Una canzone al giorno

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  • six00
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    Patty Smith - Beacause the night

    take me now baby here as I am
    pull me close, try and understand
    desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
    love is a banquet on which we feed

    come on now try and understand
    the way I feel when I'm in your hands
    take my hand come undercover
    they can't hurt you now,
    can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now
    because the night belongs to lovers
    because the night belongs to lust
    because the night belongs to lovers
    because the night belongs to us

    have I doubt when I'm alone
    love is a ring, the telephone
    love is an angel disguised as lust
    here in our bed until the morning comes
    come on now try and understand
    the way I feel under your command
    take my hand as the sun descends
    they can't touch you now,
    can't touch you now, can't touch you now
    because the night belongs to lovers ...

    with love we sleep
    with doubt the vicious circle
    turn and burns
    without you I cannot live
    forgive, the yearning burning
    I believe it's time, too real to feel
    so touch me now, touch me now, touch me now
    because the night belongs to lovers ...

    because tonight there are two lovers
    if we believe in the night we trust
    because tonight there are two lovers ...

    il video merita, la canzone è cantata da michel stipe dei REM e da bruce springsteen


    • Steel77
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      questa mi piace tantissimo

      I should've known better that I let you go alone
      'Cause times like these can't make it on my own
      Wasted days and sleepless nights
      And I can't wait to see you again

      If I just let my dime waiting on your call
      I can't tell you babe, backs against the wall
      Leave you by my side to tell me it's alright
      'Cause I don't think I can take anymore

      Is this love that I'm feeling?
      Is this the love that I've been searching for?
      Is this love or am I dreaming?
      This must be love 'cause it's really got a hold on me
      A hold on me

      Can't stop the feeling I've been this way before
      With you I'll find the key to open any door
      I can feel my love for you was stronger day by day
      And I can't wait to see you again
      So I can hold you in my arms

      Repeat Chorus

      (solo guitar)

      Is this love that I'm feeling?
      Is this the love that I've been searching for?
      Is this love or am I dreaming?
      Is this the love that I've been searching for?
      Is this love or am I dreaming?
      Is this the love that I've been searching for?
      Is this love or am I dreaming?
      Is this the love that I've been searching for?
      (repeat until it fades away


      • Arturo Bandini
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        Hello darkness my old friend,
        I've come to talk with you again
        Because a vision softly creeping
        left it's seeds while I was sleeping
        And the vision that was planted in my brain
        still remains, within the sounds of silence

        In restless dreams I walked alone,
        narrow streets of cobblestone
        'neath the halo of a streetlamp
        I turned my collar to the cold and damp
        when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
        split the night... and touched the sound of silence

        And in the naked light I saw
        ten thousand people maybe more
        people talking without speaking
        people hearing without listening
        people writing songs that voices never share
        noone dare, disturb the sound of silence

        Fools said I you do not know,
        silence like a cancer grows,
        hear my words that I might teach you
        take my arms that I might reach you
        but my words, like silent raindrops fell...
        and echoed the will of silence

        And the people bowed and prayed,
        to the neon god they made
        And the sign flashed out its warning
        in the words that it was forming
        And the sign said, "The words of the prophets
        are written on the subway walls, and tenement halls
        and whisper the sounds of silence.

        Testo della canzone (traduzione italiana)

        Il Suono del Silenzio

        Salve oscurità, mia vecchia amica
        ho ripreso a parlarti ancora
        perché una visione che fa dolcemente rabbrividire
        ha lasciato in me i suoi semi mentre dormivo
        e la visione che è stata piantata nel mio cervello
        ancora persiste nel suono del silenzio

        Nei sogni agitati io camminavo solo
        attraverso strade strette e ciottolose
        nell'alone della luce dei lampioni
        sollevando il bavero contro il freddo e l'umidità
        quando i miei occhi furono colpiti dal flash di una luce al neon
        che attraversò la notte... e toccò il suono del silenzio

        E nella luce pura vidi
        migliaia di persone, o forse più
        persone che parlavano senza emettere suoni
        persone che ascoltavano senza udire
        persone che scrivevano canzoni che le voci non avrebbero mai
        e nessuno osava, disturbare il suono del silenzio

        "Stupidi" io dissi, "voi non sapete
        che il silenzio cresce come un cancro
        ascoltate le mie parole che io posso insegnarvi,
        aggrappatevi alle mie braccia che io posso raggiungervi"
        Ma le mie parole caddero come gocce di pioggia,
        e riecheggiarono, nei pozzi del silenzio

        e la gente si inchinava e pregava
        al Dio neon che avevano creato.
        e l'insegna proiettò il suo avvertimento,
        tra le parole che stava delineando.
        e l'insegna disse "le parole dei profeti
        sono scritte sui muri delle metropolitane
        e sui muri delle case popolari."
        E sussurrò nel suono del silenzio


        • Blaster
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          Originariamente Scritto da six00 Visualizza Messaggio
          la canzone è cantata da michel stipe dei REM e da bruce springsteen
          precisiamo, scritta da bruce sprigsteen e patti smith


          • six00
            Bodyweb Advanced
            • Jan 2006
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            Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth

            Originariamente Scritto da Blaster Visualizza Messaggio
            precisiamo, scritta da bruce sprigsteen e patti smith
            ah! ho sempre pensato fosse una poesia di Patty Smith

            There's something happening here
            What it is ain't exactly clear
            There's a man with a gun over there
            Telling me I got to beware
            I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down

            There's battle lines being drawn
            Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
            Young people speaking their minds
            Getting so much resistance from behind
            I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down

            What a field-day for the heat
            A thousand people in the street
            Singing songs and carrying signs
            Mostly say, hooray for our side
            It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down

            Paranoia strikes deep
            Into your life it will creep
            It starts when you're always afraid
            You step out of line, the man come and take you away

            We better stop, hey, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down
            Stop, hey, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down
            Stop, now, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down
            Stop, children, what's that sound
            Everybody look what's going down


            • six00
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              Negrita - Hollywood

              Esco di scena e vado a camminare solo
              sui marciapiedi io volo
              sono straniero nella mia citta'
              la gente passa mi vede e lo sa
              Mi fermo, poi riparto, poi mi fermo ancora e osservo
              la strada che si colora
              c'e' una faccia in vetrina...mi guarda e va via
              Chi e' lo straniero a casa mia?
              ...casa mia
              E trovo Andy il matto che e' vent'anni che e' li
              e mi dice qui va bene cosi'
              tanto tutto e' troppo e basta quel che hai
              e forse un giorno lo capirai
              Ma te che ne sai
              ma chi ***** sei?
              pero' so che ha ragione lui
              perche' lui e' un matto autentico
              e io troppo spesso mi dimentico che qui

              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood

              Arriva il buio e la gente vai via svelta
              e come per magia nelle telestazioni l'universo va in festa
              ancora un altro giorno alla finestra
              Ma uno straniero in fondo che ne sa
              di come funziona e di come va
              e anche se i sogni in questo posto finiscono in vino
              anche se perdi sempre a tavolino qui

              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood

              E anche se il film te l'aspettavi con un altro finale
              e se qualcosa in fondo e' andato male qui

              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood
              Qui non e' Hollywood


              • six00
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                Blondie - Call Me

                Colour me your colour, baby
                Colour me your car
                Colour me your colour, darling
                I know who you are
                Come up off your colour chart
                I know where you're coming from
                Call me on the line
                Call me call me any anytime
                Call me my love you can call me any day or night
                Call me
                Cover me with kisses, baby
                Cover me with love
                Roll me in designer sheets
                I'll never get enough
                Emotions come I don't know why
                Cover up love's alibi
                Call me on the line
                Call me call me any anytime
                Call me oh my love
                When you're ready we can share the wine
                Call me
                Ooh, he speaks the languages of love
                Ooh, amore, chiamami chiamami.
                Oo, appelle-moi mon cherie, appelle-moi
                Anytime anyplace anywhere anyway
                Anytime anyplace anywhere any day, anyway
                Call me my life
                Call me call me any anytime
                Call me for a ride
                Call me call me for some overtime
                Take me out and show me off
                Put me on the scene
                Dress Me in the fashions of the nineteen nighties
                You're the man no in between
                I know what you words can mean
                Call me call me any anytime
                Call me for a ride
                Call me call me for some overtime
                Call me in my life
                Call me call me in a sweet design
                Call me call me for your lover's lover's alibi
                Call me on the line
                Call me call me any anytime
                Call me
                Oh, call me, ooh ooh ah.
                Call me my love.
                Call me, call me any anytime.


                • Steel77
                  Bodyweb Advanced
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                  bella hollywood


                  • six00
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                    Elisa - Rainbow

                    che bella questa canzone! soprattutto quando canta il ritornello, ha una bella voce Elisa

                    You are not an enemy anymore
                    There's a ray of light upon your face now
                    I can look into your eyes
                    And I never thought
                    It could be so simple
                    You can hear the music with no sounds
                    You can heal my heart without me knowing
                    I can cry in front of you
                    'cause you're not afraid to face my weakness

                    When we'll wake up
                    Some morning rain
                    Will wash away our pain
                    When we'll wake up
                    Some morning rain
                    Will wash away our pain

                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us
                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us

                    You're not my enemy anymore
                    There's a ray of light upon your face now
                    It will be all new again
                    There is something else
                    Just 'round the corner

                    So when we'll wake up
                    Some morning rain
                    Will wash away our pain
                    When we'll wake up
                    Some morning rain
                    Will wash away our pain

                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us
                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us

                    I was looking for a place to stay
                    Are you looking for a place to stay

                    No it never began for us
                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us
                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us
                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us
                    'cause it never began for us
                    It'll never end for us


                    • ma_75
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                      Solo per intenditori

                      Queensryche-Someone Else?

                      When I fell from grace
                      I never realized
                      how deep the flood was around me.
                      A man whose life was toil was like a kettle left to boil,
                      and the water left scars on me.

                      I know now who I am.
                      If only for a while,
                      I recognize the changes.
                      I feel like I did before the
                      magic wore thin and the ³baptism
                      of stains² began

                      They used to say I was
                      nowhere, man,
                      heading down
                      was my destiny.
                      But yesterday, I swear,
                      that was someone else not me.

                      Here I stand at the crossroads edge,
                      afraid to reach out for eternity.
                      One step, when I look down,
                      I see someone else not me.

                      Looking back and I see
                      someone else.

                      All my life they said I
                      was going down,
                      but I¹m still standing,
                      stronger, proud.
                      And today I know there¹s
                      so much more I can be.

                      From where I stand at the crossroads edge
                      there¹s a path leading out to sea.
                      And from somewhere
                      deep in my mind,
                      sirens sing out loud
                      songs of doubt
                      as only they know how.
                      But one glance back reminds, and I see,
                      someone else not me.

                      I keep looking back
                      at someone else ... me ?
                      In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


                      • Steel77
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                        Originariamente Scritto da ma_75 Visualizza Messaggio
                        Solo per intenditori

                        Queensryche-Someone Else?


                        • six00
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                          Depeche Mode - People Are People

                          People are people
                          So why should it be
                          You and I should get along so awfully
                          People are people
                          So why should it be
                          You and I should get along so awfully

                          So were different colours
                          And were different creeds
                          And different people
                          Have different needs
                          Its obvious you hate me
                          Though Ive done nothing wrong
                          Ive never even met you
                          So what could I have done
                          I cant understand
                          What makes a man
                          Hate another man
                          Help me understand

                          People are people
                          So why should it be
                          You and I should get along so awfully
                          People are people
                          So why should it be
                          You and I should get along so awfully
                          Help me understand
                          Help me understand

                          Now youre punching
                          And youre kicking
                          And youre shouting at me
                          And Im relying on your common decency
                          So far it hasnt surfaced
                          But Im sure it exists
                          It just takes a while to travel
                          From your head to your fist (head to your fists)
                          I cant understand what makes a man
                          Hate another man
                          Help me understand
                          People are people
                          So why should it be
                          You and I should get along so awfully
                          People are people
                          So why should it be
                          You and I should get along so awfully

                          I cant understand
                          What makes a man
                          Hate another man
                          Help me understand....


                          • six00
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                            Modena City Ramblers - Oltre il Ponte

                            O ragazza dalle guance di pesca
                            o ragazza dalle guance d'aurora
                            io spero che a narrarti riesca
                            la mia vita all'età che tu hai ora.
                            Coprifuoco, la truppa tedesca
                            la città dominava, siam pronti
                            chi non vuole chinare la testa
                            con noi prenda la strada dei monti

                            Silenziosa sugli aghi di pino
                            su spinosi ricci di castagna
                            una squadra nel buio mattino
                            discendeva l'oscura montagna
                            La speranza era nostra compagna
                            a assaltar caposaldi nemici
                            conquistandoci l'armi in battaglia
                            scalzi e laceri eppure felici

                            Avevamo vent'anni e oltre il ponte
                            oltre il ponte ch'è in mano nemica
                            vedevam l'altra riva, la vita
                            tutto il bene del mondo oltre il ponte.
                            Tutto il male avevamo di fronte
                            tutto il bene avevamo nel cuore
                            a vent'anni la vita è oltre il ponte
                            oltre il fuoco comincia l'amore.

                            Non è detto che fossimo santi
                            l'eroismo non è sovrumano
                            corri, abbassati, dai balza avanti!
                            ogni passo che fai non è vano.
                            Vedevamo a portata di mano
                            oltre il tronco il cespuglio il canneto
                            l'avvenire di un mondo piu' umano
                            e più giusto più libero e lieto.

                            Ormai tutti han famiglia hanno figli
                            che non sanno la storia di ieri
                            io son solo e passeggio fra i tigli
                            con te cara che allora non c'eri.
                            E vorrei che quei nostri pensieri
                            quelle nostre speranze di allora
                            rivivessero in quel che tu speri
                            o ragazza color dell'aurora.

                            Avevamo vent'anni e oltre il ponte
                            oltre il ponte ch'è in mano nemica
                            vedevam l'altra riva, la vita
                            tutto il bene del mondo oltre il ponte.
                            Tutto il male avevamo di fronte
                            tutto il bene avevamo nel cuore
                            a vent'anni la vita è oltre il ponte
                            oltre il fuoco comincia l'amore.

                            Avevamo vent'anni e oltre il ponte
                            oltre il ponte ch'è in mano nemica
                            vedevam l'altra riva, la vita
                            tutto il bene del mondo oltre il ponte.
                            Tutto il male avevamo di fronte
                            tutto il bene avevamo nel cuore
                            a vent'anni la vita è oltre il ponte
                            oltre il fuoco comincia l'amore


                            • Bad Girl
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                              again lenny kravits

                              [FONT='Times New Roman', serif]Ive been searching for you
                              I heard a cry within my soul
                              I never had a yearning quite like this before
                              Now that you are walking right through my door
                              All of my life
                              Where have you been
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              And if that day comes
                              I know we could win
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              A sacred gift of heaven
                              For better worse wherever
                              And I would never let somebody break you down
                              Or take your crown, never
                              All of my life
                              Where have you been
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              And if that day comes
                              I know we could win
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              Ive searched through time, Ive always known
                              That you where there, upon your throne
                              A lonely queen, without her king
                              Ive longed for you, my love forever
                              All of my life
                              Where have you been
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              And if that day comes
                              I know we could win
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              All of my life
                              Where have you been
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              And if that day comes
                              I know we could win
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              All of my life
                              Where have you been
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              And if that day comes
                              I know we could win
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again

                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again

                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again
                              I wonder if Ill ever see you again[/FONT]
                              Originariamente Scritto da Gary
                              mi è stato consigliato nutella e caciotta come spuntino pre nanna. che faccio leo ?

                              Originariamente Scritto da Leonida
                              vai tranquillo, se sei in def puoi anche pensare di metterci due peperoni vicino.



                              • Sly83
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                                Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                                Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                                Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a

