Una canzone al giorno

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  • MadRock
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    Originariamente Scritto da Blaster Visualizza Messaggio
    torno IT con questa che vedrei bene cantata da MadRock...

    Brooks and Dunn - Play something country
    quando vuoi man, ho chitarra, cappello e stivali pronti


    • THE ALEX
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      Originariamente Scritto da ma_75 Visualizza Messaggio
      Guns and Roses-Patience

      il logo dei guns e' stato il mio primo tatuaggio

      Canzone spettacolare
      « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



      • Blaster
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        Originariamente Scritto da MadRock Visualizza Messaggio
        quando vuoi man, ho chitarra, cappello e stivali pronti

        allora in tema:

        The sky is crying - credo Elmore James, poi Stevie Ray Vaughan, Albert King, Eric Clapton, Gary Moore nonchè me medesimo

        The sky is cryin....cant you see the tears roll down the street
        The sky is cryin....cant you see the tears roll down the street
        Ive been looking for my baby
        And I wonder where can she be

        I saw my baby early one morning....she was walking on down the street
        I saw my baby early this morning....she was walking on down the street
        You know it hurt me, hurt me so bad
        Made my poor heart skip a beat

        Ive got a real real real real bad feelin
        That my baby she dont love me no more
        Ive got a real real bad feelin that my baby dont love me no more
        You know the sky, the skys been cryin
        Can you see the tears roll down my nose


        • ma_75
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          Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggio
          il logo dei guns e' stato il mio primo tatuaggio

          Canzone spettacolare

          Allora rilancio

          Guns and Roses-Estranged

          When you're talkin to yourself
          And nobody's home
          You can fool yourself
          You came in this world alone

          So nobody ever told you baby
          How it was gonna be
          So what'll happen to you baby
          Guess we'll have to wait and see
          ONE, TWO

          Old at heart but I'm only 28
          And I'm much too young
          To let love break my heart
          Young at heart but it's getting much too late
          To find ourselves so far apart

          I don't know how you're s'posed
          To find me lately
          An what more could tou ask from me
          How could you say that I never needed you
          When you took everything
          Said you took everything from me

          Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait
          When no one I know can seem to help me now
          Old at heart but I musn't hesitate
          If I'm to find my own way out

          Still talkin' to myself
          and nobody's home

          So nobody ever told us baby
          How it was gonna be
          So what'll happen to us baby
          Guess we'll have to wait and see

          When I find out all the reasons
          Maybe I'll find another way
          Find another day
          With all the changing seasons of my life
          Maybe I'll get it right next time
          An now that you've been broken down
          Got your head out of the clouds
          You're back down on the ground
          And you don't talk so loud
          An you don't walk so proud
          Any more, and what for

          Well I jumped into the river
          Too many times to make it home
          I'm out here on my own, an drifting all alone
          If it doesn't show give it time
          To read between the lines
          'Cause I see the storm getting closer
          And the waves they get so high
          Seems everything We've ever known's here
          Why must it drift away and die

          I'll never find anyone to replace you
          Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time- Oh this time
          Without you

          I knew the storm was getting closer
          And all my friends said I was high
          But everything we've ever known's here
          I never wanted it to die

          PS : un giorno mi devi fare l'elenco completo dei tuoi tatoo, con simbolo, data e motivazione
          In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


          • six00
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            purtroppo questa si sente da schifo vi conviene scaricarla, l'album Chameleon merita davvero

            Helloween - Giants

            Strong and invincible
            They know every rule
            Seems inconcievable
            Anything they do

            They made us their slaves
            We weren't unified
            Ever since we paid
            For selling our lives

            Someday, someway, I may see a wonderland
            Don't you, won't you say that we''ll be free again

            Deprived of our consciousness
            We can't predict what's more
            Can you remember how
            Things used to be before?

            I secretly dream
            Of things we will be taught
            Will someone esteem
            For those who have fought?

            Strong and invincible
            They know every rule
            Seems inconcievable
            Anything they do

            Deep in our hearts
            We hope our dreams come true
            The only thing is
            What are we to do?

            Won't you say it...
            Can't you feel it...?


            • jeanpierrefux74
              • Apr 2007
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              Enigma - Return To Innocence

              That's not the beginning of the end
              That's the return to yourself
              The return to innocence.
              Love - Devotion<a href="http://www.testimania.com/">Testi Canzoni</a>
              Feeling - Emotion
              Love - Devotion
              Feeling - Emotion
              Don't be afraid to be weak
              Don't be too proud to be strong
              Just look into your heart my friend
              That will be the return to yourself
              The return to innocence
              If you want, then start to laugh
              If you must, then start to cry
              Be yourself don't hide
              Just believe in destiny
              Don't care what people say
              Just follow your own way
              Don't give up and use the chance
              To return to innocence
              That's not the beginning of the end
              That's the return to yourself
              The return to innocence
              Don't care what people say
              Follow just your own way
              Follow just your own way
              Don't give up, don't give up
              To return, to return to innocence.
              If you want then laugh
              If you must then cry
              Be yourself don't hide
              Just believe in destiny


              • jeanpierrefux74
                • Apr 2007
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                Enigma - Sadeness

                (Latin) Procedamus in pace
                In nomine Christi, Amen

                (Let us go forth in peace
                In the name of Christ, So be it)

                (Latin)Cum angelis et pueris,
                fideles inveniamur

                (We shall find the faithful in the
                company of angels and children)

                (Latin)Attollite portas, principes, vestras
                et elevamini, portae aeternales
                et introibit rex gloriae
                Qius est iste Rex glorie?

                (Lift up ye heads o ye glorious gates,
                and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors,
                and the king of glory shall come in.
                Who is the king of glory? )

                (French) Sade dit moi
                Sade donne moi

                (Sade tell me
                Sade give me)

                (Latin)Procedamus in pace
                In nomine Christi, Amen

                (Shall we proceed in peace
                In the name of Christ, Amen)

                (French) Sade dit moi
                qu'est ce que tu vas chercher ?
                le bien par le mal
                la vertu par le vice
                Sade dit moi pourquoi l' 'evangile du mal ?
                quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les ?
                Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme

                (Sade tell me
                what is it that you seek?
                The rightness of wrong
                The virtue of vice
                Sade tell me why the Gospel of evil ?
                What is your religion? Where are your faithful?
                If you are against God, you are against man)

                (French) Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir ?
                Le plaisir sans l'amour.
                N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme ?

                (Sade tell me why blood for pleasure?
                Pleasure without love?
                Is there no longer any feeling in man's Faith?)

                (French) Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin?

                (Sade are you diabolical or divine?)

                (French) Sade dit moi
                Sade donne moi
                Sade dit moi
                Sade donne moi

                (Sade tell me
                Sade give me
                Sade tell me
                Sade give me

                (Latin) In nomine Christi, Amen

                (In the name of Christ, Amen)


                • THE ALEX
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                  One in a Million G'n'R

                  Originariamente Scritto da ma_75 Visualizza Messaggio
                  Allora rilancio

                  PS : un giorno mi devi fare l'elenco completo dei tuoi tatoo, con simbolo, data e motivazione


                  Yes I needed some time to get away.

                  I needed some peace of mind.

                  Some peace of mind that'll stay.

                  So I thumbed it. Now it's six in LA.

                  Maybe a greyhound could be my way.

                  Police and niggers, that's right,

                  Get outta my way.

                  Don't need to buy none of your

                  Gold chains today.

                  Now don't need no bracelets

                  Clamped in front of my back.

                  Just need my ticket 'till then,

                  Won't you cut me some slack.

                  You're one in a million.

                  Yeah that's what you are.

                  You're one in a million babe.

                  You're a shooting star.

                  Maybe some day we'll see you.

                  Before you make us cry.

                  You know we tried to reach you.

                  But you were much to high.

                  Much too high...

                  Much too high...

                  Much too high...

                  Immigrants and faggots,

                  They make no sense to me.

                  They come to our country

                  And think they'll do as they please.

                  Like start some mini-Iran.

                  Or spread some fucking disease.

                  And they talk so many God damn ways,

                  It's all greek to me.

                  Well some say I'm lazy,

                  And others say that's just me.

                  Some say I'm crazy.

                  I guess I'll always be.

                  But it's been such a long time,

                  Since I knew right from wrong.

                  It's all the means to and end I,m,

                  I keep it moving along.

                  Hey, hey, hey, yeah.

                  You're one in a million.

                  You're a shooting star.

                  You're one in a million babe.

                  You know that you are.

                  Maybe some day we'll see you.

                  Before you make us cry.

                  You know we tried to reach you.

                  But you were much to high

                  Much too high

                  Much too high

                  Radicals and racists,

                  Don't point your finger at me.

                  I'm a small town white boy,

                  Dust tryin' to make ends meet.

                  Don't need your religion,

                  Don't watch that much TV.

                  Just makin' my livin' baby.

                  Well that's enough for me.

                  You're one in a million.

                  Yeah that's what you are.

                  You're one in a million babe.

                  You're a shooting star.

                  Maybe some day we'll see you.

                  Before you make us cry.

                  You know we tried to reach you.

                  But you were much too high

                  Much too high

                  Much too high

                  P.S.Ci posso provare ma credo servirebbe troppo spazio.Rischio di mandare in tilt il server del forum
                  « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



                  • THE ALEX
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                    sad Lisa Cat Steven

                    Canzone stupenda,da uno dei miei album preferiti(tea for the tillerman) di uno dei personaggi piu' strani della musica mondiale

                    She hangs her head and cries on my shirt.

                    She must be hurt very badly.

                    Tell me what's making you sad,

                    Open your door, don't hide in the dark.

                    You're lost in the dark, you can trust me.

                    'Cause you know that's how it must be.

                    Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.

                    Her eyes like windows, trickle in rain

                    Upon the pain getting deeper.

                    Though my love wants to relieve her.

                    She walks alone from wall to wall.

                    Lost in her hall, she can't hear me.

                    Though I know she likes to be near me.

                    Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.

                    She sits in a corner by the door.

                    There must be more I can tell her.

                    If she really wants me to help her.

                    I'll do what I can to show her the way.

                    And maybe one day I will free her.

                    Though I know no one can see her.

                    Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.
                    « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



                    • niko74_mi
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                      All about lovin' you - Bon Jovi

                      Looking at the pages of my life
                      Faded memories of me and you
                      Mistakes you know I've made a few
                      I took some shots and fell from time to time
                      Baby, you were there to pull me through
                      We've been around the block a time or two
                      I'm gonna lay it on the line
                      Ask me how we've come this far
                      The answer's written in my eyes


                      Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
                      That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
                      I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
                      When I look at what my life's been comin' to
                      I'm all about lovin' you
                      I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've paid some dues, baby
                      We've been to hell and back again
                      Through it all you're always my best friend
                      For all the words I didn't say and all the things I didn't do
                      Tonight I'm gonna find a way


                      Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
                      That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
                      I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
                      When I look at what my life's been comin' to
                      I'm all about lovin' you
                      You can take this world away
                      You're everything I am
                      Just read the lines upon my face
                      I'm all about lovin' you

                      Guitar Solo


                      Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
                      That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
                      I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
                      When I look at what my life's been comin' to
                      I'm all about lovin' you

                      All about lovin' you


                      Originariamente Scritto da sbarbafuss
                      ...grazie di esistere...


                      • niko74_mi
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                        Originariamente Scritto da six00 Visualizza Messaggio
                        bella la canzone niko, posto anche io qualcosa di madonna

                        tra poco uscirà un suo nuovo album prodotto da Timbaland... sembra sia spettacolare

                        Originariamente Scritto da sbarbafuss
                        ...grazie di esistere...


                        • six00
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                          Originariamente Scritto da niko74_mi Visualizza Messaggio

                          tra poco uscirà un suo nuovo album prodotto da Timbaland... sembra sia spettacolare
                          timberlake? cmq madonna a me è piaciuta fino a ray of light dopo mi è scaduta un pò, dei suoi ultimi album ascolto solo i singoli che passano alla radio


                          • niko74_mi
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                            Originariamente Scritto da six00 Visualizza Messaggio
                            timberlake? cmq madonna a me è piaciuta fino a ray of light dopo mi è scaduta un pò, dei suoi ultimi album ascolto solo i singoli che passano alla radio
                            Timbaland è un produttore di colore molto apprezzato in questo momento che lavora anche con Justin Timberlake e Nelly Furtado
                            L'ultimo album dance di Madonna secondo me è fatto bene...

                            Originariamente Scritto da sbarbafuss
                            ...grazie di esistere...


                            • six00
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                              Originariamente Scritto da niko74_mi Visualizza Messaggio
                              Timbaland è un produttore di colore molto apprezzato in questo momento che lavora anche con Justin Timberlake e Nelly Furtado
                              L'ultimo album dance di Madonna secondo me è fatto bene...
                              proprio per questo, è diventata una specie di Alexia dei vecchi tempi più che un artista pop matura, commericale era e commerciale è ma in un modo che non mi piace
                              guarda, meglio britney spears scherzo

                              ora posto una delle più belle canzoni dei RED

                              Red Hot Chili Peppers - My Friends

                              My friends are so depressed
                              I feel the question of your loneliness
                              Confide...'cause I'll be on your side
                              You know I will, you know I will

                              Ex-girlfriend called me up
                              Alone and desperate on the prison phone
                              They want to give her seven years
                              For being sad

                              I love all of you
                              Hurt by the cold
                              So hard and lonely too
                              When you don't know yourself

                              My friends are so distressed
                              And standing on the brink of emptiness
                              No words I know of to express
                              This emptiness

                              I love all of you
                              Hurt by the cold
                              So hard and lonely too
                              When you don't know yourself

                              Imagine me, taught by tragedy
                              Release is peace

                              I heard a little girl
                              And what she said was something beautiful
                              To give your love no matter what
                              Is what she said

                              I love all of you
                              Hurt by the cold
                              So hard and lonely too
                              When you don't know yourself



                              • THE ALEX
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                                Cambiero' Anna Oxa

                                Sette e tre
                                La radiosveglia blatera
                                Mi alzo con la sindrome
                                Da crisi d'inutilità
                                E voglia di far ordine
                                Infilo il bagno
                                Sette e sei
                                Divento consapevole
                                Che tutto il nuovo che vorrei
                                E' dentro che ce l'ho / Cambierò
                                Tutto qui /L'importante è crederci
                                Metto in stop / certe mie personali paranoie e
                                Volterò pagina / E imparando anche a dire di no
                                E mentre esco affiora in me
                                Il bisogno di un'altra aria
                                Lasciare questa casa che
                                Ha in se troppa memoria
                                Ritagli d'infelicità e mentre conto i miei errori
                                Che fino a poco tempo fa sembravano soltanto amori
                                Eterni per un pò
                                Cambierò / Ho un'idea
                                Ti saluto e vado via e se sbaglierò
                                Fatti miei / Tanto non si cambia mai
                                Spaccherò / I muri e i guai
                                A chi vuol convincermi che non si può / Cambierò
                                E sarà bello aprirsi come un lucchetto
                                Chiusa io non ci sto / un'altra prospettiva quasi
                                l'opposto / cosa aspetto non so
                                Cambierò / Niente ma /Anzi sto cambiando già
                                Sarò io / Tutto qui / L'importante è crederci
                                Ora so / Che è così / Che ulteriori rinvii non mi dò
                                io Cambierò / Cambierò /Non c'è tempo ormai
                                Spaccherò i muri e poi
                                Imparerò a dire no
                                Giovedì otto e sei
                                Io una strada ce l'ho/ Cambierò

                                « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »


