Jay Cutler, USA
Alfonso Del Rio, Spain
Marius Dohne, South Africa
Toney Freeman, USA
Phil Heath, USA
Michael Kefalianos, Australia
Victor Martinz, USA
Mohammed Touri, Morocco
Dennis Wolf, Germany
Kai Geene, USA
Cheryl Brown, USA
Ava Cowan, USA
Candice Keene, USA
Mona Muresan, USA
Kristen Nagrani, USA
Ellena Reidie, Australia
Felicia Romero, USA
Erin Stern, USA
Sabrina Taylor, USA
Courtney West, USA
Nicole Wilkins, USA
Video riguardante lo show li trovate qui
Special Guests
Nicole Nagrani

Kris Gethin

Day 1 September 23
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Press Conference—Competitors, international bodybuilding celebrities, and delegates open the competition and are available to interview and answer questions.
Taj Lands End
Day 2 September 24
10:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Expo—Athletes mingle with sponsors as international bodybuilding, fitness, supplement, and health companies showcase their products.
Taj Lands End
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Seminar—Exclusive FREE seminar held by Bodybuilding.com’s Kris Gethin. Reserve Your Spot Now!
Taj Lands End, Garden View
Day 3 September 25
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Expo—Athletes mingle with sponsors as international bodybuilding, fitness, supplement, and health companies showcase their products.
Taj Lands End
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sheru Classic Pre-Judging (pre-judging ticket holders only)
Taj Lands End Ballroom
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Sheru Classic Finals (ticket holders only)
Mehboob Studio
10:30 PM
Dinner and After Party (invitation only)
Taj Lands End Ballroom
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