Una canzone al giorno

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    la battaglia del sesso

    Hey! E' una batracomiomachia! E lo sai anche tu
    Baby ma non eri la mia?
    Che gente, Gesù
    Tempi bui, lo so: che mania! E che freddo mi fa
    Era lui? Ma lui che cos'ha?
    Che notte, mi ci vuole un caffè
    Che lotte, sì, mi duole per te - dammi un cachet
    Che botta, Tavor Gin e perché?
    Siamo tutti matti, siamo fatti e il sesso
    Scatena guai nei letti
    È un bell'incontro di boxe
    Ed ogni lui e lei, si sa, è una vittima e cadrà
    Fuori o dentro il letto
    La Twentieth Century Fox ne 'La battaglia del sesso'

    Che donna che sei tu, con il rossetto rosso
    Ma l'uomo è Barbablù, ed il suo cuore è un sasso
    Dai latitanti agli ex, ognuno pensa al sesso
    Chi non ci pensa è Tex
    Hai letto 'L'Erotismo' di Bataille? Oh no
    E siamo tutti presi by night dal sesso
    E appesi a mesi di guai, siamo in balia
    Di questa batracomiomachia
    E siamo tutti matti
    E nelle notti il nudo si vede nei filmetti
    In breve nei videobox
    Il sesso ci ha sorpreso ormai
    Rane e topi, lo sai
    Siamo matti e santi
    Che gonna metti tonight? Che uomo, dimmi, ti fai?
    Siamo tutti matti, siamo fatti
    E il sesso scatena guai nei letti
    E' un bell'incontro di boxe
    Ed ogni lui e lei si sa, è una vittima e cadrà
    Fuori o dentro il letto
    La Twentieth Century Fox ne 'La battaglia del sesso'

    Che donna che sei tu, con il rossetto rosso
    Ma l'uomo è Barbablù, ed il suo cuore è un sasso
    Andiamo un po' in relax
    Perché ti fermi adesso?
    Non sono mica Tex, non so se afferri il nesso
    Facciamolo anche in tre, facciamo un compromesso
    Facciamo finta che sia tutto e solo sesso sesso
    E la sessualità è il nostro chiodo fisso
    Ma la sessualità distoglie dall'abisso
    E' proprio una mania
    Facciamolo più spesso
    E' la battaglia del sesso
    « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



    • MadRock
      Bodyweb Advanced
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      VENERE - Carmen Consoli

      Fortunatamente ho ancora il buon senso di mettermi
      in discussione
      faccio volentieri a meno dei tuoi manuali
      fortunatamente da giorni è finita la lenta
      agonia dei tuoi fiori
      sto ancora rimettendo la nostra ultima
      cena romantica ...
      triste annoiata e asciutta
      sarei la tua venere storpia
      triste annoiata e asciutta
      sarei un'inutile preda
      vedrai, vedrai che alla fine
      uno squallido grazie lo avrai, lo avrai
      quel sorriso di circostanza
      vedrai ...
      Fortunatamente ho sempre il difetto
      di prendermi poco sul serio
      e faccio volentieri a meno
      del tuo sesso pratico e del successo
      triste, annoiata e asciutta
      io sarei la tua venere storpia
      sarei un'inutile preda ...
      vedrai, vedrai che alla fine
      uno squallido grazie lo avrai, lo avrai
      quel sorriso di circostanza
      vedrai ... vedrai
      che alla fine uno squallido grazie
      lo avrai lo avrai
      quel sorriso di circostanza
      vedrai ... vedrai
      porto ancora addosso il fumo
      delle tue parole
      l'unica cosa che mi hai lasciato ...


      • tartufone
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        stracciami barbara
        avrò la mente contorta
        lo so ma non m'importa
        stracciami forse la smetto
        di elaborare teoremi d'ogni sorta

        scusami amore voglio solo dormire
        scusami barbara ma non posso morire
        per nessuna vita mi spengo
        neppure per la mia

        bella la telenovela e per lo spessore
        credimi non m'importa
        tanto ho scoperto
        che io non sono mai stato
        l'uomo di una volta

        scusami amore ma non posso morire
        sarò mediocre voglio solo dormire
        per nessuna vita mi spengo
        neppure per la mia

        stracciami barbara
        avrò la mente contorta
        lo so ma non m'importa
        tanto ho scoperto
        che io non sono mai stato
        l'uomo di una volta

        scusami amore ma non posso venire
        e ho poca moneta
        e poi non posso morire
        per nessuna vita mi spengo
        neppure per la mia


        • niko74_mi
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          Hey You - Madonna

          Hey you,
          Don't you give up, it's not so bad
          There's still a chance for us
          Hey you,
          Just be yourself, don't be so shy
          There's reasons why it's hard
          Keep it together, you'll make it alright
          Our celebration is going on tonight
          Poets and prophets would envy what we do
          This could be good, hey you
          Hey you,
          Open your heart, it's not so strange
          You've got to change this time
          Hey you,
          Remember this, none of it's real
          Including the way you feel
          Keep it together, we'll make it alright
          Our celebration is going on tonight
          Poets and prophets Would envy what we do
          This could be good, hey you
          Save your soul, little sister
          Save your soul, little brother
          Hey you, save yourself
          Don't rely on anyone else
          First love yourself, then you can love someone else
          If you can change someone else, then you have saved someone else
          But you must first love yourself, then you can love someone else
          If you can change someone else, then you have saved someone else
          But you must first
          Hey you,
          There on the fence, you've got a choice
          One day it will make sense
          Hey you,
          First love yourself, or if you can't,
          Try to love someone else
          Keep it together, we'll make it alright
          Our celebration is going on tonight
          Poets and prophets will envy what we do
          This could be good, hey you
          First love yourself, then you can love someone else
          If you can change someone else, then you have saved someone else
          But you must first love yourself, then you can love someone else
          If you can change someone else, then you have saved someone else
          But you must first

          Originariamente Scritto da sbarbafuss
          ...grazie di esistere...


          • stefi
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            Lisa Germano - We sucks

            He's happy cause i didn't say
            What I think anyway
            I can't tell him what I think
            He's happy 'cause I said you look gorgeous
            I wanted to say you suck
            Everything, you suck
            He's happy cause he knows he got away with it
            He knows my love runs deeper than my feelings
            I can't say, I can't tell him what I think
            So pretend what I say
            Still protecting the boy from the truth
            Mr. control you lose, you lose
            Why does he call me, I'm so nice on the phone
            In a bad fucking way
            I suck, dignity, I suck
            He's happy in a nice fucking way
            He's happy, he sucks
            I'm quiet, I suck
            He's happy in a nice fucking way
            I'm quiet I suck
            She's happy in a bad sort of way
            They're happy, they suck
            So happy, we suck


            • six00
              Bodyweb Advanced
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              molti di voi non mettono ne titolo ne artista bstrd

              Divina - Il Senso E L'idea

              Ansiosamente guardo, in ogni direzione cerco
              e intanto soffro come un cane perché ormai..
              ho perso la mia strada, non ricordo i miei obiettivi
              e poi ripudio tutto ciò che è uguale a me..
              “non devi disperare” è ciò che dicono i dottori
              “un giorno qualche cosa cambierà vedrai”..
              ma per ora mi dimeno, vivo come un clandestino
              e prendo a pugni pure il mio migliore amico..
              e poi silenzi..
              chissà se un giorno mi aprirò e parlerò di me
              dei miei insensati sentimenti
              e poi, e poi..

              Arrivi tu sulla mia scia, per farmi credere alle favole
              Sei tutto, sei il senso e l’idea
              Sei l’aria da respirare

              Smetto d’essere chi ero, mi trasformo in ciò che sono
              per un attimo ritrovo la stabilità..
              ma poi torno a naufragare
              assaporo il mio dolore
              conto fino a dieci e sono a testa in giù..
              non controllo i movimenti
              sento freddo, stringo i denti
              non esiste terapia per i miei sintomi..
              raccogliendo i miei sospiri, le mie esili radici
              fingo di non esser mai atterrato qui..
              e poi momenti..
              che durano un’eternità
              ma a volte attimi, come la neve sotto il sole..
              e poi, e poi..

              Arrivi tu sulla mia scia, per farmi credere alle favole
              Sei tutto, sei il senso e l’idea
              Sei l’aria da respirare
              Arrivi tu….

              Smetto d’essere chi ero, mi trasformo in ciò che sono.


              • maigap
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                Keane - Somewhere Only We Know

                I walked across an empty land,
                I knew the pathway like the back of my hand.
                I felt the earth beneath my feet,
                Sat by the river and it made me complete.
                Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
                I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.
                So tell me when you're gonna let me in,
                I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.

                I came across a fallen tree,
                I felt the branches; are they looking at me?
                Is this the place we used to love?
                Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

                Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
                I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.
                So tell me when you're gonna let me in,
                I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.
                AND if you have a minute why don't we go,
                Talk about it somewhere only we know?
                This could be the end of everything.
                So why don't we go, somewhere only we know,
                Somewhere only we know.

                Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
                I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.
                So, tell me when you gonna let me in,
                I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.
                SO if you have a minute why don't we go,
                Talk about it somewhere only we know?
                This could be the end of everything.
                So why don't we go, so why don't we go,

                Hmmm yeahh,

                This could be the end of everything.
                So why don't we go, somewhere only we know,
                Somewhere only we know
                Somewhere only we know.


                • stefi
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                  FEEL SO DIFFERENT
                  (Sinead O'Connor)

                  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
                  Courage to change the things I can
                  And the wisdom to know the difference
                  I am not like I was before
                  I thought that nothing would change me
                  I was not listening anymore
                  Still you continued to affect me
                  I was not thinking anymore
                  Although I said I still was
                  I'd said "I don't want anymore"
                  Because of bad experience
                  But now I feel so different
                  I feel so different
                  I feel so different
                  I have not seen freedom before
                  And I did not expect to
                  Don't let me forget now I'm here
                  Help me to help you to behold you
                  I started off with many friends
                  And we spent a long time talking
                  I thought they meant every word they said
                  But like everyone else they were stalling
                  And now they seem so different
                  They seem so different
                  They seem so different
                  I should have hatred for you
                  But I do not have any
                  And I have always loved you
                  Oh you have taught me plenty
                  The whole time I'd never seen
                  All you had spread before me
                  The whole time I'd never seen
                  All I'd need was inside me
                  Now I feel so different
                  I feel so different
                  I feel so different
                  I feel so different
                  I feel so different


                  • MadRock
                    Bodyweb Advanced
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                    UP HERE - Terra Naomi

                    Roll into your town and I'm walking around
                    Got some extra time think I'll throw some money down
                    And you follow me around
                    and you're asking for the time
                    Your asking what I found
                    think I'm gonna rob you blind

                    maybe it's the tattoo on my arm
                    that I drew while I was bored waiting tables in new york
                    a heart and two flowers intertwined with a vine
                    I can see your point, I can see your point

                    And up here I am who I am
                    And if you don't like it then fuck you, man
                    I'm not a thief and a whore
                    Please don't follow me around next time I'm shopping in your store

                    And up here I'm making you aware
                    That if you don't like me well I don't care
                    I'll be exactly who I am and if you got a problem with it
                    Well that's your problem, man

                    After I've paid count the money that you made
                    Then you go to the show like to be entertained
                    And I get up on the stage
                    Trained monkey in a cage
                    And it's just another day just another day

                    And I can see you from my place on the stage
                    Third row center aisle
                    Hot blond with you
                    All smiles
                    And you got another woman but that's in another town
                    And you can't wait til this is over
                    Gonna lay that honey down

                    And up here I am who I am
                    And if you don't like it then fuck you, man
                    I'm not a thief and a whore
                    Please don't follow me around next time I'm shopping in your store

                    And up here I'm making you aware
                    That if you don't like me well I don't care
                    I'll be exactly who I am and if you got a problem with it
                    Well that's your problem, man

                    And your good values taught you how to behave
                    Who to treat kindly and who to enslave
                    And like all good men you still fall to the floor
                    When a great big rack
                    And a ripe round ass
                    Walk through that door...


                    • aleuleit
                      • Oct 2006
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                      » Cade La Pioggia « negramaro

                      Cade la pioggia e tutto lava
                      cancella le mie stesse ossa
                      cade la pioggia e tutto casca
                      e scivolo sull'acqua sporca
                      si ma a te che importa e poi
                      rinfrescati se vuoi
                      questa mia stessa pioggia sporca
                      dimmi a che serve restare lontano in silenzio a guardare la nostra passione che muore in un angolo e non sa di noi....non sa di noi
                      cade la pioggia e tutto tace
                      lo vedi sento anch'io la pace
                      cade la pioggia e questa pace è solo acqua sporca e brace c'è aria fredda intorno a noi abbracciami se vuoi
                      questa mia stessa pioggia sporca
                      dimmi a che serve restare lontano in silenzio a guardare la nostra passione che muore in un angolo e dimmi a che serve sperare se piove non senti dolore come questa mia pelle che muore, che cambia colore, che cambia l'odore
                      tu dimmi poi che senso ha ora piangere, piangere addosso a me che non so difendere questa mia brutta pelle così sporca, tanto sporca come sporca questa pioggia sporca si ma tu non difendermi adesso
                      tu non difendermi adesso
                      tu non difendermi piuttosto torna fango si ma torna e dimmi che serve restare lontano in silenzio a guardare la nostra passione non muore, ma cambia colore
                      tu fammi sperare che piove e senti pure l'odore di questa mia pelle che bianca non vuole colore, non vuole colore


                      • six00
                        Bodyweb Advanced
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                        Originariamente Scritto da MadRock Visualizza Messaggio
                        UP HERE - Terra Naomi
                        non male, io l'ho scoperta su youtube con Say it's Possible

                        Rem - E-Bow The Letter

                        Look up, what do you see?
                        All of you and all of me
                        Fluorescent and starry
                        Some of them, they surprise

                        The bus ride, I went to write this, 4:00 a.m.
                        This letter
                        Fields of poppies, little pearls
                        All the boys and all the girls sweet-toothed
                        Each and every one a little scary
                        I said your name

                        I wore it like a badge of teenage film stars
                        Hash bars, cherry mash and tinfoil tiaras
                        Dreaming of Maria Callas
                        Whoever she is
                        This fame thing, I don't get it
                        I wrap my hand in plastic to try to look through it
                        Maybelline eyes and girl-as-boy moves
                        I can take you far
                        This star thing, I don't get it

                        I'll take you over, there
                        I'll take you over, there
                        Aluminum, tastes like fear
                        Adrenaline, it pulls us near

                        I'll take you over
                        It tastes like fear, there
                        I'll take you over

                        Will you live to 83?
                        Will you ever welcome me?
                        Will you show me something that nobody else has seen?
                        Smoke it, drink
                        Here comes the flood
                        Anything to thin the blood
                        These corrosives do their magic slowly and sweet
                        Phone, eat it, drink
                        Just another chink
                        Cuts and dents, they catch the light
                        Aluminum, the weakest link

                        I don't want to disappoint you
                        I'm not here to anoint you
                        I would lick your feet
                        But is that the sickest move?
                        I wear my own crown and sadness and sorrow
                        And who'd have thought tomorrow could be so strange?
                        My loss, and here we go again

                        I'll take you over, there
                        I'll take you over, there
                        Aluminum, tastes like fear
                        Adrenaline, it pulls us near

                        I'll take you over
                        It tastes like fear, there
                        I'll take you over

                        Look up, what do you see?
                        All of you and all of me
                        Fluorescent and starry
                        Some of them, they surprise

                        I can't look it in the eyes
                        Seconal, Spanish fly, absinthe, kerosene
                        Cherry-flavored neck and collar
                        I can smell the sorrow on your breath
                        The sweat, the victory and sorrow
                        The smell of fear, I got it

                        I'll take you over, there
                        I'll take you over, there
                        Aluminum, tastes like fear
                        Adrenaline, it pulls us near

                        I'll take you over
                        It tastes like fear, there
                        I'll take you over

                        Pulls us near
                        Tastes like fear.

                        Nearer, nearer
                        Over, over, over, over
                        Yeah, look over
                        I'll take you there, oh, yeah
                        I'll take you there
                        Oh, over
                        I'll take you there
                        Over, let me
                        I'll take you there..
                        There, there, baby, yeah


                        • THE ALEX
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                          Marvin Gaye I Heard It Through The Grapevine

                          Ooh, I bet you're wond'rin' how I knew

                          'bout your plans to make me blue

                          With some other guy you knew before

                          Between the two of us guys you know I love you more

                          It took me by surprise I must say

                          When I found out yesterday

                          Dontcha know that I

                          Heard it through the grapevine

                          Not much longer would you be mine

                          Oh I heard it through the grapevine

                          Oh I'm just about to lose my mind

                          Honey, honey yeah

                          (Heard it through the grapevine)

                          (Not much longer would you be my baby, ooh, ooh, ooh)

                          I know a man ain't supposed to cry

                          But these tears I can't hold inside

                          Losin' you would end my life you see

                          'cause you mean that much to me

                          You could have told me yourself

                          That you love someone else

                          Instead I

                          Heard it through the grapevine

                          Not much longer would you be mine

                          Oh I heard it through the grapevine

                          And I'm just about to lose my mind

                          Honey, honey yeah

                          (Heard it through the grapevine)

                          (Not much longer would you be my baby, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

                          <brief instrumental interlude>

                          People say believe half of what you see

                          Son, and none of what you hear

                          But I can't help bein' confused

                          If it's true please tell me dear

                          Do you plan to let me go

                          For the other guy you loved before?

                          Dontcha know I

                          Heard it through the grapevine

                          Not much longer would you be mine

                          Baby I heard it through the grapevine

                          Ooh I'm just about to lose my mind

                          Honey, honey yeah

                          (Heard it through the grapevine)

                          (Not much longer would you be my baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

                          Honey, honey, I know

                          That you're lettin' me go

                          Said I heard it through the grapevine


                          Heard it through the grapevine
                          « Success is my only mothafuckin' option,failure's not.... »



                          • niko74_mi
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                            Almeno tu nell'Universo - Elisa (Mia Martini)

                            Sai, la gente è strana prima si odia e poi si ama
                            cambia idea improvvisamente, prima la verità poi mentirà lui
                            senza serietà, come fosse niente
                            sai la gente è matta forse è troppo insoddisfatta
                            segue il mondo ciecamente
                            quando la moda cambia, lei pure cambia
                            continuamente e scioccamente.
                            Tu, tu che sei diverso, almeno tu nell'universo !
                            un punto, sai, che non ruota mai intorno a me
                            un sole che splende per me soltanto
                            come un diamante in mezzo al cuore.
                            tu, tu che sei diverso, almeno tu nell'universo!
                            non cambierai, dimmi che per sempre sarai sincero
                            e che mi amerai davvero di più, di più, di più.
                            Sai, la gente è sola, come può lei si consola
                            per non far sì che la mia mente
                            si perda in congetture, in paure
                            inutilmente e poi per niente.
                            tu, tu che sei diverso, almeno tu nell'universo !
                            Un punto, sai, che non ruota mai intorno a me
                            un sole che splende per me soltanto
                            come un diamante in mezzo al cuore.
                            tu, tu che sei diverso, almeno tu nell'universo !
                            Non cambierai, dimmi che per sempre sarai sincero
                            e che mi amerai davvero di più, di più, di più

                            Originariamente Scritto da sbarbafuss
                            ...grazie di esistere...


                            • tartufone
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                              Toe to toe
                              Dancing very slow
                              Barely breathing
                              Almost comatose
                              Wall to wall
                              People hypnotised
                              And they're stepping lightly
                              Hang each night in Rapture

                              Back to back
                              Spineless movement
                              And a wild attack

                              Face to face
                              Sadly solitude
                              And it's finger popping
                              Twenty-four hour shopping in Rapture

                              Fab Five Freddie told me everybody's high
                              DJ's spinnin' are savin' my mind
                              Flash is fast, Flash is cool
                              Francois sez fas, Flashe' no do
                              And you don't stop, sure shot
                              Go out to the parking lot
                              And you get in your car and you drive real far
                              And you drive all night and then you see a light
                              And it comes right down and lands on the ground
                              And out comes a man from Mars
                              And you try to run but he's got a gun
                              And he shoots you dead and he eats your head
                              And then you're in the man from Mars
                              You go out at night, eatin' cars
                              You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too
                              Mercurys and Subarus
                              And you don't stop, you keep on eatin' cars
                              Then, when there's no more cars
                              You go out at night and eat up bars where the people meet
                              Face to face, dance cheek to cheek
                              One to one, man to man
                              Dance toe to toe
                              Don't move to slow, 'cause the man from Mars
                              Is through with cars, he's eatin' bars
                              Yeah, wall to wall, door to door, hall to hall
                              He's gonna eat 'em all
                              Rapture, be pure
                              Take a tour, through the sewer
                              Don't strain your brain, paint a train
                              You'll be singin' in the rain
                              I said don't stop, do punk rock

                              Well now you see what you wanna be
                              Just have your party on TV
                              'Cause the man from Mars won't eat up bars when the TV's on
                              And now he's gone back up to space
                              Where he won't have a hassle with the human race
                              And you hip-hop, and you don't stop
                              Just blast off, sure shot
                              'Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin' cars and eatin' bars
                              And now he only eats guitars, get up!


                              • tartufone
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                                DURAN DURAN-the coiffeur

                                Out on the tar plains, the glides are moving
                                All looking for a new place to drive
                                You sit beside me so newly charming
                                Sweating dewdrops glisten freshing your side

                                And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind
                                The front of your dress - all shadowy lined
                                And the droning engine throbs in time
                                With your beating heart

                                Way down the lane away, living for another day
                                The aphids swarm up in the drifting haze
                                Swim seagull in the sky towards that hollow western isle
                                My envied lady holds you fast in her gaze

                                Sing blue silver

                                And watching lovers part, I feel you smiling
                                What glass splinters lie so deep in your mind
                                To tear out from your eyes, with a thought to stiffen brooding lies
                                And Ill only watch you leave me further behind

                                Sing blue silver
                                Sing, sing.. blue silver

                                (theres more to this kind of camouflage)
                                (more than just colour and shape)
                                (whos going now, in to a classiomatic? )

