The pre contest bible

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  • bombolo74
    Bodyweb Advanced
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    The pre contest bible

    Sta uscendo un libro su come alcuni top pro affrontano il precontest.
    Da Dorian, Shawn Ray agli attuali top.

    Tom prnice wrote:

    There's a new book coming out that should be an awesome guide for just about any aspiring bodybuilder.

    MuscleMag writer and gossip columnist, Larry Pepe, interviewed 32 top level bodybuilders, both pro's and amateurs alike. Each guy goes over his entire contest prep regiment. General things like diet, training and cardio, all the way to the specifics of how and why they adjust their carb and protein intake, when they adjust their cardio, gear cycles, supplementation, tanning, etc.

    Larry got all the top guys to participate in his book. Ronnie, Jay (that was a joke.. relax).

    What should really be interesting, is how different and varied each guy's contest prep truly is. From one end of the spectrum of a guy like Dexter Jackson, who has a lightning fast metabolism, walks around at 5% bodyfat in the off-season, and only needs a 5 week diet, to Will Harris who has to do an hour of cardio every day in the off-season, and diets on extremely low carbs and high fat.

    In short, every person, with every type of metabolism and body type is covered in the book. I honestly think this book is a brilliant idea. Even if you don't compete, it should be interesting to see the full scope of each individual's contest prep.

    When I was 16-25, I would've killed to have a book like this to help guide me. I used to study Bill Phillips' "Anabolic Reference Guide", when I was 22, to learn everything I could about the gear. There was no "dieting" guide, to speak of.
    Mater sempre certa est, pater nunquam
  • flexer77
    Bodyweb Senior
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    ma quanta veritá sará presente???tu pensi che dicano effettivamente quali siano le loro preparazioni ?????


    • bombolo74
      Bodyweb Advanced
      • Feb 2001
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      su quelli in attività non ci metterei la mano sul fuoco, ma quelli ritirati ormai che hanno da perdere. Lascia pure che facciano i preparatori, ma le preparazioni vanno fatte ad hoc per ogni atleta. Parlando delle loro passate tecniche per presentarsi al top prima di una gara non penso che possano svelare chissà quale segreto che possano rivendere.
      Mater sempre certa est, pater nunquam

