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  • tekkio92
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    ma..secondo il mio modesto parere striscia è caduta un po in basso, cosa me ne importa a me e all'utente medio di sapere che ce il geranio 1.3 o come cavolo si chiama su un integratore alimentare, max sembrava che avesse scoperto un traffico illegale di steroidi..
    striscia dovrebbe preoccuparsi di notificarlo all'importatore, invece di farci un servizio stupido e che crea allarmismi del tutto inutili, secondo me la disinformazione sta nel complesso di come presentano il servizio, per farti un esempio mio padre appena ha sentito la parola integratori alimentari a striscia ha subito esclamato "mio quello che prendi te!" andando a prendere il barattolo delle proteine in polvere... e cercando di leggere nella tabella nutrizionale la sostanza incriminata ahah. Una scena buffa si,ma il servizio alimenta la ormai inarrestabile nube di stronzate che circonda gli integratori alimentari.
    Che vi devo dire, le proteine fanno male ai reni, e la creatina al fegato...beh ragazzi mangiate activia che cacate regolari!!


    • menphisdaemon
      • Mar 2008
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      Ti ricordo che siamo in caffetteria: moderazione nel linguaggio e occhio al regolamento.
      "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
      Joel Marion

      "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


      "Huge By choice, not by chance."


      • Sergio
        • May 1999
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        Notizia bomba in anteprima... chi non riesce a leggerlo lo metta su Google Translate :


        To: To Whomever It May ConcernFrom: Barry Lynch
        Date: September 6, 2011

        The question has been raised as to whether a compound which USPlabs utilizes in some sportsnutrition supplements, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (“DMAA”) occurs in nature.

        Although published data already exists (Ping et al., 1996) which indicate that DMAA does occurin geranium oil derived from geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) plants gathered in specificregion(s) of China, translational and grammatical errors in this report have led some to questionthe validity of the data. Consequently, USPlabs undertook a scientific investigation to verify thatDMAA does in fact occur in the geranium plant (as well as its oil) and at what concentrations.The data that USPlabs has obtained from two independent and highly respected analyticalchemistry laboratories, utilizing advanced validated analytical instrumentation and methods,corroborate the original data published by Ping et al, and further demonstrate the occurrence ofDMAA in the geranium plant, Pelargonium graveolens, and its edible oil.

        USPlabs has also had their formulations containing this compound evaluated in human clinicaltrials. No serious adverse events have been encountered and the formulations containingDMAA have been well-tolerated.

        USPlabs is currently in the process of having these data prepared for and submitted to peer-reviewed journals for publication. As you are well aware, this process can take several monthsto over a year from the time of submission to publication. Because highly respected peer-reviewed journals have strict policies which prohibit the dissemination / publication of data priorto publication in the journal, USPlabs is unable to release data prior to publication.

        Barry Lynch, B.Sc., DABT, ERTAssociate Director
        Cantox Health Sciences International
        An Intertek Company
        File Allegati


        • Thebestchecco
          Apro 3d mongoli e nessuno mi caga
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          Originariamente Scritto da Sergio Visualizza Messaggio
          Notizia bomba in anteprima... chi non riesce a leggerlo lo metta su Google Translate :


          To: To Whomever It May ConcernFrom: Barry Lynch
          Date: September 6, 2011

          The question has been raised as to whether a compound which USPlabs utilizes in some sportsnutrition supplements, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (“DMAA”) occurs in nature.

          Although published data already exists (Ping et al., 1996) which indicate that DMAA does occurin geranium oil derived from geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) plants gathered in specificregion(s) of China, translational and grammatical errors in this report have led some to questionthe validity of the data. Consequently, USPlabs undertook a scientific investigation to verify thatDMAA does in fact occur in the geranium plant (as well as its oil) and at what concentrations.The data that USPlabs has obtained from two independent and highly respected analyticalchemistry laboratories, utilizing advanced validated analytical instrumentation and methods,corroborate the original data published by Ping et al, and further demonstrate the occurrence ofDMAA in the geranium plant, Pelargonium graveolens, and its edible oil.

          USPlabs has also had their formulations containing this compound evaluated in human clinicaltrials. No serious adverse events have been encountered and the formulations containingDMAA have been well-tolerated.

          USPlabs is currently in the process of having these data prepared for and submitted to peer-reviewed journals for publication. As you are well aware, this process can take several monthsto over a year from the time of submission to publication. Because highly respected peer-reviewed journals have strict policies which prohibit the dissemination / publication of data priorto publication in the journal, USPlabs is unable to release data prior to publication.

          Barry Lynch, B.Sc., DABT, ERTAssociate Director
          Cantox Health Sciences International
          An Intertek Company
          giusto il giorno dopo sto servizio esce questa news


          • Messy92
            Bodyweb Advanced

            • Oct 2011
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            Concordo con chi ha giudicato non scandaloso il servizio come Francesco01, tutt'altro approcio da quello di Mistero () di Italia1. Non sono state fatte sbagliate affermazioni, ma potrebbe essere che volutamente non sia stato affermato a sufficienza, per esempio gli effetti collaterali di questo estratto - di cui tra l'altro non ne sono a conoscenza, qualcuno potrebbe accennarmi?
            Come ha detto Sergio, il medico intervistato ha fatto un semplice avviso agli atleti dei livelli agonistici. Se risulta positivo ai test anti-doping non significa illegale per tutti, o sbaglio?
            Tekkio92, ho appena finito di parlare con mia madre e razionalizzare le ignoranti accuse ai "mostri integratori" da parte di mio padre .


            • Sergio
              • May 1999
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              Originariamente Scritto da Messy92 Visualizza Messaggio
              Concordo con chi ha giudicato non scandaloso il servizio come Francesco01, tutt'altro approcio da quello di Mistero () di Italia1. Non sono state fatte sbagliate affermazioni, ma potrebbe essere che volutamente non sia stato affermato a sufficienza, per esempio gli effetti collaterali di questo estratto - di cui tra l'altro non ne sono a conoscenza, qualcuno potrebbe accennarmi?
              Come ha detto Sergio, il medico intervistato ha fatto un semplice avviso agli atleti dei livelli agonistici. Se risulta positivo ai test anti-doping non significa illegale per tutti, o sbaglio?
              Tekkio92, ho appena finito di parlare con mia madre e razionalizzare le ignoranti accuse ai "mostri integratori" da parte di mio padre .
              Certo però che dici "razionalizzare le ignoranti accuse" e poi parti anche tu per la tangente con la fissa degli effetti collaterali. Ha gli stessi effetti collaterali del caffè del bar, è uno stimolante ed un vasocostrittore quindi agisce di conseguenza, con i pro e contro, gli effetti collaterali sono gli stessi del caffè.
              Tu quando vai al bar gli chiedi che effetti collaterali ha il caffè? Prima di prendere il cornetto alla crema gli chiedi che effetti collaterali potrebbe avere?


              • Sergio
                • May 1999
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                Published on 12-08-2011 04:30 AM


                Four new medical research studies
                published today and one more to come confirm that the best-selling supplements produced by USPlabs, Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, which contain DMAA, are safe and do not cause adverse health effects when used as directed, according to the research on DMAA conducted by a leading medical expert on nutritional supplements.

                The groundbreaking, peer-reviewed studies on the DMAA products
                were performed at an esteemed cardiorespiratory laboratory at a Division I, U.S. university by one of the nation’s leading and most respected experts on nutritional supplements.

                The release of these studies places both Jack3d and OxyElite Pro in the top 1% for volume of medical research performed on finished dietary supplements. The studies were undertaken in order to reiterate the safety of products containing DMAA through medical research and the results show that DMAA-containing products can be a safe and effective part of a healthy workout regimen.

                The results of the studies are as follows.

                Study #1: OxyElite Pro Acute Study
                In a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial with crossover, OxyElite Pro was shown to increase markers of lipolysis (fat breakdown) and energy expenditure (metabolic rate) in a group of six healthy men and six healthy women, all of whom were exercise-trained individuals.

                Specifically for the markers of lipolysis, glycerol was increased by an average of 29% and 65% over baseline in men and women, respectively, 120 minutes after ingesting two capsules of OxyElite Pro. Free fatty acids were increased by an average of 92% and 68% in men and women, respectively. Finally, energy expenditure was increased by an average of 9% and 24% in men and women, respectively. These data indicate that by increasing lipolysis and metabolic rate, the DMAA-containing OxyElite Pro may allow for reduced fat mass and weight loss.


                Study #2: OxyElite Pro Eight-Week Safety & Efficacy Study
                In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, OxyElite Pro was studied to see if it could improve body composition in healthy men and women over an eight-week period of use. A group of 32 exercise-trained men and women participated in the study. When comparing baseline values with those after eight weeks of use, subjects in the OxyElite Pro group were found to have decreased body weight, BMI, waist size, waist to hip ratio, total body fat percentage, fat mass and appetite.

                In addition to efficacy, safety of the DMAA-containing product was also assessed via hemodynamic and metabolic variables. While OxyElite did increase heart rate by an average of six beats per minute (comparable to the effect seen in some studies after the administration of caffeine dosages equivalent to 2 or 3 cups of coffee), no changes in blood pressure were noted when comparing the values seen at baseline to those after eight weeks of use. In addition, liver and kidney function were not affected as indicated by various blood borne markers. The supplement was well-tolerated and no serious adverse events were noted.

                In looking at the product’s efficacy, men experienced an average 1.16% reduction in body fat percentage while women experienced an average decrease of 0.8%. Men experienced a 1.24 inch reduction in their waist size from baseline, while women lost 0.78 inches. Men also lost 0.92 inches off their hips while the women's hip sizes didn't change, indicating an improvement of the waist-hip ratio.

                Men's fat mass decreased
                by 3.86 lb from baseline while women's fat mass decreased 1.9 lb. Men's body weight decreased by an average of 5.06 lb from baseline while women's decreased 3.36 lb.
                In addition, when subjects were asked to rate their appetite on a scale of 1-10 from baseline until week eight of the study, they reported an average decrease in appetite scores of approximately 24% after using OxyElite Pro. Overall, this eight-week study corroborated what the previous acute study indicated, which is that by increasing lipolysis and metabolic rate, OxyElite Pro is able to reduce fat mass in healthy men and women.


                Study #3: Jack3d Two-Week Safety Study
                In an open-label, single-arm trial consisting of seven healthy men, each was instructed to consume the DMAA-containing Jack3d each day for two weeks. At the beginning and end of the study, blood pressure, heart rate and various indicators of renal and liver function were assessed. The study found that there were no statistically significant changes from baseline to the end of the study. Jack3d, which contains DMAA, was well tolerated and no serious adverse events were noted.

                In addition to these data, the hemodynamic response to acute ingestion was assessed as well for this DMAA product. Although small and transient changes in blood pressure were noted, these changes were consistent with changes seen after administration of the equivalent of 2-3 cups of coffee. Jack3d did not result in a statistically significant change in heart rate or blood pressure.Link:

                Study #4: OxyElite Pro Two-Week Safety Study
                In an open-label, single-arm trial consisting of four men and two women, subjects were instructed to consume OxyElite Pro each day for two weeks. At the beginning and end of the study, blood pressure, heart rate and various indicators of renal and liver function were assessed. The study found that there were no statistically significant changes from baseline to the end of the study. No serious adverse events were noted.

                In addition to these data, the hemodynamic response to acute ingestion was assessed as well. OxyElite Pro did not result in a statistically significant change in heart rate or diastolic pressure, but did cause a statistically significant change in systolic blood pressure; this increase was mild and transient and yet again, was similar to the increase seen in subjects ingesting an amount of caffeine equivalent to 2-3 cups of coffee.Link:

                Study #5: Jack3d Ten-Week Safety Study
                In addition, a ten-week safety study on the DMAA-containing Jack3d has been submitted for publication. This study evaluated heart rate, blood pressure and various measures of metabolic function (e.g., liver and kidney function) and found no changes from baseline to the end of the study. Jack3d was well tolerated and no adverse effects were noted.
                The question has been raised as to whether a compound which USPlabs utilizes in some sports nutrition supplements, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (“DMAA”) occurs in nature.

                Attached to this article is an official memorandum provided by Cantox Health Sciences International providing information pertaining to the availability of DMAA in nature.

                Memorandum PDF


                • Messy92
                  Bodyweb Advanced

                  • Oct 2011
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                  Scusami, mi sono spiegato male, intendevo gli effetti del 1,3 dmaa in generale, non tanto dei contro. Non sapevo nemmeno fosse uno stimolante come il caffè sinceramente (sono "nuovo" del settore )


                  • Sergio
                    • May 1999
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Messy92 Visualizza Messaggio
                    Scusami, mi sono spiegato male, intendevo gli effetti del 1,3 dmaa in generale, non tanto dei contro. Non sapevo nemmeno fosse uno stimolante come il caffè sinceramente (sono "nuovo" del settore )
                    Tranquillo, ci sono 1000 thread in sezione integratori


                    • Messy92
                      Bodyweb Advanced

                      • Oct 2011
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                      Perfetto, grazie Una domanda, quest'ultimo rilascio dov'è stato pubblicato?
                      Last edited by Messy92; 09-12-2011, 20:05:35.


                      • Sergio
                        • May 1999
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                        Originariamente Scritto da Messy92 Visualizza Messaggio
                        Perfetto, grazie Una domanda, quest'ultimo rilascio dov'è stato pubblicato?
                        E' scritto nel testo, che purtroppo è in inglese, ci sono i riferimenti alle varie ricerche effettuate da laboratori ed enti medici, non da pinco pallino ovviamente.


                        • Messy92
                          Bodyweb Advanced

                          • Oct 2011
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                          Sìsì ho letto, ma chiedevo su che giornale o altro fosse stato pubblicato, così per curiosità, ho letto che hanno partecipato enti di buon rilievo
                          Conclude dicendo (se ho ben tradotto) che dmaa si trova in natura, significa che non è sintetica?
                          Last edited by Messy92; 09-12-2011, 20:18:55.


                          • LARRY SCOTT
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                            E' anche uno degli ingredienti più efficaci del Lipo 6 Black se non erro...


                            • Luigi 87
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                              Non credo!
                              Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

                              diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????


                              • LARRY SCOTT
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                                Originariamente Scritto da Luigi 87 Visualizza Messaggio
                                Non credo!
                                Non stiamo parlando di feniletilamine?

