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Fouad Abiad: "280lbs and trying to hold the body fat in check. This is far out of shape as I wanna get. Starting my Olympia prep in a 2.5 weeks!
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Written by Peter McGough
28 May 2015
History Making Sensation! Big Ramy at 310lbs.
Ready to Rock Rio
A decade ago in a speculative type piece I wrote that with the ever-growing gene pool, and with more and more people lifting weights globally, there would come a time when a bodybuilder would walk out of the proverbial woods at over 300 pounds ripped.
On Tuesday (May 26) I asked contest prep luminary George Farah what his latest charge,Mamdouh Elssbiay (more commonly known as Big Ramy) would weigh at this weekend’s upcoming Arnold Classic in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Back came the reply, “Last week he was weighing 321 pounds and he will lose no more than eight or ten pounds for Brazil and he will be shredded.” (The photo on the lead in graphic shows 321 pound Big Ramy last weekend.)
Thus the 310-pound monster forecast ten years ago is now amongst us. This is historic as this is the first time we will have seen a 300 pounder in a pro contest. (It was reported that Lou Ferrigno was 300 pounds plus at the 1992 and 1993 Olympias but I doubt it.)
Big Ramy first burst on the scene at the 2013 New York Pro. Having trained for only three years we witnessed one of the most explosive pro debuts ever as his 286 pounds distributed on a 5’10” frame made more jaws drop than an incompetent dentist. He walked out and just stunned the assembled muscle masses with his sheer size and development: He was like a giant sandwich board with a wicked V-taper. New York had seen nothing like it since King Kong decided abseiling up the Empire State Building was more fun than necking a few with Babe Ruth at The Cotton Club.
He just crushed the opposition (including marquee competitor Victor Martinez) and in his first foray into the pose-for-pay ranks nailed down a straight firsts victory. His emergence was the catalyst for more hype than an Elvis Presley comeback tour with many predicting he was a future Mr. Olympia, and some stating he would win it first time out in his Big O debut in September 2013. In the end, probably not as sharp as New York, he was adjudged eighth at the 2013 Olympia, although personally this humble scribe saw him a couple of places higher than that.Big Ramy showing upper body improvement at 321 pounds last weekend.
But from that 2013 platform the consensus was the Egyptian, who resides in Kuwait, could only get better and better. It didn’t quite work out that way because although he won the 2014 New York Pro he was maybe not as sharp as 12 months earlier and at last year’s Olympia he was seventh. There wasn’t the great leap forward many had predicted. Let it be said that prior to the New York Pro he has been hospitalized with some sort of respiratory infection and sustained a torn hamstring during his Olympia prep.
So in two years the feeling began to seep in among some authorities that maybe he may never make that giant leap. The main knock was that while he had astonishing size, fullness and sweeping contours, he still had to etch in Olympia level detail in the style of Phil Heath, Kai Greene and company whose physiques have more detail than a Wall Street banker’s tax dodge filing. The word was that if he was able to carve in that top five like detail he would be a threat to anyone and may be the next Mr. Olympia.
MD’s George Farah believes that necessary detail is being now being carved in to the giant canvas that is Big Ramy’s physique. The ubiquitous George hooked up with the former fisherman at last March’s Arnold Classic so they have been working together for the best part of three months.
Hear him talk about the progress they have made: “Big Ramy and Bader Bodai [a driving and growing force in bodybuilding and owner of Kuwait’s magnificent Oxygen Gym] asked me to get involved with Ramy’s prep and I obliged. The word freak is overused in this game but Big Ramy is the freak of all freaks. As far as bodybuilding’s little helpers are concerned he uses less than just about anyone I know. He’s just genetically gifted beyond anyone we’ve seen. He lifts a weight, he grows; he eats a meal, he grows. Of course everyone says he needs more detail and muscle maturity and that will come in time.”Having fun with Sadik Hadzovic, winner of the Mens Physique division at last March’s Arnold Classic.
So what changes did George make to Big Ramy’s regimen? “I did research on what he’d done in the past to work out why he’d never really nailed contest condition. I figured he’d been over dieting on zero carbs, which does not work for him. As soon as I put him on more carbs and fed the protein in he started getting harder. Most guys as they diet lose bodyweight but not him -- he just gets sharper and sharper. As ridiculous as it sounds in the past he’s always gone into contests too small. His lower body used to overpower everything else, but now with the bodyweight he’s carrying he’s much bigger and thicker in the upper body and still with that tiny waist. Overall he is more balanced at 310 pounds than he was at 290 or so.”
Can 30-year-old Big Ramy win the Olympia this year? “Nothing is impossible but the plan is to get him into the top four. He still hasn’t got the muscle maturity of Phil Heath, Kai Greene or Dexter Jackson and the other guys. On the other hand anyone who stands next to him is going to look small. When this guy puts it all together God help everybody. He’s like a cartoon character and eventually he will dominate.”
George concludes with a chuckle. “You wanna know something funny -- as big as Ramy is he still thinks he’s too small.” Yeah, and Bill Gates hasn’t got enough money.
Last edited by AndryPata90; 28-05-2015, 17:38:35.