Mr. OLYMPIA 2015 - categorie Open & 212 libbre

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  • menphisdaemon
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    Ma ragazzi io davvero non so come ragioniate: siete qui a parlare di atleti, di is business...che cazz volete che gliene freghi a loro o alla IFBB stessa? L'unica cosa importante sono gli introiti. Ma lo avete visto il video di Kai col cappellino della sua ditta in bella evidenza? Avete presente quanti repost sta avendo quel video? Lui ha già fatto conoscere la sua azienda a prescindere dal Mister Olympia. Vogliamo poi parlare del potere di Arnold? Come la mettiamo se Kai gareggia all'Arnold?

    Vi state focalizzando sulle cose sbagliate imho
    "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
    Joel Marion

    "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


    "Huge By choice, not by chance."


    • AndryPata90
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      Marco se vai a rileggere dal primo momento si è detto che era stato fatto tutto per lanciare bene la sua azienda ...scritto già molto prima di stamattina quando ha lanciato il video Kai su YT . (dovrebbe essere almeno 2-3 pagine dietro, non ricordo).

      Sulla questione Arnold Classic nella pagina precedente qualcosa si è detto...sarebbe interessante vedere se KAI confermerà la sua partecipazione e se PHIL deciderà (come ha già fatto 2 anni di fila ndr) di parteciparvi, a quel punto ci sarebbe un bel colpo di coda e di botto la competizione più importante diverrebbe quella di Madrid di Schwarzy

      Ben Pakulski:

      "Everyone is asking for my opinion on Kai Greene not being able to compete at this years Olympia.From an athletes perspective it sucks. I know how committed that guy is and I would be torn being informed this close to the show.
      But we know nothing of the reason or the situation so it's impossible or irresponsible to post an opinion.
      I personally wish Kai was able to compete as I love the guy and think he's a true champion.
      i look forward to seeing him compete when he decides to get back on stage. (Perhaps after the Olympia?)

      Kai is helping bring a human aspect to the sport and more so than any athlete in recent memory bringing our sport to the mainstream.
      He's likable and I'm sure many people will be upset but something Kai knows and more competitors need to know is that if you let someone else control your feelings, self worth and dictate your success and failure you're in for a very long and heartbreaking journey.

      Find the joy in the process and love YOUR journey"

      Last edited by AndryPata90; 15-09-2015, 19:42:51.



      • AndryPata90
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        • Flame(
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          Hm, fatemi fantasticare un po'.
          Kai facendo questa cosa ha pubblicizzato un sacco la dynamik muscle, non partecipando al MO un sacco di persone riterranno che la vittoria di Phil è stata troppo semplice e senza rivali, Kai si preparerà al meglio e parteciperà all'arnold che ormai come competizione migliora sempre di anno in anno, Phil sotto pressione e tutto incazzato deciderà di partecipare all'arnold classic per far vedere a tutti che è lui il migliore, in più non può permettere a Kai di vincere l'arnold perchè poi il confronto sarà ancor più pesante, kai sarà in forma strepitosa, vincerà l'arnold classic, Phil sarà ancor più sotto pressione e Kai andrà a vincere anche il MO 2016.
          Beh, se fosse cosi come tattica non è male, il problema è se non vince
          Last edited by Flame(; 15-09-2015, 21:16:57.
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          • Nemesis84
            Ice and Cold
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            Se con questo teatrino ci abbia guadagnato Kai solo il tempo lo dirà, certo non ci ha guadagnato il MrO. Come si diceva pagine addietro quest'anno con Kai in Line Up poteva essere davvero molto interessante considerando il dualismo Greene-Heath con la wild card Ramy e per le posizioni da top 10 c'era una gran competizione tra i vecchi mai domi Warren e DJ, i maturi e le nuove speranze. Purtroppo si parlerà più di business e di questa pantomima che di muscoli e condizione temo.
            un peccato indubbiamente visto che a mio personale avviso al MrO deve esserci equilibrio tra prestazioni atletiche e Entertainment.

            Al netto di questo, è evidente che tutto questo teatrino sia nato e sia alimentato da business, fa sorridere che il BB Robin Hood alla fine abbia piegato il ginocchio al dio denaro, il che non è sbagliato a prescindere, ma che d'ora in poi la smetta di fare il paladino.
            "It' better stand tall when they're calling you out, don't bend, don't break, don't back down"


            • Wyoming
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              A mio avviso se Kai non partecipa all'Olimpia l'unico a perderci è lui. L'Olimpia continua.....
              Ho sempre ammirato la sportività di Jay eterno secondo dietro a Coleman per anni e anni senza mai una polemica e senza tutte queste sceneggiate. Fossi in lui direi cosa è successo....è l'unico che può spegnere l'incendio.
              Per me l'Olimpia resta LA GARA l'Arnold è non è l'Olimpia.....è come vincere le Olimpiadi o i mondiali.


              • AndryPata90
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                Riporto sempre per dovere di cronaca questo commento di Alessandro Vianello (IFBB Judge & Officially Endorsed by IFBB PRO League)



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                  Shawn Ray 1h fa:

                  "For Everyone asking about the Kai Greene situation the Answer is Simple:When you Fail to Sign the Contest Contract to Compete, you Eliminate the "Opportunity" to Compete.
                  The responsibility is soley upon the Athlete to Sign the Agreement to Compete or he is Denied the "Priveldge" to Compete after the Deadline passes. In this case, therein lies your answer to WHY Kai is no able to compete.
                  Kai is not Entitled to "Special Treatment" for making his Personal decision Not to Sign it for 2 months!
                  Sadly, Kai got what he deserved. This was Not "Politics."


                  • MarcoT
                    one day you may
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Wyoming Visualizza Messaggio
                    A mio avviso se Kai non partecipa all'Olimpia l'unico a perderci è lui. L'Olimpia continua.....
                    Ho sempre ammirato la sportività di Jay eterno secondo dietro a Coleman per anni e anni senza mai una polemica e senza tutte queste sceneggiate. Fossi in lui direi cosa è successo....è l'unico che può spegnere l'incendio.
                    Per me l'Olimpia resta LA GARA l'Arnold è non è l'Olimpia.....è come vincere le Olimpiadi o i mondiali.
                    Beh la rivalità tra coleman e cutler era totalmente opposta a quella di heat e greene quello era vero sport
                    Originariamente Scritto da Lorenzo993
                    non nominare cristo che se ti avesse incontrato avrebbe mandato a mignotte la bibbia e ti avrebbe preso a calci in culo


                    • AndryPata90
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                      By Milos Sarcev – IFBB Pro - PREDICTION FOR MR. OLYMPIA 2015

                      "In light of possible suspension of first runner up Kai Greene from this years Mr Olympia competition I was asked about my take on who is going to win the title now when biggest threat to Phil Heath will (more then likely) not step his foot on that stage.
                      Well, I already expressed my opinion (online) that I truly believe Big Rami (Mamdouh Elssbiay from Kuwait) can pull the upset and win the title.
                      Why do I say that? I remember when Ronnie Coleman (who placed 9th year before) surprised everyone at the 1998 Mr Olympia and pulled the biggest upset in history of that competition. He was simply overwhelming for everyone else and even though he was only 8th man to be called out in prejudging (comparisons) – he worked his way up during a prejudging and finished first! And let’s not forget the line up Ronnie was up against: absolutely phenomenal Flex Wheeler, incredible Nasser El Sonbaty, bodybuilding legends like Kevin Levrone, Shawn Ray, Chris Cormier, Paul Dillet and others…Nobody was even counting on Ronnie to be top contender, let alone to take the title…but he showed up ready and changed his life forever (and history of Mr. Olympia competition winning 8 consecutive Mr Olympia titles in a row).
                      Rami, like Ronnie is very unique in sense that he is a “beautiful freak” (read: absolutely freaky or truly monstrous muscle mass, but also having great shape, great lines, proportions, symmetry…etc, and if his conditioning is out of this world – like Ronnie’s was back in 1998 – he can beat the champ and everyone else – pose for pose).
                      Fact that Rami didn’t show up in incredible condition just yet in any of his IFBB professional outings so far might actually now work in his favor and I expect nothing less from both – Rami and his coach (George). Sliced and diced Rami will be a sight to see.
                      However, that is just my pick if I consider what I believe will happen…If the question is who I like the best (?) – I would have easily another 5 guys whom I believe can take that title this Saturday.
                      Obviously – our champ (Phil Heath) is just incredible and he is going to be very hard to beat…I hope he learned his lesson from his last years showing and that he will bring Mr. Olympia championship conditioning on the stage this time around.
                      Dennis Wolf is also in running and rightfully very much considered to be top contender for the title. I prepared him for 2007 Mr. Olympia, which I thought he deserved to win (with all due respect to other great champions I believe if he was given the title that year nobody would complain). Ever since then people are waiting for Dennis to show up looking sensational and he has managed to achieve that look several times last year so I expect to see Dennis at his all time best (which will be impossible to ignore).
                      Shawn Rhoden is another guy that has Mr. Olympia title written all over him and if he peaks perfectly he will create illusion of that incredible combination of shape and size and truly match Phil’s look…Like Shawn Ray back in a day, this Shawn can also mess up plans of many top contenders who are much bigger then him. I hope he brings it.
                      What to say about Dexter Jackson, 2008 Mr Olympia? This man is the most inspirational athlete/bodybuilder of our times and I am sure he plans to surprise everyone on that stage this weekend and take back his title he once won.
                      Can he do it? I absolutely believe so – as he is not just maintaining his level of excellence (at his age) but actually still improving from show to show and The Blade (nickname he rightfully earned as always being razor sharp) just needs to bring that crazy level of conditioning he is known for. Dexter is just flawless.
                      Cedric McMillan is another guy who can pull the upset, but it all depends which Cedric will show up. If he is in top condition his qualities will shine bright enough that no judge could possibly overlook him (this time around, contrary to AC earlier this year when many people, Arnold included, saw him as a clear winner). He is every bodybuilders bodybuilder as he does have that look all of us appreciate and respect so much – beautifully put together shredded beef that just flows perfectly.
                      Standing alone Cedric is just phenomenal, but he is stepping on the stage with absolutely the best in the world and I just hope that judges would give him a fair chance to stand next to top guys and give him the opportunity to fight and earn his placing.
                      Now, as I love “underdogs” in every sport (and life in general) I always hope that some of the other competitors will bring their absolute best on the stage and truly shock the world…
                      That being said – I mean that everyone has their chance and I am sure that Roelly Winklaar (Curacao), Dallas McCarver (USA), Juan Morel (USA), William Bonac (Netherlands), Fouad Abiad (Canada), Essa Obaid (UAE), Mohamad Ali Bannout (Lebanon), Ronny Rockel (Germany), Abdelaziz Jellali ( Morocco), Brandon Curry (USA), Fred Smalls (USA), Jon Delarosa (USA), Maxx Charles (USA), Johnnie Jackson (USA) and Branch Warren (USA) are all competing to win.
                      Just ask Branch if he is done and I am sure you’ll get the answer very fast…and so is with everybody else. This is Mr. O (Sparta) – no retreat, no surrender …let the best man win!"
                      Last edited by AndryPata90; 15-09-2015, 23:44:25.



                      • menphisdaemon
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                        Ray si fa sempre nuovi amici [emoji23]

                        Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
                        "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                        Joel Marion

                        "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                        "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                        • AndryPata90
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                          KAI GREENE

                          We've been receiving a TREMENDOUS amount of support for which I can not simply put into words but more so in actions that can show themselves to be ever given to everyone!
                          I'd like everyone to be mindful as the ‪#‎IFBB‬ & ‪#‎NPC‬ are not responsible for the outcome of which has presented itself.
                          Jim Manion / Rafael Santoja / Steve Weinburger and all the judges around the world all have been supporters of my vision and we encourage to continue to support the organizations.
                          We've worked extremely hard to present ourselves on stage this weekend and I recognize that I am not the only one... Let's please shift attention, to the many competitors competing this weekend, for they have sacrificed just as much to be on stage.
                          We must support them as after-all they do it for you guys! Wishing my fellow competitors & friends much success this upcoming weekend.

                          Mi sale il vomito a leggere ste cose.



                          • menphisdaemon
                            UNDERGROUND BODYBUILDING MILITIA
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                            Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                            Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
                            "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                            Joel Marion

                            "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                            "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                            • AndryPata90
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                              Ah tanto per cambiare l'altro giorno KAI ha firmato invece con la Isolator Fitness ...qui la firma veloce c'è stata



                              • mirkoit@
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                                La sfida Coleman-Cutler, e la immensa sportività di Jay, mancano a tutti!

