Gare Circuito PRO e aggiornamenti atleti Open e 212 libbre
vedo che anche qui non c'è Kai Greene nel line up...sigpic
(non so il front , ma il back pare migliorato)
Originalmente inviato da leonardoS
maledetto mongue, io sono 177cm quindi basso e pelato e grasso, il top secondo i canoni monguiani. Ma siccome lui è un secco sansa palle e sansa tesserino ifbb e scurnacchiat me ne fotto
Parole durissime di Ray.
Sulla mancata presenza di Kai mi fa pensare che si sia infortunato o che sia successo qualcosa e che quindi fosse tutto ampiamente preventivato
Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Originariamente Scritto da Gore Visualizza Messaggiovedo che anche qui non c'è Kai Greene nel line up...Originariamente Scritto da menphisdaemon Visualizza MessaggioParole durissime di Ray.
Sulla mancata presenza di Kai mi fa pensare che si sia infortunato o che sia successo qualcosa e che quindi fosse tutto ampiamente preventivato
Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
Originariamente Scritto da SeanTu non capisci niente, Lukino, proietti le tue fissi su altri. Sei di una ignoranza abissale. Prima te la devi scrostare di dosso, poi potremmo forse avere un dialogo civile.
Ho aperto un altro thread per questo evento a breve...GARA PRO + Olympia Amateur
EVL'S PRAGUE PRO Open & 212 lbs & Bikini CONTEST + OLYMPIA AMATEUR EUROPE PRAGUE 2015 There will be spectacular bodybuilding and fitness event of global significance at the beginning of October in Prague. Olympia Amateur Europe 2015 will be held together with EVLS Prague Pro 2015. The fourth annual of EVLS
EVL'S PRAGUE PRO Open & 212 lbs & Bikini CONTEST
There will be spectacular bodybuilding and fitness event of global significance at the beginning of October in Prague. Olympia Amateur Europe 2015 will be held together with EVLS Prague Pro 2015.
The fourth annual of EVLS Prague Pro competition, the largest bodybuilding event in Europe and the third largest in the world, will offer a truly unique experience. At the beginning of October will come to Prague the biggest stars of the world of professional bodybuilding!
Amateur version of the famous Mr. Olympia will offer viewers the struggle of Europe's elite amateur athletes for the professional card, which shifts them "overnight" among professionals, which will be with them in Prague Tipsport arena on the same stage.
Moreover, the FITNESS EXPO complementing the exciting EVLS Prague Pro and Olympia Amateur Europe will definitely be on during the entire weekend in Tipsport Arena of Prague, i.e. the same venue of the show. Everyone who will attend the contest or simply come to support their favorite athletes, will have an opportunity and option to visit the FITNESS EXPO featuring various sports nutrition, natural performance enhancing supplements, as well as sporting equipment mainly focused on the field of bodybuilding and fitness.
There will be seminars with Phil Heath and Kevin Levrone.
Benchpress EAGLES EVLS CUP will take place on Sturday as well.
Information about tickets at:
1. Giovanni Azpeitia
2. William Bonac
3. Curry Brandon
4. Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay
5. Alexander Fedorov
6. Roman Fritz
7. Dalibor Hájek
8. Dexter Jackson
9. Kiss Jeno
10. Tomáš Kašpar
11. Michael Kefalianos
12. Steve Kuclo
13. Juan Diesel Morel
14. Lukáš Osladil
15. Shawn Rhoden
16. Ronny Rockel
17. Rastislav Solar
18. Roelly Winklaar
19. Dennis Wolf
MEN’S 212
1. Steve Benthin
2. Zoran Kolevski
3. Jan Kubík
4. Jose Raúl Sanchez
5. Milan Šádek
6. Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk
7. Jose Raymond
8. David Henry
1. Tanja Canc
2. Yulia Detusheva
3. Egle Eller-Nabi
4. Anna Kiseleva
5. Vladimíra Krásová
6. Janet Layug
7. Noemi Olah
8. Sofia Tandilian
9. Olga Viazmetinova
Nordic Pro Bodybuilding:
1. William Bonac, Netherlands
2. Alexander Federov, Russia
3. Roman Fritz, Germany
4. Dalibor Hajek, Czech Republic
5. Timo Honkala, Finland
6. Kiss Jeno, Hungary
7. Alexey Lesukov, Russia
8. Tomas Kaspar, Czech Republic
9. Zack Khan, United Kingdom
10. Cedric McMillan, USA
11. Marek Olejniczak, Poland
12. Jerry Ossi, Finland
13. Robert Piotrkowicz, Poland
14. Ronny Rockel, Germany
15. Rastislav Solar, Slovakia
16. Mario Van Steenberghe, Belgium
17. Roelly Winklaar, Curacao
18. Miha Zupan, Slovenia
Nordic Pro Bikini
1. Sara Back, Finland
2. Becky Clawson, USA
3. Jana Dobos Majernikova, Slovakia
4. Egle Eller Nabi, Estonia
5. Tawna Eubanks, USA
6. Christina Fjaere, Norway
7. Sandra Jokic, Norway
8. Ashley Kaltwasser, USA
9. Vladimira Krasova, Czech Republic
10. Justine Munro, Canada
11. Nina Ross, United Kingdom
12. Anna Virmajoki, Finland
13. Olga Viazmetinova, Ukraine
Nordic Pro Figure
1. Kati Alander, Finland
2. Ramona Maria Arseni, Romania
3. Ruth Dales, United Kingdom
4. Liubov Dreskova, Russia
5. Anniken Froyslie, Norway
6. Veronica Gallego, Spain
7. Maria Garcia, Spain
8. Federica Ghezzi, Italy
9. Elena Kirshchina, Russia
10. Bren Lauver, USA
11. Adela Ondrejovicova, Slovakia
12. Mari Pakkila, Finland
13. Tiina Vaskelainen, Finland
14. Ljubov Pantovic, Serbia
Nordic Pro Fitness
1. Chika Aluka, USA
2. Maria Laura Cerbelli, Canada
3. Giorgia Foroni, Italy
4. Ryall Graber, Canada
5. Piia Pajunen, Finland
6. Regiane Da Silva, Germany
7. Aurika Tyrgale, Russia
Nordic Pro Winners 2012-12014
Men’s Open Bodybuilding: Roelly Winklaar, Curacao
Pro Figure: Gal Yates, Brazil
Men’s Open Bodybuilding: Baitollah Abbaspour, Iran Pro
Figure: Kati Alander, Suomi
Pro Bikini: Anna Virmajoki, Suomi
Men’s Open Bodybuilding: Roelly Winklaar, Curacao
Pro Figure: Tawna Eubanks, USA
Interessante la scelta di MCMILLAN di gareggiare al Nordic PRO, sarà ancora in forma da gara visto che non ha potuto partecipare al Mr. Olympia per problemi di salute, proverà a vincerla cosi da ottenere la qualifica per il prossimo anno in anticipo, il che non è un male..anziLast edited by AndryPata90; 30-09-2015, 16:43:04.