Ha fatto benissimo. Immagino la vagonata di fake, troll e gentaglia varia che magari lo accusa sulla questione di KAI e giustamente non ha voglia di rispondere e di vedersi mila e mila notifiche sul proprio account Instagram.
Mr. OLYMPIA 2015 - categorie Open & 212 libbre
Ha fatto benissimo, stare concentrati al 100% evitando pettegolezzi, commenti e robe simili. Qui si vede la mentalità da campione, il suo obbiettivo é vincere, tutto il resto é una perdita di tempo.
Secondo voi nella conferenza al primo giorno (quando fanno un intervista assieme a tutti gli atleti) chiederanno qualcosa riguardante Kai o cercheranno di non toccare l'argomento?Originariamente Scritto da GandhiNon sono un playboy, ma fossi in te non mi tirerei indietro, di quando una figona 32enne ti rimorchia? Afferra l'occasione della tua vita, e poi facci un filmino hard
JOSE RAYMOND - arm workout a week before The Olympia 2015
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
some posing practice and a back workout with Evan Centopani at Montanari Bro. Powerhouse Gym in New Haven, CT
Originariamente Scritto da Manx Visualizza MessaggioHo a casa un vecchio libro fotografico e tecnico di Tom Platz...beh c'è una foto...dove lui fa la leg ext con un carico sovrumanodidascalia "Tom il giorno prima del MR.0 197ecc..." Io all'epoca rimasi cosi'
Boh...magari la didascalia è sbagliata o era una cazzata.
Cmq davvero anomala come cosa.sigpic
(non so il front , ma il back pare migliorato)
Originalmente inviato da leonardoS
maledetto mongue, io sono 177cm quindi basso e pelato e grasso, il top secondo i canoni monguiani. Ma siccome lui è un secco sansa palle e sansa tesserino ifbb e scurnacchiat me ne fotto
Originariamente Scritto da Giama Visualizza MessaggioHa fatto benissimo, stare concentrati al 100% evitando pettegolezzi, commenti e robe simili. Qui si vede la mentalità da campione, il suo obbiettivo é vincere, tutto il resto é una perdita di tempo.
Secondo voi nella conferenza al primo giorno (quando fanno un intervista assieme a tutti gli atleti) chiederanno qualcosa riguardante Kai o cercheranno di non toccare l'argomento?
A quando la conferenza stampa?
Io sono curioso di vedere la forma di Cedric, ha una bella genetica e mi piace molto come posa, però non si è mai presentato al top, spero che le parole che Arnold gli ha dedicato gli diano uno scossone e una botta di fiducia per fare almeno 1-2 anni al top, perchè con la genetica che ha e per come posa, se si presenta al top può seriamente puntare al primo posto.
Anche la forma di Winklaar mi interessa molto, è un tipo che mi piace, volumi notevoli, belle braccia ma una genetica che ha i suoi difetti, spero che rispetto all'anno scorso dove si presentò con una forma pessima a causa di problemi durante la preparazione, quest'anno si presenti con una buona forma.
E infine Big Ramy che lo seguo da anni, su di lui c'è poco da discutere, bisogna solo attendere per il suo dominio che a parer mio ruberà un po' la parte del super big a coleman, sono curioso di vedere come si presenterà a questo olympia, ripeto, secondo me quest'anno il primo posto non ci arriva, ma se si presenta in buona forma può far cagare in mano Phil per il prossimo MO.*** indirizzo email non valido, controllare prima che il forum metta in sospensione ***
Farah ho postato oggi un video, ma la felpa su manco ci fossero 3°!
Riguarda la poltrona gambe e vedere che allenamento fai: ovvio che non puoi fare un ad altissime ripetizioni che crei uno stato edematoso
Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Non mi insultate, ma vorrei discutere una cosa. In pratica Dallas McCarver segue una dieta a 4800-4900 Kcal (580 g solo da carbs) dal martedi' alla gara di sabato, con qualche aggiustamento giorno giorno. Nonostante noi non conosciamo i retroscena, c'e' secondo me un rischio di spillover (che si sfori) molto alto. Gore, Memphis e voi ragazzi che ne sapete un minimo di prep, come la vedete?Last edited by Alberto84; 16-09-2015, 16:15:54.
Alberto e gli altri che leggono e risponderanno, se vi può essere utile nel thread presente nel forum USA potete trovare i vari update alla dieta fatti...riguardando velocemente i post DALLAS non è mai sceso a quote glucidiche davvero basse.
Vi riassumo velocemente IN ORDINE i post riguardante l'alimentazione che ha postato e relativi macros dove presenti.
Wanted to give you guys some insight as to where Dallas is at with his nutrition right now. This is for him a "pushing phase" as his calories are somewhat low right now (relatively speaking) with the goal of being able to eat into the show which is something that is pretty typical for Dallas as he is able to handle a good bit of food. Some of the challenges that we have been having to work through is fine tuning sources as some digestive issues have flared up with certain sources of protein so his diet is changing frequently at this point in order to stay on top of and progress through these issues. Fish and whey is not sitting well right now so it has been removed from his current diet. He is fortunate to have the support of BSN, a local food company here in KY called Nutriject meals as well as skinny beef and lanas egg whites so those are where these sources of protein are coming from.
Macros – 90 Fat / 295 Carbs / 430 Protein
Pre Cardio AM/PM
10g Glutamine DNA Formula
15g BCAA Amino X
Meal 1
80g – Oats Raw measure
300g – Egg Whites
2 Whole Organic Eggs
2oz – Chicken cooked
3g – Omega 3
10g – Flax Seeds
1 grazed greens forumla shake
Meal 2 – Pre Training Meal
210g – Jasmine Rice cooked
8oz – Steak Cooked
3oz – Spinach cooked
Start to sip on way to gym:
2g glycerol
3g Citrulline Malate
3g creatine
10g glutamine
2g beta alanine.
Post workout Shake
50g Carbs Powder Dextrin/Potato Starch complex
20g BCAA Amino X
Meal 3 – Post Meal
210g – Jasmine Rice Cooked
4oz – Chicken cooked
4oz – Skinny beef cooked
Meal 4
4 – Slices of Ezekiel Bread
50g – Avocado
8oz – Chicken/99% ground turkey/Turkey tenderloin Cooked
Meal 5
14g – Olive Or Mac Nut oil
8oz – Skinny Beef Cooked or bison cooked
3oz – Green Vegetable (spinach, broccoli, asparagus)
Meal 6
2 Whole Organic Eggs
6oz – Turkey or Chicken Cooked
3oz – Raw spinach cooked
2 omega
1 grazed greens forumla shake
10g – Flax Seed
Making some slight changes today, everything is really coming along well. Fullness is intact, training performance is good and strength is increasing. These changes are more so a fine tuning of sources and changing out some fat sources to get some more mono unsaturated sources of fats within the diet. I generally like to keep fats intact within the diet (under the assumed goals) as high as possible for several reasons but mainly for health / lipid integrity as well as fullness/performance/mental function. Refeeds at this point are not pre planned but on a needs basis, its not like every saturday is a refeed rather just as we see fit.
Diet: 8/2/2015
o Macros – 75 Fat / 300 Carbs / 410 Protein
o Pre Cardio
10g Glutamine (DNA series)
15g BCAA (amino x)
o Meal 1
80g – Oats Raw measure
450g – Lanas Egg Whites
2 Whole Organic Eggs
3g – Omega 3's
10g – Flax Seed blend
Greens formula
Meal 2 – Pre Training Meal
210g – Jasmine Rice cooked
8oz – Sirloin Cooked
3oz – Spinach cooked
(provided by nutriject meals)
30g –BCAA (Amino X)
2g glycerol
3g Citrulline Malate
3g creatine
10g glutamine
2g beta alanine.
Post workout Shake
50g HBCD/Potato Starch Blend
20g BCAA
Meal 3 – Post Meal
210g – Jasmine Rice Cooked
8oz – Chicken breast
(provided by nutriject meals)
Meal 4
70g – Cream of Rice
16g – Almond Butter or Peanut Butter
8oz – Skinny Beef Cooked
Meal 5
8oz – Chicken or turkey 99% Fat Free Cooked
50g – Avocado
3oz – Green Vegetable (spinach, broccoli, asparagus)
Meal 6
2 Whole Organic Eggs
450g – Lanas Egg Whites
3oz – Raw spinach cooked
2 omega
1 Greens Formula
10g – Flax Seed blend
Latest Diet changes are below. Hunger levels are starting to really increase so for the sake of satiety post workout shake has changed to a cream of rice meal with whey at the gym which has been fun to just be able to eat and relax following training. Also adding in some more carbs later on in the day for several reasons as we are going day by day based off of feel, energy levels ect but going to start doing some 2 a day training days on the less demanding body parts as a means to increase nutrient partitioning and reduce cardio duration for the day. Tomorrow will be shoulders/traps am and arms pm.
oPre Cardio
10g Glutamine
15g BCAA
oMeal 1
80g – Oats Raw measure
60g – Whey Isolate
3g – Omega 3
10g – Flax
oMeal 2 – Pre Training Meal
210g – Jasmine Rice cooked
8oz – Sirloin Cooked
3oz – Spinach cooked
o Pre Training 10g Glutamine / 15g bcaa
20g –BCAA
2g glycerol
3g Citrulline Malate
3g creatine
10g glutamine
2g beta alanine.
o Post workout
60g – Cream of rice raw Measure
60g – Whey Isolate
o Meal 3 – Post Meal
210g – Jasmine Rice Cooked
10oz – Tilapia or Mahi Cooked
o Meal 4
80g – Oats Raw Measure
8oz – Skinny Beef Cooked
o Meal 5
8oz –Mexican Slow Cooked Chicken
3oz – Green Vegetable (spinach, broccoli, asparagus)
2 - Food For life Brown Rice Tortilla Wraps
o 1 Mens – Probiotic Prior to last meal
o Meal 6
8oz – Chicken Cooked or Turkey Cooked
3oz – Green Vegetable (spinach, broccoli, asparagus)
1 greens shake
10g - Flax
MATT JANSEN: "I am personally not a a huge fan of carb cycling, not saying at times there is not merit or that it does not work but I like to keep as many variables as consistent as possible so you can monitor changes within a stable environment, if the environment is always changing its much harder to determine what's working and what's not. Plus with someone like Dallas I do not want him eating less than needed within the goal. If he's progressing on a set consistent diet I don't see a reason to lower food on certain days just because.
Last week he had both a high carb calculated day where his intake around training with his carbs doubled for both his pre / post 1 and post 2 meals.
Saturday he had more of an untracked refeed the last few hours of the night eating as Much he needed without over doing it letting his true hunger response and digestion dictate intake. "
Training and Diet update from today:
Its been a while since I have posted a diet update so this is where we are at today post refeed day yesterday.
Meal 1
200g Lanas Egg Whites
5oz Ground turkey (chili seasoned from nutriject)
1.5 ezekiel cinnamon raisin english muffins
Meal 2 - Pre Training meal
8 oz bison flank steak
300g purple potatoes
30g BCAA intra / 10g Glutamine - for both training sessions
Meal 3
60g Cream of Rice
60g Whey Isolate
Meal 4 - Pre training meal
10oz lean white fish (mahi or tilapia mostly)
210g Jasmine Rice
Meal 5 - Post Workout
60g Whey Isolate
3 Lundburg brown rice rice cakes (14g carbs per)
Meal 6
8oz Chicken
300g purple potatoes
Meal 7
8 oz Turkey
75g spinach
2 slices food for life bread
Current macros :
Carbs - 354
Fat - 39
Protein - 495
That's counting indirect protein sources as well. Total cals at 3,738
New Diet
Macros – 45 / 280 / 480 - August 18
2 gallons water a day.
Sea Salt all meals
Upon Waking
10g Glutamine
15g BCAA
1 Mens – Probiotic
Meal 1
80g – Oats Raw measure
60g – Microfiltered Whey Isolate
3g – Omega 3
Meal 2
8oz – Bison or Beef Sirloin Cooked
40g – Avocado
3oz – Spinach
Meal 3 - Pre workout Meal
140g – Jasmine Rice Cooked
150g – Pineapple
8oz – Chicken Cooked
30g –BCAA
10g glutamine
Post workout (at gym)
80g – COR Raw Measure
60g – Micro filtered Whey Isolate
Meal 4 – Post workout meal
200g – Lanas Egg Whites
140g – Ground turkey
400g – Alexia Hashed Browns
Meal 5
8oz –Chicken Cooked
3oz – Green Vegetable (spinach, asparagus)
40g – Oats raw measure
1 Mens – Probiotic Prior to last meal
Meal 6
200g – Lanas Egg Whites
140g – Ground Turkey cooked
75g – asparagus
Getting caught up from the weekend. Yesterday was a higher day, at this point in prep we are wanting to keep as many variables consistent as possible. I am viewing these refeeds as a mini snap shot into what Dallas will need in terms of loading for the show so making a point to make note of food sources used and what is digesting well for him, minimizing bloat which is crucial. Now I am not saying that we will not use any more cheats as there very might come a point where that is needed due to a large drop in weight or just as a means to aid in pulling him out of hole but I am also aiming to use every day as a means to gather as much data as we can.
Meal 1
115g - Oats raw measure
1 Whole Egg
140g - Nutriject Turkey Chili
150g - Lanas Egg Whites
Meal 2:
7oz - Sirloin cooked
40g - Avocado
140g - Jasmine Rice
2 slices of ezekiel bread
Meal 3
210g - Jasmine Rice
150g - Pineapple
7oz - Chicken Cooked
Intra -
20g - BCAA
10g - Glutamine
Post Workout
2 Thomas Bagels
50g - Whey Isolate
Meal 4
280g - Jasmine Rice
140g - Nutriject Turkey Chili
150g - Lanas Egg Whites
Meal 5
7oz - Chicken
100g - Oats
75g - Asparagus
Meal 6
140g - Nutriject Turkey Chili
150g - Lanas Egg Whites
3 - Lundburg rice cakes (14g per)
75g - Asparagus
Tuesday August 25th Update:
Everything has really started to pick up the last several days, not only seeing changes day to day but throughout the same day morning to night visible changes have been seen. We are doing a carb refeed as the day goes today, this is the benefit of being able to be in person with Dallas and see meal to meal response so initially the plan that I have laid out is to increase the total carbs prior to training through his first three meals from the 96g of carbs that he had yesterday to 265g of carbs pre training today. Which for someone of Dallas size realistically speaking is not a lot but we are looking at just a small window of time here and secondly we are training back tomorrow so part 2 of our plan if needed is to put more in following training leading into tomorrow.
Plan for now leading up through training
Meal 1:
80g - oats raw measure
2 slices food for life bread
38g - organic all fruit jam
300g - egg whites
2 whole eggs (poached) - just a personal preference thing
3g - omega 3
Meal 2
7oz - Bison Flank Steak
270g - Jasmine rice cooked
40g - Avocado
75g - Spinach
Meal 3 - Pre training Meal
7oz - Chicken cooked
270g - Jasmine rice
Two back to back higher days yielded the result we were looking for by far the best look this prep was seen this morning, so now its back to pushing this look a bit. Really eliminating as many variables as we can and knowing what works for Dallas and he digests the best so as you will see this diet is very basic.
Thursday Aug 27 Diet Changes
Meal 1
170g Nutriject 99% Turkey (chili style)
200g Egg Whites
80g oats raw measure
3g omega 3
Meal 2
300g sweet potato cooked
224g Chicken cooked
Meal 3
210g Jasmine rice cooked
224g Chicken cooked
Meal 4 - Post training
60g whey isolate
80g cream of rice raw measure
Meal 5
300g sweet potato cooked
112g turkey cooked
112g chicken cooked
Meal 6
224g chicken cooked
85g asparagus
Meal 7
170g Nutriject 99% Turkey (chili style)
200g Egg Whites
85g asparagus
Diet and training update:
Things have not changed much at all but just keeping you guys posted on all of the current variables
Training Split:
Quad focused Leg Day alternated with Posterior focused leg day (glutes and hamstring emphasis)
Chest and Triceps
Back and Rear Delts
Shoulders and Arms
Rinse and repeat.
Meal 1
80g - Oats
200g - Egg Whites
170g - 99% ground turkey or tenderloin cooked
Meal 2
300g - Cooked Sweet Potato
224g - Cooked Chicken breast
Meal 3 - Pre training
210g - Jasmine Rice cooked
280g - Cooked white fish (not sitting well, will be sticking with 224g Chicken moving forward)
Meal 4 - Post workout
80g - Cream of Rice
60g - Whey Isolate
Meal 5
300g - Cooked Sweet Potato
112g - Cooked Chicken breast
112g - Cooked turkey breast
Meal 6
224g - Chicken cooked
85g - Asparagus
Meal 7: Omelet
200g - Egg Whites
140g - 99% ground turkey cooked
85g - Asparagus
Current Diet for today (this has been his intake for Wed Sept 9th - Today)
Meal 1
150g Oats raw measure
200g Egg Whites Raw Measure
170g Turkey or chicken cooked
Meal 2
224g - Chicken Cooked
400g - sweet potato cooked
Meal 3
280g Jasmine Rice
224g Turkey or chicken cooked OR 280g Cooked Tilapia
Meal 4
60g Whey Isolate
120g COR
***This meal will be in through Monday
Meal 5
280g Jasmine Rice
4oz Chicken
4oz Turkey
Meal 6
224g Turkey or chicken cooked OR 280g Cooked Tilapia
250g Sweet Potato cooked
Meal 7
400g Egg Whites
6 Days Out
Everything is on track and essentially down to the exact number in terms of goals and more importantly look correlating with those numbers that we had set out for this stage of the game. The goal is to continue to slowly fill out over the next 6 days and not overfill early, keeping him semi flat upon waking. 6 days out we do not need skin splitting pumps upon waking. Tomorrow will be our last day in Kentucky prior to flying out and getting things set up in Vegas on Monday.
We trained Chest today, very effective and to the point type training today. (Currently making a video which I will upload with some high points, only thing not filmed was a heavy incline drop set where I could not film as I was helping pull plates which is how we started the workout following the Incline fly variation that you will see in the video)
Since there was a question asked about calculations this is how i have been calculating Dallas Nutrition all prep through MFP. See below for todays diet.
Meal 1 Nordic Naturals - Omega - 3 Fish Oil (capsules), 3 soft gel 27 0g 3g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g Roundy's - Quick Oatmeal, Grams, 150 g 538 100g 10g 19g 0mg 0mg 0g 15g Lana's Egg Whites - Egg Whites 100% Pure and Natural, 300 g 148 2g 0g 32g 0mg 492mg 2g 0g Egg, whole, raw, fresh, 3 large 215 1g 14g 19g 558mg 213mg 1g 0g Meal 2 Usda - Bison Top Sirloin Broiled (Grams), 112.0 g 192 0g 6g 31g 96mg 59mg 0g 0g Generic - Chicken Breast (Cooked In Grams) , 112 g 151 0g 1g 34g 0mg 166mg 0g 0g Usda (Corrected) - Baked Sweet Potato In Skin, 500 g 450 104g 1g 10g 0mg 1,220mg 32g 17g Meal 3 - Pre training and post workout Nature's Promise - Organic Jasmine Rice-frozen (Grams), 280 g 355 79g 0g 6g 0mg 0mg 0g 2g Generic - Chicken Breast (Cooked In Grams) , 224 g 302 0g 3g 69g 0mg 332mg 0g 0g True Protein - Cold Filtered 30g, 50 g 188 1g 0g 45g 0mg 74mg 0g 0g Uncle Bens - Cream of Rice (Grams), 100 g 356 80g 0g 7g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g Trader Joe's - Organic Raw Honey (Grams), 40 g 114 32g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 30g 0g Meal 4 - Post workout whole foods meal when hungry Nature's Promise - Organic Jasmine Rice-frozen (Grams), 350 g 444 99g 0g 7g 0mg 0mg 0g 2g Usda - Ground Turkey Fat Free (99% Lean) Pan Broiled, 224 g 337 0g 6g 71g 158mg 137mg 0g 0g Meal 5 Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g Usda (Corrected) - Baked Sweet Potato In Skin, 350 g 315 72g 1g 7g 0mg 854mg 23g 12g Generic - Chicken Breast (Cooked In Grams) , 112 g 151 0g 1g 34g 0mg 166mg 0g 0g Usda - Bison Top Sirloin Broiled (Grams), 112.0 g 192 0g 6g 31g 96mg 59mg 0g 0g Meal 6 Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g Lana's Egg Whites - Egg Whites 100% Pure and Natural, 300 g 148 2g 0g 32g 0mg 492mg 2g 0g Egg, whole, raw, fresh, 2 large 143 1g 10g 13g 372mg 142mg 0g 0g
I would say that yesterday overall went about as flawless as a trip could go. We arrived to the airport in Louisville really early in attempts to be as laid back as possible and everything went according to plan. Flight arrived a bit early in vegas, car rental was a breeze, no hiccups getting to the hotel, in all honestly could not have asked for much more.
Dallas water balance on the trip yesterday was great as well no issues there, he just continued to drink throughout the flights and we arrived essentially un harmed with his water balance being at a normal level for PM.
Here was his diet from yesterday and this is going to be pretty much par for the course going forward with making adjustments to amounts based off of need.
September 14, 2015
------------------------------------FOODS Calories Carbs Fat Protein Cholest Sodium Sugars Fiber Meal 1 Nordic Naturals - Omega - 3 Fish Oil (capsules), 3 soft gel 27 0g 3g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g Lana's Egg Whites - Egg Whites 100% Pure and Natural, 300 g 148 2g 0g 32g 0mg 492mg 2g 0g Egg, whole, raw, fresh, 3 large 215 1g 14g 19g 558mg 213mg 1g 0g Roundy's - Quick Oatmeal, Grams, 150 g 538 100g 10g 19g 0mg 0mg 0g 15g Meal 2 Usda - Bison Top Sirloin Broiled (Grams), 194 g 332 0g 11g 54g 167mg 103mg 0g 0g Nature's Promise - Organic Jasmine Rice-frozen (Grams), 350 g 444 99g 0g 7g 0mg 0mg 0g 2g Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g Meal 3 Generic - Chicken Breast (Cooked In Grams) , 194 g 261 0g 3g 59g 0mg 287mg 0g 0g Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g Usda (Corrected) - Baked Sweet Potato In Skin, 450 g 405 93g 1g 9g 0mg 1,098mg 29g 15g Meal 4 Nature's Promise - Organic Jasmine Rice-frozen (Grams), 350 g 444 99g 0g 7g 0mg 0mg 0g 2g Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g Usda - Bison Top Sirloin Broiled (Grams), 194 g 332 0g 11g 54g 167mg 103mg 0g 0g Meal 5 Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g Usda (Corrected) - Baked Sweet Potato In Skin, 450 g 405 93g 1g 9g 0mg 1,098mg 29g 15g Generic - Chicken Breast (Cooked In Grams) , 194 g 261 0g 3g 59g 0mg 287mg 0g 0g Uncle Bens - Cream of Rice (Grams), 120 g 427 96g 0g 8g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g True Protein - Cold Filtered 30g, 50 g 188 1g 0g 45g 0mg 74mg 0g 0g Meal 6 Usda - Bison Top Sirloin Broiled (Grams), 194 g 332 0g 11g 54g 167mg 103mg 0g 0g Generic - Asparagus (Raw) , 85 g 17 3g 0g 2g 0mg 2mg 2g 2g TOTAL: 4,844 599g 68g 445g 1,059mg 3,868mg 71g 59g
Credit by Matt Jansen for MD. comLast edited by AndryPata90; 16-09-2015, 16:44:46.
@ Alberto
Sono un po' pieno di lavoro, ma ho dato un'occhiata veloce alle quote, ad ogni modo è un pezzo che seguo Jansen e un ragazzo che seguo è stato seguito da lui.
Di solito non ciclizza, qui pensavo ad un natural Peaking, metodo molto in voga in USA, in realtà le kcal sono abbastanza costanti, ma diminuisce fats e alza le pro. Segno che questo così scende...
Secondo me sta spingendo su integrazione e tiroidei in particolare detta in soldoni...
Non penso vada in spillover perché lo ha sott'occhio, poi non sappiamo se fa una ricarica a salire o scalare...il 14 è a 6 giorni
Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."