Originariamente Scritto da PippoRUN
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americani al volante
Originariamente Scritto da greenday2 Visualizza Messaggio-I guess u can easily find this book in english. But i'm not sure about the tile (i translated it from the italian version ).
-Oh ok i got what u mean
-Yeah i'm a business student
-Oh that's a pleasure for me. I was scared my english was close to something like an horror movie.
I really like chatting with u too
-The movie Elephant? Yeah really tooo tooo slow.
i would suggest u...to see another "elephant"....."elephant man" by David Lynch.....totally different plot...but u can see how genius is Lycnh
Your english is very good... no worries. Now my Italian on the other hand... doesn't even rank ... a B movie is better
I will have to look that movie up... it is possible that I have already seen it. I am horrible with Titles I rent the same movie 2 times... sit down to watch it and then get mad that I have already seen it
Originariamente Scritto da Dreamxcape Visualizza MessaggioHihihi I knew it, studying economy.
Your english is very good... no worries. Now my Italian on the other hand... doesn't even rank ... a B movie is better
I will have to look that movie up... it is possible that I have already seen it. I am horrible with Titles I rent the same movie 2 times... sit down to watch it and then get mad that I have already seen it
I guess u didn't see this movie..has just arrived in the cinema. Maybe in US has already came...really not sure. Btw, if u'll like it...i'll suggest all the best movies of this director....he's my favourite.
Ur italian is good...always keep on studying as i do with my poor englishE se la morte che ti e' d'accanto, ti vorrà in cielo dall'infinito, si udrà piu forte, si udrà piu santo, non ho tradito! Per l'onore d'Italia!
Originariamente Scritto da Dreamxcape Visualizza Messaggioper favore scusarci. Purtroppo non parlo/scrivo bene l'italiano Magari, avevo la capacità da scrivere meglio in italiano che ogni uno può participare in questo discorso.
A me piace tanto da sentire le opinioni dei altri.
no problem at all,i don't live in italy and i use english much more than italian.I was just wondering why everyone was writing in english though....anyway,i better read all the previous pages cause i still don't what the hell u guys r talking about
Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggiono problem at all,i don't live in italy and i use english much more than italian.I was just wondering why everyone was writing in english though....anyway,i better read all the previous pages cause i still don't what the hell u guys r talking about
hey bro dimmi...tu hai imparato l'americano vero?
Parli come la mia morosaE se la morte che ti e' d'accanto, ti vorrà in cielo dall'infinito, si udrà piu forte, si udrà piu santo, non ho tradito! Per l'onore d'Italia!
Originariamente Scritto da greenday2 Visualizza Messaggiohey bro dimmi...tu hai imparato l'americano vero?
Parli come la mia morosa
Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggiono problem at all,i don't live in italy and i use english much more than italian.I was just wondering why everyone was writing in english though....anyway,i better read all the previous pages cause i still don't what the hell u guys r talking about
Well, give it a look and tell us what you think about the Bush admin, war, Micheal moore films, welfare, Clinton, the next president, Marx... we kinda hit it all
Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggiosono ridotto male fratello....non solo sto prendendo uno schifosissimo accento australiano per colpa della mia donna ma sto completamente perdendo l'accento italiano..tieni presente che a parte qualche telefonata e qualche rara chiacchierata con qualche paesa' che vive qui,e' da agosto che non parlo mezza parola di italiano.
Un giorno mi darai qualche dirtta perchè lo devo imparare a macchinettaE se la morte che ti e' d'accanto, ti vorrà in cielo dall'infinito, si udrà piu forte, si udrà piu santo, non ho tradito! Per l'onore d'Italia!
Originariamente Scritto da Dreamxcape Visualizza MessaggioWe are talking in English because I am american. I am still learning Italian so needless to say I had to fall back on my native language or it would have been impossible to talk with GreenDay.
Well, give it a look and tell us what you think about the Bush admin, war, Micheal moore films, welfare, Clinton, the next president, Marx... we kinda hit it all
I'm still stuck on page 2 but unless u r a very unusual yankee,i seriously doubt we might agree ....
Originariamente Scritto da greenday2 Visualizza Messaggiono dai..e' bellissimo! Io invece ho il problema opposto...ho ancora troppo l'accento italiano quando parlo inglese e la mia morosa mi prende sempre per il culo
Un giorno mi darai qualche dirtta perchè lo devo imparare a macchinetta
I was feeling like Don Corleone and now i sound like a bloody aussie
Anyway,the best u can do ,considering that u still live in italy is watching movies in english with subtitles...it's even better than reading a book cause u can also pick up the pronounce
Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggiosono ridotto male fratello....non solo sto prendendo uno schifosissimo accento australiano per colpa della mia donna ma sto completamente perdendo l'accento italiano..tieni presente che a parte qualche telefonata e qualche rara chiacchierata con qualche paesa' che vive qui,e' da agosto che non parlo mezza parola di italiano.
Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggioi got it now...u r his Highness' wife ...give him my best.
I'm still stuck on page 2 but unless u r a very unusual yankee,i seriously doubt we might agree ....
Originariamente Scritto da Dreamxcape Visualizza MessaggioI am very unusual... that is why our Highness chose meE se la morte che ti e' d'accanto, ti vorrà in cielo dall'infinito, si udrà piu forte, si udrà piu santo, non ho tradito! Per l'onore d'Italia!
Originariamente Scritto da Dreamxcape Visualizza Messaggiohihihih, well when I talk... I start in Italian, then english, and back to Italian... it's a mess
Originariamente Scritto da THE ALEX Visualizza Messaggioright...but i don't really like to think that i've lost my italian accent.
I was feeling like Don Corleone and now i sound like a bloody aussie
Anyway,the best u can do ,considering that u still live in italy is watching movies in english with subtitles...it's even better than reading a book cause u can also pick up the pronounce
Don't worry about it. An italian accent in English is a sexy one... I know my husband has one but an american accent in Italian ... ooo so gross. Every time Paris Hilton does the commercial for 3 ... I hear myself... it is like finger nails on a chalk board