Originariamente Scritto da Maverick87
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Un po' come dire che e' colpa delle donne che non si coprono bene se vengono stuprate. Gli era stato detto cosa fare per non essere prima picchiate e poi stuprate. Eppure hanno voluto ribadire di essere nel giusto e sono andate avanti in uno scontro che non possono combattere.
Morale della favola degli utenti BW: se un bullo di minaccia e tu non cedi e vieni riempito di botte la colpa e' tua.
Ragazzi, non sapevo foste dei gran ammiratori di Riina e i metodi mafiosi.
Originariamente Scritto da Ponno
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"They are moving towards poland border mate.
Good thing is that my father has UK passport, so we will see what we can do with the UK Embassy for evacuation.
My cousins and few mates wanted to stay behind.
It is hard because they are bombing not military target as well such as roads and bridges used by people to evacuate.
It's shit man and I think it will last for a while.
I have heard that a ton of people in Russia who are mortified and against this war because after all we are brothers. I guess they are victim as well of their president.
That scum is fucked in the head, however we will defend ourselves until the end. We do not care how big they are. I know my people and we will not give up.
Thanks for checking man, I really appreciate it.
I ll keep you updated"