Una canzone al giorno

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  • marcandrea
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    • adesso vivo in una casa pulita
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    Originariamente Scritto da Wolver|ne Visualizza Messaggio
    ma vai a cagare.
    non voglio che i miei escrementi riempano te
    File Allegati


    • Wolver|ne
      James Howlett
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      • closed in my ego
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      Originariamente Scritto da marcandrea Visualizza Messaggio
      non voglio che i miei escrementi riempano te
      ma bruciati.

      ci sono tre modi per fare le cose, il modo giusto, il modo sbagliato e come le faccio io !


      • MadRock
        Bodyweb Advanced
        • Apr 2007
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        VIVERE IL MIO TEMPO - Litfiba

        Ti farei volare sulle onde
        Sulla vita come un'altalena
        E parlare pure con i pesci
        Come una sirena
        Ti vorrei insegnare l'equilibrio
        Sopra un mare che è sempre tempesta
        Per vivere il tuo tempo
        E starci bene dentro
        Se ridi ora sorridi
        Questo gioco è un gioco di equilibrio
        Devi solo farci un po' la mano perché
        Stare nel mio tempo è viverlo da dentro
        Sorridi ora
        Ti direi "hai ancora voglia di nuotare in questo mare?"
        Aspettiamo l'aurora quando i più bei frutti saranno di tutti
        Ti farei volare sulle onde
        Sopra un mare che è sempre tempesta perché
        Vivere il tuo tempo
        È un equilibrio dentro
        Sorridi ora
        Ti direi "hai ancora voglia di nuotare in questo mare?"
        Aspettiamo l'aurora quando i più bei frutti saranno di tutti
        Ti direi "hai ancora voglia di nuotare in questo mare?"
        Aspettiamo l'aurora quando i più bei frutti saranno di tutti


        • MadRock
          Bodyweb Advanced
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          AMORE IMMAGINATO - P.Pelù

          Siamo mondi siamo mondi paralleli
          che si attraggono e si respingono così
          tu non credere che ti stia scappando
          qui tutto passa e niente si dimentica

          Provo a dire cose facili per altri
          ma che mi fan paura
          basterebbe solo fare il primo passo
          rischiare una figura e forzare la serratura

          Hey l'amore immaginato
          è quello vero quello vero quello vero quello amato
          l'amore immaginato
          è quello che ti chiama e poi non ti chiama poi ti chiama
          poi sta li in agguato
          l'amore incasinato
          è quello che fa bene che fa male che fa bene che fa male
          che fa bene che fa bere
          l'amore immaginario...

          Just like the atoms of imaginary love
          we keep on pulling back and pushing far away
          but there are those things way too easy but are scary it scares the world out of me
          risking anything to follow all that I feel
          where everybody's looking for the key to one and only

          Ah! l'amore immaginato
          è quello vero quello vero quello vero quello amato
          l'amore incasinato
          makes you happy makes you crazy makes you thirsty
          makes you hungry makes you want more
          l'amore immaginario...

          C'ho proprio un mondo in testa
          che passa qui dal cuore
          e dove in fondo all'anima
          ci potremo poi incontrare
          per ricominciare

          Eh l'amore immaginato
          è bello vero bello vero bello vero bello vero bello amato
          l'amore immaginato
          makes you happy makes you crazy makes you thirsty
          l'amore amaro amato
          è quello che fa bene che fa male che fa bene che fa male
          che fa bene che fa bere
          l'amore immaginario...


          • Zuccone
            Bodyweb Advanced
            • Dec 2006
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            the beatles

            Hey Jude

            Hey Jude don’t make it bad,
            Take a sad song and make it better,
            Remeber, to let her into your heart,
            Then you can start to make it better.

            Hey Jude don’t be afraid,
            You were made to go out and get her,
            The minute you let her under your skin,
            Then you begin to make it better.

            And anytime you feel the pain,
            Hey Jude refrain,
            Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders.
            For well you know that it’s a fool,
            Who plays it cool,
            By making his world a little colder.

            Hey Jude don’t let me down,
            You have found her now go and get her,
            Remember (Hey Jude) to let her into your heart,
            Then you can start to make it better.

            So let it out and let it in
            Hey Jude begin,
            You’re waiting for someone to perform with.
            And on’t you know that it’s just you.
            Hey Jude, you’ll do,
            The movement you need is on your shoulder.

            Hey Jude, don’t make it bad,
            Take a sad song and make it better,
            Remember to let her under your skin,
            Then you’ll begin to make it better

            Un vincente trova sempre una strada,un perdente trova sempre una scusa


            • tartufone
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              I WANT THE ONE I CAN'T HAVE -the smiths

              On the day that your mentality
              Decides to try to catch up with your biology

              Come round ...
              'Cause I want the one I can't have
              And it's driving me mad
              It's all over, all over, all over my face

              On the day that your mentality
              Catches up with your biology

              I want the one I can't have
              And it's driving me mad
              It's all over, all over, all over my face

              A double bed
              And a stalwart lover for sure
              These are the riches of the poor

              A double bed
              And a stalwart lover for sure
              These are the riches of the poor

              And I want the one I can't have
              And it's driving me mad
              It's all over, all over my face

              A tough kid who sometimes swallows nails
              Raised on Prisoner's Aid
              He killed a policeman when he was
              And somehow that really impressed
              And it's written all over my face

              Oh, these are the riches of the poor
              These are the riches of the poor

              I want the one I can't have
              And it's driving me mad
              It's written all over my face

              On the day that your mentality
              Catches up with your biology

              And if you ever need self-validation
              Just meet me in the alley by the
              Railway station
              It's all over my face


              • MadRock
                Bodyweb Advanced
                • Apr 2007
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                FALLING TO PIECES - Faith no more

                Back and forth, I sway with the wind
                Resolution slips away again
                Right through my fingers, back into my heart
                Where it's out of reach and it's in the dark
                Sometimes I think I'm blind
                Or I may be just paralyzed
                Because the plot thickens every day
                And the pieces of my puzzle keep crumblin' away
                But I know, there's a picture beneath
                Indecision clouds my vision
                No one listens...
                Because I'm somewhere in between
                My love and my agony
                You see, I'm somewhere in between
                My life is falling to pieces
                Somebody put me together
                Layin' face down on the ground
                My fingers in my ears to block the sound
                My eyes shut tight to avoid the sight
                Anticipating the end, losing the will to fight
                Droplets of "yes" and "no"
                In an ocean of "maybe"
                From the bottom, it looks like a steep incline
                From the top, another downhill slope of mine
                But I know, the equilibrium's there
                Indecision clouds my vision
                No one listens
                Because I'm somewhere in between
                My love and my agony
                You see, I'm somewhere in between
                My life is falling to pieces
                Somebody put me together


                • Icarus
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                  • A casa di Steel77 a rubargli l'argenteria mentre è alla ricerca di se stesso.
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                  Non è tempo per noi
                  Luciano Ligabue

                  Ci han concesso solo una vita
                  Soddisfatti o no qua non rimborsano mai
                  E calendari a chiederci se
                  stiamo prendendo abbastanza abbastanza
                  Se per ogni sbaglio avessi mille lire
                  Che vecchiaia che passerei
                  Strade troppo strette e diritte
                  Per chi vuol cambiar rotta oppure sdraiarsi un po'
                  Che andare va bene pero'
                  A volte serve un motivo, un motivo
                  Certi giorni ci chiediamo e' tutto qui?
                  E la risposta e' sempre si'
                  Non e' tempo per noi che non ci svegliamo mai
                  Abbiam sogni pero' troppo grandi e belli sai
                  Belli o brutti abbiam facce che pero' non cambian mai
                  Non e' tempo per noi e forse non lo sara' mai
                  Se un bel giorno passi di qua
                  lasciati amare e poi scordati svelta di me
                  che quel giorno e' gia' buono per amare qualchedun'altro
                  qualche altro
                  dicono che noi ci stiamo buttando via
                  ma siam bravi a raccoglierci.
                  Non e' tempo per noi che non ci adeguiamo mai
                  Fuorimoda, fuoriposto, insomma sempre fuori dai
                  Abbiam donne pazienti rassegnate ai nostri guai
                  Non e' tempo per noi e forse non lo sara' mai
                  Non e' tempo per noi che non vestiamo come voi
                  Non ridiamo, non piangiamo, non amiamo come voi
                  Forse ingenui o testardi
                  Poco furbi casomai
                  Non e' tempo per noi e forse non lo sara' mai
                  Presidente siamo con Te,
                  meno male che Silvio muore.


                  • tartufone
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                    LONDON-the smiths

                    Lingers 'round your fingers
                    Heave on - to Euston
                    Do you think you've made
                    The right decision this time ?
                    Oh ...

                    You left
                    Your tired family grieving
                    And you think they're sad because you're leaving
                    But did you see Jealousy in the eyes
                    Of the ones who had to stay behind ?
                    And do you think you've made
                    The right decision this time ?

                    You left
                    Your girlfriend on the platform
                    With this really ragged notion that you'll return
                    But she knows
                    That when he goes
                    He really goes
                    And do you think you've made
                    The right decision this time ?


                    • MadRock
                      Bodyweb Advanced
                      • Apr 2007
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                      MAGDALENA - A perfect circle

                      Overcome by your
                      Moving temple
                      Overcome by this
                      Holiest of altars

                      So pure
                      So rare
                      To witness such an earthly goddess
                      That I've lost my self control
                      Beyond compelled to throw this dollar down before your
                      Holiest of altars

                      I'd sell
                      My soul
                      My self-esteem a dollar at a time

                      One chance
                      One kiss
                      One taste of you my magdalena

                      I bear witness
                      To this place, this prayer, so long forgotten
                      So pure
                      So rare
                      To witness such an earthly goddess

                      That I'd sell
                      My soul
                      My self-esteem a dollar at a time
                      For one chance
                      One kiss
                      One taste of you my black madonna

                      I'd sell
                      My soul
                      My self-esteem a dollar at a time

                      One taste
                      One taste
                      One taste of you my Magdalena


                      • MadRock
                        Bodyweb Advanced
                        • Apr 2007
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                        per oggi basta valà vi risparmio


                        • tartufone
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                          Morphine-Cure For Pain

                          Where is the ritual
                          And tell me where where is the taste
                          Where is the sacrifice
                          And tell me where where is the faith
                          Someday there'll be a cure for pain
                          That's the day I throw my drugs away
                          When they find a cure for pain
                          Where is the cave
                          Where the wise woman went
                          And tell me where
                          Where's all that money that I spent
                          I propose a toast to my self control
                          You see it crawling helpless on the floor
                          Someday there'll be a cure for pain
                          That's the day I throw my drugs away
                          When they find a cure for pain
                          When they find a cure find a cure for pain


                          • THE ALEX
                            Bodyweb Advanced
                            • Sep 2003
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                            drops of jupiter

                            Now that she's back in the atmosphere
                            With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
                            She acts like summer and walks like rain
                            Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
                            Since the return from her stay on the moon
                            She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

                            Tell me did you sail across the sun
                            Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
                            And that heaven is overrated

                            Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
                            One without a permanent scar
                            And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

                            Now that she's back from that soul vacation
                            Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
                            She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
                            Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey

                            Now that she's back in the atmosphere
                            I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
                            Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land

                            Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
                            Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
                            And head back to the Milky Way
                            And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
                            Was it everything you wanted to find
                            And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

                            Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
                            Your best friend always sticking up for you
                            even when I know you're wrong
                            Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance, five hour phone conversation
                            The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me

                            Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet
                            Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
                            And head back toward the Milky Way

                            Tell me did you sail across the sun
                            Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
                            And that heaven is overrated

                            Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
                            One without a permanent scar
                            And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

                            And did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day

                            And did you fall from a shooting star...
                            Fall from a shooting star...

                            And are you lonely by yourself out there...
                            « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



                            • THE ALEX
                              Bodyweb Advanced
                              • Sep 2003
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                              I Get Lost Eric Clapton

                              I'm sorry.

                              Why should I say I'm sorry?

                              If I hurt you,

                              You know you've hurt me too.

                              But you get lost inside your tears,

                              And there is nothing I can do,

                              'Cause I get lost inside my fear

                              That I am nothing without you.

                              You're angry.

                              Why shouldn't you be angry?

                              With what we've been through,

                              Well I get angry too.


                              'Cause I am nothing without you.

                              Why should we have taken so long

                              To be looking inside of our mind?

                              Everything we tried went wrong.

                              Are we worried 'bout what we might find?

                              I'm sorry,

                              But can I say I'm sorry?

                              If I hurt you,

                              You know it hurts me too.


                              And you get lost inside your tears,

                              And there is nothing we can do,

                              'Cause I get lost inside my fear

                              That I am nothing without you.

                              'Cause I am nothing without you.

                              And I am nothing without you.

                              'Cause I am nothing without you.

                              'Cause I am nothing without you.
                              « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



                              • six00
                                Bodyweb Advanced
                                • Jan 2006
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                                Originariamente Scritto da MadRock Visualizza Messaggio
                                per oggi basta valà vi risparmio
                                dio ti ringrazio qualche altra canzone di piero perlù e rischiavi di far deletare il topic

                                Modena City Ramblers - Remedios La Bella

                                Era nata racchiusa in un raggio di sole
                                E in un volo di farfalle dorate
                                E i suoi occhi di brace e i capelli d'argento
                                Illuminavano la notte antillante
                                L' indovino diceva che Remedios la bella
                                Era un dono mandato dal cielo
                                Dopo anni di fame e di schiene piegate
                                Per la gente di Santa Maria.

                                La lala lala il cielo ha portato Remedios la bella
                                La lala lala il cielo l'ha presa e l'ha portata qui

                                Il tempo passava, perduto tra i filtri
                                E gli unguenti di Melchiade il gitano
                                Nella piazza affollata di gabbie di uccelli
                                Di frittelle e di uova d'iguana
                                Remedios la bella camminava leggera
                                Come un angelo caduto per caso
                                Fra i turisti stranieri e le grida dei galli
                                Nel mercato di Santa Maria

                                Lalalalala il cielo ha portato Remedios la bella
                                Lalalalala il cielo l'ha presa e l'ha portata qui
                                Un raggio di luce ha accecato il Caribe
                                E Remedios la bella è volata
                                Col vestito di stracci gonfiato dal vento
                                E una pioggia di farfalle dorate
                                E la gente guardava il buco nel cielo
                                Mentre donna Esperanza pregava
                                "Non è posto per gli angeli un banco di spezie
                                Nel mercato di Santa Maria"

                                Lalalalala il cielo ha rapito Remedios la bella
                                Lalalalala il cielo l'ha presa e l'ha portata qui

