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Fouad Abiad...conferma che ha abbandonato DJ e per preparare l'Europa è passato totalmente con John Meadows (prima curava solo la parte inerente l'allenamento)...
"This is my favorite shot from last weekend. I've been working with John Meadows aka @mountaindog1 on my training for about a year and a half now. About four weeks out from the Orlando Europa John took over my nutrition as well and became my full on coach.
Never have I met a coach that is so busy with so many clients that still can make you feel like you're their only client. Never have I met a coach that is so calm it makes u feel like you're not even competing lol. (I kept trying to rile him up and it wouldn't work!)
This is my favorite shot from last weekend because I think it shows what Johns knowledge of training really can do. We can all eat, we can all cut cals and get ripped, the training is what separates and all along I thought it was the easiest part. Nonsense.
The training is the part of the equation that makes everything else turn in the right direction. With Johns knowledge I was able to go from training 5 times a week and being sore all the time to training 12 times a week and feeling great! Less joint pain, less tendon pain, better pumps, more strength and to top it off a different look to my muscle.
I know this seems like an ad for John but it isn't. This is genuinely how I feel about his work and you all watched it happen this year rep by rep.
I publicly want to thank John for taking me under his wing and really caring and teaching me how to be better!
On a side note; I want to thank Alyssa from Hot Spot Tanning and Liquid Sun Rayz for the awesome color that's two years in a row I've been very happy with their product!
#likeahoss #mountaindog #olympiabound #brokethrough #sacrificewithoutregret #2015"
DA LEGGERE...oltre alle solite foto, qualche concetto...
John Meadows :"I have been asked alot about Fouad Abiad and Ifbb Pro Shaun Clarida's "peak week" due to their conditioning.
Well, the truth's pretty dam boring. No depletion or water restriction until actual day of show...and no I didn't blast them with diuretics.
They got into that kind of shape by simply working their butt off and being fat free...
Boring but true."
Originariamente Scritto da AndryPata90 Visualizza Messaggio
Cedric mi fa morire ahahahe oltre a questo ha una "testa". SOTTOVALUTATO anche sotto il punto di vista umano. Ce ne fossero di lui.
Originariamente Scritto da centosmangio e bevo e faccio schifo
Per ricorsi amministrativi e legali
Brandon Curry: "... Incredible blood flow at @meccaofthesouth today, I almost pumped out all my lines. Chest, shoulders, and biceps blasted out!... "
Victor Martinez Road to Arnold Brazil - still dieting
...but little cheat meal after competition NY PRO
"Pizza Makes Me Happy"
A me fa un impressione incredibile com'è cambiato Victor Martinez, questa foto è del 2012-2013 dopo un infortunio:
Originariamente Scritto da GandhiNon sono un playboy, ma fossi in te non mi tirerei indietro, di quando una figona 32enne ti rimorchia? Afferra l'occasione della tua vita, e poi facci un filmino hard
x Giama: Martinez ne ha passate di ogni tra infortuni, morti di parenti, carcere etc... è arrivato vicinissimo a lottare per il titolo anno 2007, secondo alcuni meritava lui quell'anno...ormai ha perso il treno resta uno dei migliori degli ultimi 15 anni che nonostante problemi etc si è saputo riprendere, forse non al 100% ma c'è...
qui scorecards con votazione dei singoli giudici...davvero