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  • giuseppesole
    • Jul 2011
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    Originariamente Scritto da Bob Terwilliger Visualizza Messaggio
    Del senno di poi son piene le fosse, Luke. Dovresti considerare anche l'opportunità persa per eccesso di prudenza - come possibile corrispettivo dell'eccesso di ingordigia. Leggi cosa scrivevamo sette mesi fa:
    Ma oltre a questo (vero) c'è un altro fatto: eccesso di prudenza o di ingordigia non sono tali a priori - non si può dire, prima, "per non ricadere ne' nell'eccesso di prudenza ne' in quello di ingordigia devo tenermi nell'intervallo X" - ma solo guardando il grafico a posteriori... quindi solo relativamente alla risposta del mercato. Insomma, dire così è come non dire nulla, nessun concetto, insomma.
    Un po' come quel discorso secondo il quale si dice che Gesù Cristo, fosse venuto oggi, sarebbe rinchiuso in qualche manicomio... ovverosia "santo o pazzo" a seconda della posizione (sempre successiva) del potere, oppure ancora nella guerra in cui chi vince è sempre quello che aveva ragione; ma non sai prima chi vincerà, al limite sai chi ha ragione e te ne scorderai come tutti all'indomani del risultato.
    Insomma Luke, queste non sono argomentazioni che ti possano dare una qualche pallida indicazione su come operare, perchè sono tali solo a posteriori. Quindi sono il nulla assoluto.
    Peraltro un investitore non compra, tiene, e vende... e chiusa lì; sta presumibilmente sempre su di un carro, saltando di carro in carro (o più carri), perchè i suoi soldi rendono bene se restano investiti a lungo. Poi se liquidi prima della dump e ti infili in un'altra dump non hai mica risolto. Il confronto è sempre tra un investimento ed uno migliore, non tra l'investimento e la sua liquidazione. Altrimenti hai guadagnato tanto nell'operazione ma sul lungo periodo guadagni poco.
    Last edited by giuseppesole; 02-06-2021, 11:24:32.


    • Lorenzo993
      • May 2012
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      Basel III is a set of international regulations concerning bank capital adequacy, stress testing, and overall market liquidity. Many of these regulations have been introduced straight after the 2008-2009 financial crisis. But there are several aspects of these agreements that will only come into effect on June 28, 2021 for European banks and on January 1, 2022 for the UK. To sum up, gold will become a risk-free Tier 1 asset and it will become more expensive to buy and sell unallocated gold. These factors are highly bullish for physical gold. So, investors in this precious metal will be generously rewarded, provided they buy physical gold. But let me explain this in a bit more detail.

      Gold as a risk-free asset
      Under Basel III, gold would become a Tier 1 asset or a zero-risk asset, for banks. As mentioned in the Basel III framework, national discretion, gold bullion held in own vaults or on an allocated basis to the extent backed by bullion liabilities can be treated as cash and therefore risk-weighted at 0%. In addition, cash items in the process of collection can be risk-weighted at 20%.

      Source: Basel Framework, page 192

      But the interesting point is that gold must be physical and held in the institution's own vaults. It should not be in paper form or owned and leased by someone else. Most gold investments are leased or borrowed or held in paper form. So, it looks like major changes are about to come.

      Since gold will have such a risk-free status, many banks will be encouraged to buy more for bookkeeping purposes. This will also highly encourage every central bank to raise its physical reserves of this shiny yellow metal.

      The decision to make gold a zero-risk asset was not made yesterday, of course. In 2017 it was announced gold would become a Tier 1 asset under Basel III. The year was marked by central banks' massive buying of gold. 651.5 tons of the shiny metal was bought, a record amount over the last 50 years. This fact serves as evidence that these new regulations will be bullish for physical gold, in my opinion.

      What is more, under Basel III, gold is not even treated as a commodity but rather as a currency. This basically means the yellow shiny metal is far less of a risk and less volatile than most commodities since, according to Basel III, currencies tend to be more stable.

      As mentioned in the Framework,

      This section sets out the standardized approach for measuring the risk of holding or taking positions in commodities, including precious metals, but excluding gold (which is treated as a foreign currency according to the methodology set out in MAR20.52 to MAR20.61 above).

      Source: Basel Framework, page 661

      Basel III: The Net Stable Funding Ratio
      Briefly, the new NSFR requirement will make the handling of unallocated gold more complicated but there is a solution to it. In plain terms, the Net Stable Funding Ratio will be used to oblige banks to finance long-term assets with long-term money (i.e., greater than one year) to avoid liquidity failures.

      Specifically, for all precious metals, the NSFR requirement will imply an 85% Required Stable Funding (RSF) to be held by banks against the financing and clearing of precious metals transactions. This is a highly significant rise compared to its pre-Basel III level of 0%.

      As mentioned in the framework,

      Assets assigned an 85% RSF factor comprise:

      ... physical traded commodities, including gold.

      Source: Basel III: The Net Stable Funding Ratio

      In plain terms, it suggests that regulators are now considering gold to be an illiquid asset, that is even riskier to hold than exchange-traded equities (which have an RSF of 50%) and as risky as all other equities (RSF of 85%).

      All that sounds quite unpleasant for the banks and their bullion business. But does it mean there will be no way to hold physical gold bars or any other form of gold without fulfilling this requirement? No, I would say just the opposite is true.

      Specifically, clearing members could solve this RSF problem by allocating their precious metals. What exactly does it mean? Allocating simply means converting the clients' accounts from unallocated to allocated gold. Let me explain this with a simple example. Let us assume that a clearing bank has 40 customers holding the pool of the $50 billion unallocated gold. The bank can allocate gold bars from its balance sheet to each of its 40 clients. By converting the clients' accounts from unallocated to allocated, the clearing bank can avoid the negative impact from NSFR on its gold business as it will end up no longer holding gold on its balance sheet. This will be great for the clearing banks. However, the requirement to hold gold on an allocated basis will still be more expensive than holding it on an unallocated basis. So, the costs will still rise.

      But what is the exact difference between allocated and unallocated precious metals? There is quite a big difference. In my other article, I wrote about SPDR Gold Shares Exchange-Traded Fund (GLD) and the differences between paper gold and physical gold. In short, allocated gold is physical gold, whereas unallocated gold is paper gold.

      Allocated gold suggests you are the direct owner of the yellow metal and you have no counterparty risk. Unallocated gold, however, remains the property of the bank - the investor is a creditor of the bank but is not the direct owner of the bullions.

      As my colleague Sprott Money explained in his excellent analysis, unallocated gold can be borrowed, loaned out, more than once. This means there might be many claims on the very same amount of gold. This cannot happen to allocated gold by definition. In other words, the banks will be punished for holding unallocated gold and rewarded for holding the actual unleveraged physical metal. In simple words, this makes it expensive for banks to engage in any forms of hypothecation or gold lending. That is also important because gold lending is one of the main tools used to short gold. That is why reducing this activity makes it more complicated to short the shiny metal and is therefore bullish.

      The Basel III agreement will have a major impact on the European banks and also on the UK banks. The Net Stable Funding Ratio requirement will make it difficult for banks and other institutions to keep unallocated gold. So, one of the likely solutions will be to allocate gold. The very fact gold will become a risk-free asset is highly bullish. It will make central banks and other investors raise their gold reserves. All this is highly advantageous for investors holding physical gold.
      Last edited by Lorenzo993; 01-06-2021, 14:32:27.


      • Ponno
        Socialista col Rolex
        • Feb 2013
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        Gold to the MOON

        Inviato dal mio Mi 9T Pro utilizzando Tapatalk
        Originariamente Scritto da claudio96

        più o meno il triplo


        • Virulogo.88
          Bodyweb Advanced
          • Nov 2008
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          Ora che Ryù nel suo gruppo telegram che si sta facendo fare le collette dagli adepti ( non sto scherzando ) .
          Originariamente Scritto da Pesca
          lei ti parla però, ti saluta, è gentile, sei tu la merda hunt


          • Luke91
            Bodyweb Senior
            • Apr 2014
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            Originariamente Scritto da Virulogo.88 Visualizza Messaggio
            Ora che Ryù nel suo gruppo telegram che si sta facendo fare le collette dagli adepti ( non sto scherzando ) .
            Hunter diceva fosse miliardario

            Mi fido
            Originariamente Scritto da huntermaster
            tu ti sacrifichi tutta la vita mangiando mer da in bianco e bevendl acqua per.farti le seghe nella tua kasa di prigio.
            Originariamente Scritto da luna80
            Ma come? Non avevi mica posto sicuro al McDonald's come salatore di patatine?


            • Lorenzo993
              • May 2012
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              Originariamente Scritto da Virulogo.88 Visualizza Messaggio
              Ora che Ryù nel suo gruppo telegram che si sta facendo fare le collette dagli adepti ( non sto scherzando ) .
              Come si chiama il gruppo per leggere quello che scrive questo attrezzo?


              • Virulogo.88
                Bodyweb Advanced
                • Nov 2008
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                La crypta

                Inviato dal mio SM-G970F utilizzando Tapatalk
                Originariamente Scritto da Pesca
                lei ti parla però, ti saluta, è gentile, sei tu la merda hunt


                • Sly83
                  CAVETTERIA INCLUSIVA
                  • May 2003
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                  Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                  Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a


                  • Nemesis84
                    Ice and Cold
                    • Jun 2013
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Sly83 Visualizza Messaggio
                    "It' better stand tall when they're calling you out, don't bend, don't break, don't back down"


                    • Sly83
                      CAVETTERIA INCLUSIVA
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                      Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                      Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a


                      • Sly83
                        CAVETTERIA INCLUSIVA
                        • May 2003
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                        Sparuracchio mode: baubaudedip!!!

                        Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                        Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a


                        • Luke91
                          Bodyweb Senior
                          • Apr 2014
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                          La Crypthai di Ryu Franciscu
                          Originariamente Scritto da huntermaster
                          tu ti sacrifichi tutta la vita mangiando mer da in bianco e bevendl acqua per.farti le seghe nella tua kasa di prigio.
                          Originariamente Scritto da luna80
                          Ma come? Non avevi mica posto sicuro al McDonald's come salatore di patatine?


                          • Nasser95
                            Bodyweb Advanced
                            • May 2013
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                            Originariamente Scritto da Luke91 Visualizza Messaggio
                            La Crypthai di Ryu Franciscu
                            BTC TO THE HELLL deve sprofondare a 1000$!!!!


                            • Luke91
                              Bodyweb Senior
                              • Apr 2014
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                              • Zimbabwe [ZW]
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                              Originariamente Scritto da Nasser95 Visualizza Messaggio
                              BTC TO THE HELLL deve sprofondare a 1000$!!!!
                              Fa una bellissima altalena intorno a 35k ogni giorno

                              Chissà se Art ha ripreso un po' con One
                              Originariamente Scritto da huntermaster
                              tu ti sacrifichi tutta la vita mangiando mer da in bianco e bevendl acqua per.farti le seghe nella tua kasa di prigio.
                              Originariamente Scritto da luna80
                              Ma come? Non avevi mica posto sicuro al McDonald's come salatore di patatine?


                              • Sly83
                                CAVETTERIA INCLUSIVA
                                • May 2003
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                                • Sly's GYM
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                                Ha un ritardo sul crollo o sbaglio

                                Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                                Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a

