Vive a Dubai e fa il personal trainer...cosi dice.
Gare Circuito PRO e aggiornamenti atleti Open e 212 libbre
"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Cedric farà il Toronto PRO...Aceto dice che farà questa gara e poi si rivedrà all'Olympia...buona mossa, prende una qualifica facile subito dopo la competizione più importante...vittoria facile per lui.
qui ha scritto Peter McGough:
"Cedric doing toronto this weekendAfter his great showing in finishing second at last weekend’s Arnold Classic Brazil, Cedric McMillan will contest the Toronto SuperShow this coming Saturday, June 6. Originally not on his radar this is a smart move for Cedric as he was, despite losing to Big Ramy, the best-conditioned shape of his life and the sharpest bodybuilder on stage in Brazil. If he can repeat that form that moves him into front runner status for Toronto where his main rivals are likely to be Toney Freeman, Brandon Curry, Johnnie Jackson and Fred Smalls. However lookout for two Canadians, Henri Pierre Ano and Iain Valliere who look set to make breakout showings."
Kai Greene: "#Brasil was just an amazing journey and a very much so busy one. I didn't get to see Big_ramy but as luck has it, before taking off, we came across destined paths at the airport, Congratulations Champion. You've come a long way from where you've began, and even tho we may not communicate on the daily, you are a friend of my heart and within that, our friendship shall never part, wishing you ever ending success.
Your friend, Kai"
a proposito del video GURU Wars I: Chris Aceto vs George Farah...
ha commentato cosi Dave Palumbo sul suo sito:
"George texted me and was upset. I explained that it was all done in fun. I really don't dislike George. I find him funny and entertaining and while he doesn't always tell the truth, he does have a good heart. I would love to get GEORGE vs ACETO on IRON DEBATE in a more formal setting with questions that everyone has before hand. Can we make it happen? Will BLECHMAN allow George to come on the show? I'll let George wear a TEAM MD shirt........and I'll even run a video ad for MD's that for an "offer he can't refuse"?"
DaveMadMax ha aggiunto:
"Jay told me about this debacle yesterday and he said he told Smalls to look around and realize that they were in a classy place and to watch his language and stop the profanity. In a nutshell..."
Per @menphis... leggi qua:
Okay I don't know what George said to Chris about being Gay?Can someone please tell me what he said?
Originally Posted by Jude2
Chris owned George there with one question. Were you a cop?, George didn't want to answer so he ask Chris if he was gay. Chris finally answered no, now are you a cop?
But Aceto's question was based on a news item. Rochester police actually criticized because Farah claimed to be a policeman.
City police blast bodybuilder who claimed he was wounded cop
By Jon Hand
August 5, 2010
In an emotional Internet video made to market a nutrition company, local bodybuilder George Farah spoke of the pain and rehabilitation he went through when he was shot in Rochester while a rookie police officer in 1997. He was off duty, he tells viewers, heroically responding to a bank robbery.
The problem is, it isn't true.
Farah, a professional bodybuilder from Rochester ironically nicknamed "Bulletproof," was shot on Ringle Street in Rochester in 1997 along with another person, but was never an officer or employee of the police department, the city officers' union president said ...
More @"
Last edited by AndryPata90; 03-06-2015, 10:57:12.
altre foto di Feras Saied da Venice beach
Last edited by AndryPata90; 03-06-2015, 10:51:53.
Molto bello Cedric.
Ramy SPAZIALE."ma questo èbbig..***** diaz raga quant'è pensavo di meno ragà, facci il petto frà, i croci..madoo sto back sto trici..madoo ed ora pompatela.. modalità ziz che cerca il dio..seee"
molto a momenti mi sembra un medio....sigpic
(non so il front , ma il back pare migliorato)
Originalmente inviato da leonardoS
maledetto mongue, io sono 177cm quindi basso e pelato e grasso, il top secondo i canoni monguiani. Ma siccome lui è un secco sansa palle e sansa tesserino ifbb e scurnacchiat me ne fotto
d'accordo con te Moreno...ha fatto da poco il suo esordio all'Orlando PRO a 24 anni...mancano i volumi necessari per essere competitivo.
Last edited by AndryPata90; 03-06-2015, 17:54:19.
quando vedo queste cose .... vedo che all'estero si danno piu PRO Card che in Italia...
ora non dico che un atleta debba diventare da subito PRO con i volumi necessari... ma una PRO card potrebbe (credo) consentire agli atleti di fare valutazioni e investimenti diversi rispetto al miraggio di vincere per forza una mondiale IFBB o l'assoluto a un Arnold Classic per vedere una PRO card....
ad esempio, ma giusto perchè mi son venuti in mente ora, lo sloveno dei super massimi che è arrivato 2° all'Arnold a Madrid lo scorso anno che ha 24 anni , una pro card non ci starebbe male... così a uno come Miha Zupan....
ma come in passato a nostri atleti come Salvatori, o Grassi,.... che avrebbero potuto comunque tentare alcuni circuiti PRO....sigpic
(non so il front , ma il back pare migliorato)
Originalmente inviato da leonardoS
maledetto mongue, io sono 177cm quindi basso e pelato e grasso, il top secondo i canoni monguiani. Ma siccome lui è un secco sansa palle e sansa tesserino ifbb e scurnacchiat me ne fotto