Originariamente Scritto da Alberto84
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Mr. OLYMPIA 2015 - categorie Open & 212 libbre
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Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
CRAIG RICHARDSON - Mr. Olympia - 212 lbs
"211 lbs this morning 1 day out from the 212 lbs showdown."
AHMAD AHMAD - Mr. Olympia 212 lbs
E infine due atleti di Trey Hodge - Chiropractor/Contest Prep Coach
CHARLES DIXON - Mr. Olympia 212 lbs
"So here we go and ready!! Charles is the biggest and leanest in his career.. Had to squeeze in on the weigh ins by hitting the steam room for 20 minutes to suck down two more lbs.. Back has much more detail and overall carrying loads of thickness on his 5'3" and some change (not much change ) frame.. He's still depleted this am and we are starting the loading process today.. Won't be surprised if he is close to 218-220 by time he hits the stage Saturday morning!!"
TRICKY JACKSON - Mr. Olympia 212 lbs
"Tricky looking the best yet!! Still have two days to load him up!! Was 203.6 lbs yesterday at weigh ins and body has settled from travel yesterday.."
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Non fa parte della mission del thread ma due foto le mettiamo dai..
Bikini First Callout
Stacy Alexander
Narmin Assria
Courtney King
Janet Layug
India Paulino
Ashely Kaltwasser
Bikini First Callout
Top 3
Courtney King - Ashley Kaltwasser - Janet Layung
Figure First Callout
Candice Keene
Candince Lewis
Gennifer Strobo
Latorya Watts
Nicole Wilkins
Camala Rodriguez-McClure
Figure First Callout
Top 4
Fitness First Callout
Marta Aguiar
Chika Aluka
Michelle Blank
Tanji Johnson
Bethany Wagner
Oksana Grishina
Fitness First Callout
Top 2
Last edited by AndryPata90; 18-09-2015, 23:42:12.
ragazzi quindi per la finale devo svegliarmi verso le 5 domenica mattina giusto?Originariamente Scritto da JPPeh ragazzo mio eh, li si li si, tu mi stai dando una soddifazione, discepolo mioOriginariamente Scritto da JPPcosa genera la crescita? la crescita è generata dalla combinazione di esplosività associata al carico. Questo fa crescereOriginariamente Scritto da ValeSe mi costruisce la piscina, andrò sotto casa a conoscerlo, lo amerò, lo vezzeggerò e gli darò 500 euro per andare a baldracche tutte le settimane...
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