aggiorni, e quindi la spazzatura non viene sovrascritta (dimenticata).