sono di nuovo a spaccarvi le gonadi.... traducetemi please
Today we recieved a letter from the lawers representing "Philip Morris USA" demanding all products bearing the Marlboro trademark be withdrawn from sale.
Unfortunatly I can afford/don't need the hastle fighting this etc.
I believe i'm not the only model shop who has recieved this letter.
So just as a heads up, they will all be withdrawn in 24 hours from now. So if you need any grab them now
Today we recieved a letter from the lawers representing "Philip Morris USA" demanding all products bearing the Marlboro trademark be withdrawn from sale.
Unfortunatly I can afford/don't need the hastle fighting this etc.
I believe i'm not the only model shop who has recieved this letter.
So just as a heads up, they will all be withdrawn in 24 hours from now. So if you need any grab them now