devo fare una piccola traduzione da ita vs ing, ma essendo alle prime armi ho bisogno di aiuto. Ho 2-3 pezzetti così da fare, di volta in volta scrivo cosa ho fatto.
Può darsi che abbia fatto errori di costruzione ogni correzione è ben accetta
Antwerp (in Flemish Antwerpen, in French Anvers) has a population of 472.071 and is a historical city of Belgium of undoubted beauty. Located near the river Scheldt, Antwerp is the second biggest city in Belgium after the capital Bruxelles, which is about 40 kilometres away, it is the main seaport of the country and the biggest centre of the Flemish Region. In recent years Antwerp became one of the European fashion capitals so it is a fabulous centre for shopping.
According to a legend form the 15thcentury, the name “Antwerpen” comes from the expression Handwerpen which means “to throw the hand”, referred to the event when the Roman soldier SilviusBrabo killed the giant DruonAntigoon , who ruled over the area, cut off the giant’s hand and threw it into the Scheldt.
The local speciality of little chocolates called AntwerpseHanjes, literally “Antwerp Hands”, refers to the legend. To the legend is also dedicated a fountain in GroteMarkt which celebrates SilviusBrabo.
Another version tells that the name of the city dates from the 11th century when the inhabitants of the area retired aanwerp, it means to an alluvial hill, because off Norman incursions. Then ( per dire in seguito va bene?) on the hill was built the castle HetSteen ( da cui sorse poi il centro cittadino ) si dice from which o where ? the inhabited centre was born. (Va bene was born ?? non mi suona però)
Può darsi che abbia fatto errori di costruzione ogni correzione è ben accetta

Antwerp (in Flemish Antwerpen, in French Anvers) has a population of 472.071 and is a historical city of Belgium of undoubted beauty. Located near the river Scheldt, Antwerp is the second biggest city in Belgium after the capital Bruxelles, which is about 40 kilometres away, it is the main seaport of the country and the biggest centre of the Flemish Region. In recent years Antwerp became one of the European fashion capitals so it is a fabulous centre for shopping.
According to a legend form the 15thcentury, the name “Antwerpen” comes from the expression Handwerpen which means “to throw the hand”, referred to the event when the Roman soldier SilviusBrabo killed the giant DruonAntigoon , who ruled over the area, cut off the giant’s hand and threw it into the Scheldt.
The local speciality of little chocolates called AntwerpseHanjes, literally “Antwerp Hands”, refers to the legend. To the legend is also dedicated a fountain in GroteMarkt which celebrates SilviusBrabo.
Another version tells that the name of the city dates from the 11th century when the inhabitants of the area retired aanwerp, it means to an alluvial hill, because off Norman incursions. Then ( per dire in seguito va bene?) on the hill was built the castle HetSteen ( da cui sorse poi il centro cittadino ) si dice from which o where ? the inhabited centre was born. (Va bene was born ?? non mi suona però)