Originariamente Scritto da Diegosfgt
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I am american, and I must agree that there is a vast group of people who do not and will not believe in the theory that the government was responsible. This is for many reasons I will list just a few:
1.) Some are old (lived in an era where they perceived the world more honest) On top of which they watch the news but memory span is not so long to confront the mixed messages.
2. ) Some are uneducated and they do not actively research or use critical thinking.
3.) Some are patriotic.-having to accept that you govt did this would destroy something that you hold dearly to your heart, or just that you suspect your government makes you less patriotic.
4.) mentally traumatized - I lived in America during the event and for a couple of years after before moving to Italy. I promise you that they used every text book procedure for psychological mind control and possibly ones that I did not even notice. This was done all through the media. There was so much sadness, depression and fear and the media juggled it around to keep the american people confused and scared. All sense for rationalizing seemed to go away.
Here is one fine example: https://www.cato.org/dailys/03-02-03.html Duct tape saving your life and that of your love ones

My personal opinion is that the gov't is responsible, plain and simple,but that does not change anything. Towers had fallen, good men and women are still dead, the gov't still has the US in war for 7 years (and even managed to strong arm our allies into the war ... including Italy) There is suffering on all sides... globally.
[/QUOTE]Io non me la sento di criticarli.[/QUOTE]
All I can say as someone who seen the aftermath... the trauma... it is not so easy to gauge the fragility nor judge the ability of someone's mind and emotions to cope with a traumatic event.