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  • AndryPata90
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    In USA è un altro mondo mi sa per criteri di assegnazione di tesserini PRO...ora sarà un'altra categoria ma ricordo l'atleta italiano che vinse il Mondiale Physique...non ottenne il tesserino PRO...comunque d'accordo con te Europa c'è più difficoltà ad ottenere un tesserino

    ..foto recente

    qui all'AC Europe Amateur

    Volumi da PRO!...

    altro esempio...Attia Shaalan..ha vinto il Mondiale IFBB 2014 cat. e assoluto...non è ancora passato PRO

    volumi cercasi. Ci sta benissimo tra i PRO.

    David Hoffmann

    giovane...old school, ha ancora del potenziale da esprimere.

    Miha Zupan

    per essere PRO quest'ultimo forse non potrà ambire a fare grandi risultati...per adesso è stato sempre un amateur di buon livello.
    Last edited by AndryPata90; 03-06-2015, 18:09:15.



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      Eslam Elmasry Mohamed

      Isaac Ghavidel



      • AndryPata90
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        Mohamed Zakarya...ha vinto un Mondiale cat. e assoluto e non solo...

        Last edited by AndryPata90; 03-06-2015, 18:13:57.



        • AndryPata90
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          Alex Federov IFBB PRO



          • menphisdaemon
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            Ma il gluteo di Zupan?!?
            "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
            Joel Marion

            "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


            "Huge By choice, not by chance."


            • AndryPata90
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              • AndryPata90
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                cerca "glutes Zupan" su Google... e trovi questo

                Last edited by AndryPata90; 03-06-2015, 23:29:37.



                • menphisdaemon
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                  Grazie di avermi rovinato la notte . Mi riferivo ad altro comunque
                  "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                  Joel Marion

                  "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                  "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                  • marcu9
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                    Originariamente Scritto da menphisdaemon Visualizza Messaggio
                    Grazie di avermi rovinato la notte . Mi riferivo ad altro comunque
                    Ti ho capito...bello evidente...
                    Originariamente Scritto da Sean
                    Tu non capisci niente, Lukino, proietti le tue fissi su altri. Sei di una ignoranza abissale. Prima te la devi scrostare di dosso, poi potremmo forse avere un dialogo civile.


                    • AndryPata90
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                      controsmentita...Cedric non ci sarà al Toronto PRO

                      Peter McGough:
                      "Last night we were informed that Cedric McMillan was doing the Toronto Pro this weekend. Which seemed a very sensible decision and prompted the original post shown below. He would have been favorite and could have clinched an Olympia place by winning; and even by coming in second he would have boosted his Olympia qualifying points total to 14 putting him level as leader in that category with Victor Martinez, and probably ensuring an invite to the big dance. This morning we were told Cedric is not doing the show casting up a sort "He Ced, She Ced" scenario. Whatever, as of now Cedric won't be competing in Toronto. Seems a golden opportunity missed. But watch this space – 72 hours is a long time in bodybuilding."



                      • mirkoit@
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                        Quindi per ora ha i punti necessari per essere all'Olympia?


                        • Danielish
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                          credo di no


                          • AndryPata90
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                            Al momento ne ha 11...bisogna vedere cosa fanno gli altri

                            Leggete qui...tanti commenti su Big Ramy da gente del settore!...


                            Written by Peter McGough
                            04 June 2015

                            At last week’s Arnold Classic Brazil, Big Ramy, at an astonishing 315 pounds, steamrollered his way to victory and an Olympia qualifying berth. Nobody’s ever been bigger than this guy but how competitive will he be at the Olympia on September 19, just 15 weeks away?

                            Big Ramy being congratulated by Arnold Schwarzenegger on winning the 2015 Arnold Classic Brazil.
                            SHAWN RAY: 1991 Arnold Classic Champ, Twice Mr. Olympia runner-up, Team MD Columnist.
                            "Yes Ramy has improved this year: More mature muscle, a bit more fullness and tons more size. I believe he could have had more muscle separation, especially from the rear but in the show he was so overwhelmingly muscular he didn't need it against this line up.For the Mr. Olympia, Ramy should focus merely on "DETAIL!" He could come in a tad lighter and focus more on his back and hamstrings, which are strong points for Phil and Kai. He will need to bring the same confidence he displayed in Brazil and own the stage and the athletes he stands next to. If he gets intimidated by the polish of Dexter, Phil, Kai and Shawn he will fade.Ramy has plenty of time to improve and dry out for the Olympia. No question he can be a future Mr. Olympia because the depth of the Mr. Olympia Line up is really only four or five people deep and Ramy is young and hungry. This year I predict a Top 6 Finish without question! "

                            SAMIR BANNOUT: 1983 Mr. Olympia and true bodybuilding fan
                            I wasn’t as impressed with Ramy’s look in Brazil, as I was a few weeks earlier when heguest posed in Kuwait.He has gained more mass and his quality has gotten better, but his legs are a bit too large and he could get worse if he doesn’t control that. Also, the way he flexes them is just not professional at all.If he focuses on quality he can be much more dangerous, he will NEVER win the Olympia if he’s just thinking, “I am the biggest”. I believe he can make the changes in 6-10 weeks but I am afraid he’s still working with incapable trainers and that can be the difference between him and Heath. I believe they can mess him up from peaking and stop him from winning! He definitely could win as early as this year… if he comes in shredded. I haven’t seeing him shredded yet. Zane’s knowledge in the shredding dept can get him the Sandow in 6 weeks… I CAN DO THAT TOO.I believe he can be in the top 3 with the proper prep, and can win if he comes in super ripped.
                            My top five:
                            1- Phil Heath
                            2- Ramy
                            3- Kai Greene
                            4-Shawn Rhoden
                            5- Cedric McMillan
                            6- Dennis Wolf

                            Ramy’s best pose.

                            CHAD NICHOLLS: The Original Contest Prep/Diet Guru and Chairman of NPC Missouri.
                            "He didn’t improve from last year. Actually he's gone backward from the first time he stepped on the NY Pro stage in 2013, when we first saw him. He's adding size, but not improving overall. His priorities for the Olympia should, be CONDITIONING, CONDITIONING, CONDITIONING! He would need major changes in that area to improve for the Olympia and I just don't think we'll see those necessary changes if he sticks with the same prep team. Having said that, he has all the tools to eventually be a Mr. Olympia. But on the path he’s on I don’t see him making top six at this upcoming Olympia. He doesn't possess the conditioning, polished and finished stage look necessary to catapult him into that top group and battle with them right now. I'll leave you with this. If you give Ramy a report card, he gets an A+: in mass/size; a solid B in structure/balance; D in conditioning. To win the Olympia, or even battle the elite group, you clearly have to be on the honor roll. "

                            JOHN MEADOWS: Perennial NPC competitor and founder of very influential Mountain Dog Diet company. (Click on
                            "I am a huge Ramy fan, but I do not see improvement in him this year. He may be a tad bigger, but he was already the largest bodybuilder in the professional ranks today. All this guy has to do is suffer a little and get 10% tighter and he will be a nightmare to deal with. He is close, very close, but if he does not get that last level of detail and conditioning, guys like Phil and Kai will expose him, as they do have it. I believe it is very possible for him to make a jump forward this year. But as much as I want to see him win, I just have thoughts that he will continue to be a little off. I will give him the benefit of the doubt this year, and say he lands in the third place slot behind Phil and Kai."

                            Ramy hits a back pose in Brazil.

                            STEVE BLECHMAN: Muscular Development Publisher
                            "Looking at photos, I don’t believe Ramy improved much from last year. Ramy is a genetic freak. At 80 percent, he still beat everyone at the Arnold Brazil including Cedric McMillan, who was at his all-time best. Ramy has so much muscle. His front lat spread, hands on hips and back lat spread are crazy! He is the largest man in bodybuilding, and that’s why he is so dominating. Ramy’s priority for improvement for the Olympia would be conditioning— especially from behind! Ramy was over 350 pounds in the off-season! Why did he gain so much weight? A big mistake. He didn’t have any more quality muscle to show for it. Ramy is as wide as a house from behind, but needs more lower back detail and thickness. Plus he needs overall detail and tightness in his glutes and hams. I definitely think Ramy can dramatically improve his condition for the Olympia, with George’s help. He has plenty of time. Ramy can definitely be Mr. Olympia one day. In top shape, he would be tough to beat. His V-taper, hands on hips and lat spread from the front are probably the best of all time. Better than Ronnie Coleman’s. And Ramy has the biggest legs in the business right now. Time will tell if Ramy can achieve a much better champion physique, with more muscle detail and striations. Is he genetically capable of that? In my opinion, Big Ramy will place in the top six at the 2015 Olympia, only if he improves his condition. With improved condition and detail, especially from behind, he will be top four with Phil, Kai and Wolf. Wolf has better structure than Ramy, and Phil and Kai have more detail. "

                            GEORGE FARAH: Contest Prep Advisor to Big Ramy, and 2000 NPC Middleweight champ
                            "The most important thing about Ramy was that he was healthier then ever for this show. As a result he kept on growing until he stepped onstage instead of the other way around. This led to upper body improvement, which made the champ look more symmetrical. Priorities for the Olympia are improved conditioning and bigger calves. He can absolutely make those improvements in 15 weeks. He’s driven and has a great work ethic. As matter of fact he was back in the gym blasting away the day after the show because he knows he has no time to waste. Ramy isn't missing any bodyparts and in time will surely be Mr. Olympia. I have a vision that at the Olympia he is going to ruin the weekend for those who usually fill the top five spots."

                            Phil Heath hits a back pose – this is the sort of detail and separation Big Ramy will have to contend with to take on the four-time champ.

                            RON HARRIS: MD Senior Writer and seasoned competitor
                            "It can’t be argued that Ramy has improved in terms of sheer mass. At 5’10” or so and 315 pounds, he is technically the biggest top class pro bodybuilder the sport has ever seen. His proportions appear to be the same, which is commendable in that his waist still appears to be flat and narrow rather than the distended gut you would expect to see on a man this massive. His priorities for the Mr. Olympia should be to dial in his condition tighter, to bring that dry, shrink-wrapped look that Phil has. Is he capable of that? I'm not sure. He was in 90% condition both times he won the NY Pro at about 285 pounds, as he was again at the reported 315 he weighed for his win in Rio. I'm not even sure if it's a matter of simple bodyfat and water needing to be lost, or more a case of lacking muscle maturity. This was a physique that was built in a rush. If it's true that he went from 200 pounds to 350 in a span of less than five years as the story goes from Kuwait, that's a lot of raw mass that still needs to be seasoned and detailed. I don't see that process happening in a mere 15 weeks, more like 4-5 more years. He can be Mr. Olympia in the future, as he has the size, shape, and structure to beat just about anybody. It's only a matter of fine-tuning from this point and etching in the fine details that will make that mass appear so much more impressive. This year, I could see Ramy leaping all the way to second place. Unless he really comes in off, I can't see him doing any worse than third behind Phil and Kai. "

                            BOB CICHERILLO: Masters Mr. Olympia, MD columnist and most popular and in demand bodybuilding emcee
                            It’s hard to tell if the big man has made significant improvement this year. Even though he won (which was well deserved), until he stands next to the likes of Phil, Kai, Wolf and Dex, we won’t know the extent of his improvement, if any. He was a tad sharper in this latest version. It's not like he's missing any major parts, and certainly not deficient in muscle mass! The aspect he needs to improve is conditioning, conditioning, conditioning.
                            He has all the tools, but lack of sharpness will keep him out of the top three. It’s freaky to think that he could sacrifice 10 lbs to get into 100% shape and still be the biggest on stage. He can do it in 15 weeks. He doesn’t need to move mountains, just dial it down a notch. What Ramy brings is "different" and different is what can be the greatest threat to Phil at this point. No one is going to be a better version of Phil than Phil is.... but someone with a different look can take him out if they can bring the conditioning/ mass combo. Of course, that’s a big "IF". My prediction is that if someone takes a big fall from the top spots, Ramy's mass/size and equal conditioning will be too hard for the judges to ignore and he’ll be around fourth.

                            Waiting with Cedric McMillan to hear the first place announcement at the 2015 Arnold Classic Brazil.

                            DAVID BAYE: MD online reporter par excellence and NPC competitor
                            "I don't see that Ramy has improvedfrom last year, or from 2013 for that matter. I think 100% of his focus for the Olympia needs to be on conditioning. We keep seeing the same “close but just not there” physique. I absolutely think 15 weeks is enough time for improvement, but he knew last year and the year before the importance of conditioning and still missed the mark. Hopefully George Farah can help him bring a level of conditioning that Dennis couldn't, but it didn't happen in Brazil. I think he can definitely be Mr. Olympia but he will need razor sharp detail. I think he can go pose for pose with anyone in the IFBB size-wise and structure wise. Unless he makes some dramatic changes I see him somewhere around sixth, behind the same top five from last year. "

                            JOHN HANSEN: Natural Mr. Olympia and CEO of
                            "I think Ramy brought his characteristic size and enormous proportions to the stage but he looked about the same as last year, with the exception of his thighs, which look bigger. He was still noticeably lacking in conditioning, particularly in the lower back and arms. His priority for the Olympia should be to really bring in a more ripped physique to the stage. He needs to continue to bring his incredible size to the show because that is what sets him apart from everyone else. He also needs to improve his posing. His transitions are pretty good but he needs to find more poses that enhance his physique besides the regular mandatory poses and his hands on hips most muscular and use powerful music. He needs to create his own style and be more aggressive and take over the stage. He seems a little laid back, a gigantic mass of a man who is very quiet and reserved. If he can make the changes I mentioned above, I think he can be third, maybe even second at the Olympia. If he doesn’t and he shows up slightly better than the Arnold Brazil, I think he’ll be around 6th place."

                            DAN SOLOMON: Muscular Development Senior Features Editor, and creator and host of PBW Radio.
                            "In Brazil, Big Ramy's physique began to show the evolution that many of us have been waiting for. The progress isn't necessarily a specific body part. It's more of an overall polish, an improved level of balance and maturity. With the exception of Phil and Kai, Ramy is well suited to challenge anyone else in the world. It's simply a matter of conditioning. If he continues on his current path, I'm projecting Ramy as a top four finisher on September 19th. As his rivals get older, he is currently the safest bet to wear the moniker of "Future Mr. Olympia"."

                            RICH GASPARI: Three-time Mr. Olympia runner-up, CEO of Gaspari Nutrition
                            "Ramy has put on more size and actually improved his only real weak bodypart, calves; although they are still overpowered by his thighs. Overall Ramy need to improve the quality of his muscles not the quantity. He needs to work on getting more ripped and bring in more definition and separation. I think for the Olympia he can do that. He has enough size to diet down and be much sharper but still be huge. Ramy definitely has the ability to win the Mr. Olympia. He has a great structure, and even with all that mass he has a small waist. He has overall great shape and really no flaws besides calves which he can bring up. If he makes the necessary improvements and dials it in properly then this year he can shock the world and make the top four of the 2015 Mr. Olympia. "

                            PETER McGOUGH: St. Hugh’s Lincoln, UK, Milk Monitor, 1955
                            "I think he did improve this year. His greater bodyweight brought better balance between his lower and upper body, whereas previously his legs overpowered his torso. His front hands on hips most muscular is his best shot showing plenty of conditioning. But from the back he really needs to improve his conditioning, plus his calves. He has a big wide back, but it’s not thick and that inhibits deep crevices of separation jumping out like you see with Heath, Greene, Wolf and others. I don’t think he can thicken that back appreciably in the next fifteen weeks. Let’s not forget he is still only a five-year WIP so we shouldn’t burden him at this stage with overly ambitious expectations. Give him time and he can certainly grow into Phil Heath’s biggest threat. But not this year, where I see him improving from Brazil to finish around fourth at the Olympia. Ramy is like a giant unique canvas waiting for all the winning detail to be etched in. It’s like this past two years with him he’s been in a mode of “On your marks, get set …… and we’re still waiting for the “go”. But in the next three years if he finally comes out the blocks on “go” he could become the wonder of the bodybuilding world. And all true fans would love to see him evolve into that."
                            Last edited by AndryPata90; 05-06-2015, 09:25:44.



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