Una canzone al giorno

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  • Sean
    • Sep 2007
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    Anche Un Uomo

    ...ma di noi
    sopra una sola teca di cristallo
    popoli studiosi scriveranno
    forse, tra mille inverni
    «nessun vincolo univa questi morti
    nella necropoli deserta»

    C. Campo - Moriremo Lontani


    • girl on the moon
      Bodyweb Senior
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      Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

      Holly came from Miami F. L. A.
      Hitchhiked her way across the U. S. A.
      Plucked her eyebrows on the way,
      shaved her legs and then he was a she.
      She says hey babe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      Said hey honney!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      Candy came from out on the island.
      In the backroom, she was everybody's darling.
      But she never lost her head,
      even when she was giving head.
      She says hey babe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      Said, hey babe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      And the coloured girls go
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
      Little Joe never once gave it away.
      Everybody had to pay and pay.
      A hustle here and a hustle there.
      New York city's the place where they said
      Hey babe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      I said hey Joe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      Sugar plum fairy came and hit the streets,
      lookin' for soul food and a place to eat.
      Went to the Apollo,
      you should of seen them go go go.
      They said hey Sugar!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      I said hey babe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      Jackie is just speeding away.
      Thought she was James Dean for a day.
      Then I guess she had to crash.
      Valium would have helped that pass.
      She said hey babe!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      I said hey honey!
      Take a walk on the wild side.
      And the coloured girls said
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
      doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

      Remember to be happy


      • ma_75
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        Canzone della buona notte

        Smashing Pumpkins 1979

        Shakedown 1979, cool kids never have the time
        On a live wire right up off the street
        You and I should meet
        Junebug skipping like a stone
        With the headlights pointed at the dawn
        We were sure wed never see an end to it all
        And I dont even care to shake these zipper blues
        And we dont know
        Just where our bones will rest
        To dust I guess
        Forgotten and absorbed into the earth below
        Double cross the vacant and the bored
        Theyre not sure just what we have in the store
        Morphine city slippin dues down to see
        That we dont even care as restless as we are
        We feel the pull in the land of a thousand guilts
        And poured cement, lamented and assured
        To the lights and towns below
        Faster than the speed of sound
        Faster than we thought wed go, beneath the sound of hope
        Justine never knew the rules,
        Hung down with the freaks and the ghouls
        No apologies ever need be made, I know you better than you fake it
        To see that we dont care to shake these zipper blues
        And we dont know just where our bones will rest
        To dust I guess
        Forgotten and absorbed into the earth below
        The street heats the urgency of sound
        As you can see theres no one around
        In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


        • pina colada
          • Dec 2007
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          Lo sapevi che sono il mio gruppo preferito in assoluto...


          • ma_75
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            Originariamente Scritto da pina colada Visualizza Messaggio

            Lo sapevi che sono il mio gruppo preferito in assoluto...

            In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


            • pina colada
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              Originariamente Scritto da ma_75 Visualizza Messaggio


              • ma_75
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                Originariamente Scritto da pina colada Visualizza Messaggio
                Anche per me sono un gruppo importante, molto legato ad una fase della mia vita
                In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


                • pina colada
                  • Dec 2007
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                  Originariamente Scritto da ma_75 Visualizza Messaggio
                  Anche per me sono un gruppo importante, molto legato ad una fase della mia vita
                  Posso saperne di più? Lo sai, no, che non mi fo mai i cavoli miei...


                  • ma_75
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                    Un testo tra i più complessi, polisemici, alti ed allo stesso tempo fotografia amara e concreta dell'Italia degli anni '90, che allora sembrava il punto più basso cui si potesse arrivare, oggi, invece, appare solo un gradino sopra di noi.

                    Tentò la fuga in tram verso le sei del mattino, dalla bottiglia di orzata dove galleggia Milano, non fu difficile seguirlo il poeta della Baggina, la sua anima accesa mandava luce di lampadina…
                    gli incendiarono il letto sulla strada di Trento, riuscì a salvarsi dalla sua barba un pettirosso da combattimento…
                    I Polacchi non morirono subito e inginocchiati agli ultimi semafori rifacevano il trucco alle troie di regime lanciate verso il mare, i trafficanti di saponette mettevano pancia verso est , chi si convertiva nel novanta ne era dispensato nel novantuno…
                    La scimmia del quarto Reich ballava la polka sopra il muro e mentre si arrampicava le abbiamo visto tutto il culo…
                    La piramide di Cheope volle essere ricostruita in quel giorno di festa , masso per masso, schiavo per schiavo, comunista per comunista…
                    La domenica delle salme non si udirono fucilate , il gas esilarante presidiava le strade, la domenica delle salme si portò via tutti i pensieri e le regine del ‘’tua culpa’’ affollarono i parrucchieri
                    Nell’assolata galera patria il secondo secondino disse a ‘’Baffi di Sego’’ che era il primo, si può fare domani sul far del mattino. e furono inviati messi, fanti cavalli cani ed un somaro ad annunciare l’amputazione della gamba di Renato Curcio, il carbonaro…
                    il ministro dei temporali in un tripudio di tromboni auspicava democrazia, con la tovaglia sulle mani e le mani sui coglioni… voglio vivere in una città dove all’ora dell’aperitivo non ci siano spargimenti di sangue
                    o di detersivo. a tarda sera io e il mio illustre cugino De Andrade eravamo gli ultimi cittadini liberi
                    di questa famosa città civile, perché avevamo un cannone nel cortile
                    La domenica delle salme nessuno si fece male, tutti a seguire il feretro del defunto ideale…
                    La domenica delle salme si sentiva cantare quant’è bella giovinezza non vogliamo più invecchiare…
                    Gli ultimi viandanti si ritirarono nelle catacombe, accesero la televisione e ci guardarono cantare
                    per una mezz’oretta poi ci mandarono a cagare… voi che avete cantato sui trampoli e in ginocchio
                    coi pianoforti a tracolla travestiti da Pinocchio, voi che avete cantato per i longobardi e per i centralisti
                    per l’Amazzonia e per la pecunia, nei palastilisti e dai padri Maristi… voi avete voci potenti, lingue allenate a battere il tamburo, voi avevate voci potenti adatte per il vaffanculo…
                    La domenica delle salme gli addetti alla nostalgia accompagnarono tra i flauti il cadavere di Utopia…
                    La domenica delle salme fu una domenica come tante, il giorno dopo c’erano i segni di una pace terrificante… mentre il cuore d’Italia, da Palermo ad Aosta, si gonfiava in un coro di vibrante protesta.
                    In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


                    • Liam & Me
                      Bad Blake
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                      Jimi's "Hear My Train A Comin' " acustica

                      Well I wait around the train station
                      Waitin’ for that train
                      Waitin’ for the train, yeah
                      Take me, yeah, from this lonesome place
                      Well now a whole lotta people put me down a lot ‘a changes
                      My girl had called me a disgrace

                      The tears burnin’
                      Tears burnin’ me
                      Tears burnin’ me way down in my heart
                      Well you know it’s too bad, little girl, it’s too bad, too bad we have to part

                      Gonna leave this town, yeah
                      Gotta leave this town
                      Gonna make a whole lotta money
                      Gonna be big, yeah
                      Gonna be big yeah
                      I’m gonna buy this town
                      I’m gonna buy this town, an’ put it all in my shoe (might even give a piece to you)
                      That’s what I’m gonna do, what I’m gonna do, what I’m gonna do
                      B & B with a little weed


                      • pina colada
                        • Dec 2007
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                        Non so se è già stata postata....

                        Mina - Sono come tu mi vuoi...

                        come tu mi vuoi
                        e t'amo
                        come non ho amato mai
                        Io sono
                        la sola
                        che possa
                        tutto quello che c'è da capire in te.
                        se baciassi me
                        capiresti meglio che
                        io sono la sola
                        che tu
                        possa amare
                        non lo vedi che sono a due passi
                        da te.
                        Non sai quanto bene di un anno
                        e non sai quanto amore sprecato
                        aspettando in
                        silenzio che tu
                        ti accorgessi di me
                        per capire
                        quello che già sai
                        che io sono
                        sono come tu mi vuoi
                        come tu
                        mi vuoi.
                        la sola
                        che tu
                        possa amare
                        non lo vedi che sono a due passi
                        da te.
                        Non sai quanto bene di un anno
                        e non sai quanto amore sprecato
                        aspettando in silenzio che tu
                        ti accorgessi di me
                        per capire
                        quello che già sai
                        che io sono
                        sono come tu mi vuoi
                        come tu mi vuoi
                        come tu mi vuoi
                        come tu mi vuoi


                        • pina colada
                          • Dec 2007
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                          Una canzone che mi dà una carica incredibile...(specialmente nel pezzo dal secondo minuto in poi...)... Che ricordi...

                          Linkin Park - Papercut

                          Why does it feel like night today?
                          Something in here's not right today.
                          Why am I so uptight today?
                          Paranoia's all I got left
                          I don't know what stressed me first
                          Or how the pressure was fed
                          But I know just what it feels like
                          To have a voice in the back of my head
                          Like a face that I hold inside
                          A face that awakes when I close my eyes
                          A face watches every time I lie
                          A face that laughs every time I fall
                          (And watches everything)

                          So I know that when it's time to sink or swim
                          That the face inside is hearing me
                          Right beneath my skin

                          It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
                          It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
                          It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
                          It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

                          I know I've got a face in me
                          Points out all my mistakes to me
                          You've got a face on the inside too and
                          Your paranoia's probably worse
                          I don't know what set me off first
                          But I know what I can't stand
                          Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is
                          I can't add up to what you can but

                          Everybody has a face that they hold inside
                          A face that awakes when I close my eyes
                          A face watches every time they lie
                          A face that laughs every time they fall
                          (And watches everything)

                          So you know that when it's time to sink or swim
                          That the face inside is watching you too
                          Right inside your skin

                          It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
                          It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
                          It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
                          It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

                          The face inside is right beneath your skin
                          The face inside is right beneath your skin

                          The face inside is right beneath your skin

                          The sun goes down
                          I feel the light betray me
                          The sun goes down
                          I feel the light betray me

                          The sun
                          I feel the light betray me
                          The sun
                          I feel the light betray me

                          It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
                          It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
                          It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
                          It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

                          It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
                          It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
                          It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
                          It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
                          It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
                          It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin


                          • ma_75
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                            I Linkin Park mi hanno fatto ricare un altro gruppo, molto forte, che ascoltavo nello stesso periodo.

                            Questa mi faceva impazzire

                            Limp Bizkit-"Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicule)"

                            alright partner keep on rollin' baby you know what time
                            it is chocolate starfish keep on rollin' baby move in,
                            now move out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now breathe in,
                            now breathe out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now keep rollin',
                            rollin', rollin', rollin' (what)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (come on)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (yeah)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
                            now i know y'all be lov'in this shit right here
                            l.i.m.p bizkit is right here people in the house put them hands in the air
                            cause if you don't care, then we don't care 1, 2, 3,
                            times two to the six jonesin' for your fix of that limp bizkit mix so
                            where the fuck you at punk, shut the fuck up and back the fuck up,
                            while we fuck this track up now move in,
                            now move out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now breathe in,
                            now breathe out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now keep rollin',
                            rollin', rollin', rollin' (what)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (come on)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (yeah)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
                            you wanna mess with limp bizkit (yeah)
                            you can't mess with limp bizkit (why)
                            because we get it on every day, and every night (oh)
                            and this platinum thing right here (uh, huh)
                            yo we're doin' it all the time (what) so you better get some beats
                            and a some better rhymes (dough) we got the gang set so
                            don't complain yet twenty four seven never beggin'
                            for a rain check old school soldiers blastin' out the hot shit
                            that rock shit puttin' bounce in the mosh pit now move in,
                            now move out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now breathe in,
                            now breathe out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now keep rollin',
                            rollin', rollin', rollin' (come on)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (what)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (yeah)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' hey ladies,
                            hey fellas and the people that don't give a fuck all the lovers,
                            all the haters and all the people that call themselves play-ers hot mamas,
                            pimp daddies and the people rollin' up in caddies hey rockers,
                            hip hoppers and everybody all around the world now move in,
                            now move out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now breathe in,
                            now breathe out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now keep rollin',
                            rollin', rollin', rollin' (yeah)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (what)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (come on)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' now move in,
                            now move out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now breathe in,
                            now breathe out hands up or hands down back up,
                            back up tell me what ya gonna do now keep rollin',
                            rollin', rollin', rollin' (come on)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (what)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (yeah)
                            keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin
                            In un sistema finito, con un tempo infinito, ogni combinazione può ripetersi infinite volte.


                            • pina colada
                              • Dec 2007
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                              Limp Bizkit...Avevo l'album... adoravo in particolar modo:

                              Limp Bizkit - Getcha groove on

                              millenium shit limp bizkit x to the z yeah
                              bringin' it live to you and yours ladies and gentlemen my homeboy yo!
                              get at 'em, dog you don't want to fuck with me today
                              'cause a little somethin' somethin' didn't go your way so try not to be like
                              that today 'cause i'm a real motherfucker from 'round the way
                              we don't give a fuck when we're rockin' the place we're
                              only givin' a fuck if your invading the space so getcha getcha your groove on
                              don't keep us waitin' too long don't you treat me like a toy kid
                              do you enjoy this every single sec-ond i'm alive,
                              i'm a mess got these laser beam mic checks communicating
                              through the genelec, high tech keep you on the run now
                              don't wanna be that guy every single second i'm alive i'm alive
                              i don't understand why i got your trunk full of candy and your
                              so high bumping off the sweetness this is what you need anoth-er little piece
                              of me inside you 'cause you know that i'll always keep it true
                              and that's exactly what i do it's what i do it's what i do
                              you don't wanna fuck with me today 'cause a little somethin
                              somethin didn't go your way so, try not to be like that today
                              'cause i'm a real motherfucker from 'round the way
                              we don't give a fuck when we're rockin' the place
                              we're only givin' a fuck if you're invading the space
                              so getcha getcha get your groove on
                              don't keep us waiting too long i got breakneck delivery
                              no time for chivalry extraordinary ability shit longevity dig deep in your soul
                              and find yourself 'cause mind control could turn y'all to someone else
                              so fast your head'll probably spin the fuck right off me
                              and fred about to go half on microsoft them live earning twenty percent
                              those little half-assed direct hits ain't even making a dent what an event ah hell,
                              xzib-it and limp as we attempt to bring home the championship
                              it's all in the risk i'll still lead the league and assist give me the fifth
                              i'm drinking while i'm taking a piss, bitch you don't wanna fuck with me
                              today 'cause a little somethin' somethin' didn't go your way
                              so try not to be like that today 'cause i'm a real motherfucker
                              from 'round the way we don't give a fuck when we're rockin' the place
                              we're only givin' a fuck if you're invading the space
                              so getcha getcha get your groove on don't keep us waiting to long
                              i got untapped mate-rial i serial kill shit give me that real shit quick finish 'em
                              off quick makin' your jaw split when i'm touching the mosh pit constant conflict
                              knockin' faggot's unconscious nauseous raisin' the stakes
                              increasin' the weight got homies that can lay down
                              and lift the plate so, quit tryin' to invade my space
                              before i call for a face-to-face and got to rest my case
                              like this is how we do it just recognize we keep gettin' right
                              to it lookin' into these eyes lookin' into these eyes
                              and you'll see the size of the flames then you might despise the size
                              of my game step the fuck back! xzibit's on the track
                              you should have buckled up
                              before your head hit the dash you gotta hate that a demo
                              from an eight-track brought me to a place where platinum
                              comes in eight stacks you don't wanna fuck with me today
                              'cause a little somethin' somethin' didn't go your way so,
                              try not to be like that today 'cause i'm a real motherfucker from
                              'round the way we don't give a fuck when we're rockin' the place
                              we're only givin' a fuck if you're invading the space
                              so getcha getcha your groove on


                              • _Jamez_
                                Pappagani user
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                                Grandi Ma e Pina!!
                                La mia preferita dei Limp,per la carica che mi dà,è sempre questa però:

                                "Break Stuff"

                                Its just one of those days
                                When you don't wanna wake up
                                Everything is fucked
                                Everybody sux
                                You don't really know why
                                But you want justify
                                Rippin' someone's head off
                                No human contact
                                And if you interact
                                Your life is on contract
                                Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
                                It's just one of those days!!

                                Its all about the he says she says bullshit
                                I think you better quit
                                Lettin' shit slip
                                Or you'll be leavin with a fat lip
                                Its all about the he says she says bullshit
                                I think you better quit talkin that shit
                                (Punk, so come and get it)
                                Its just one of those days
                                Feelin' like a freight train
                                First one to complain
                                Leaves with a blood stain
                                Damn right I'm a maniac
                                You better watch your back
                                Cuz I'm fuckin' up your program
                                And if your stuck up
                                You just lucked up
                                Next in line to get fucked up
                                Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
                                Its just one of those days!!


                                I feel like shit
                                My suggestion is to keep your distance cuz right now im dangerous
                                We've all felt like shit
                                And been treated like shit
                                All those motherfuckers that want to step up
                                I hope you know I pack a chain saw
                                I'll skin your ass raw
                                And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break somethin' tonight...
                                I hope you know I pack a chain saw
                                I'll skin your ass raw
                                And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break somethin' tonight...
                                I hope you know I pack a chain saw
                                I'll skin your ass raw
                                And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break your fuckin' face tonight!!
                                Give me somethin' to break
                                Give me somethin' to break
                                Just give me somethin' to break
                                How bout your fuckin' face
                                I hope you know I pack a chain saw, what!!...
                                A chain saw, what!!...
                                A motherfucking chain saw, what!!...
                                So come and get it
                                Last edited by _Jamez_; 09-08-2008, 14:36:26.

