Regole k1 ufc e pride

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  • Frattaz
    鏡花 水月
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    Regole k1 ufc e pride

    Sperando venga messo in stickie , faccio questo post con le regole delle principali competizioni di sport da combattimento e secondariamente di incontri di arti marziali.

    Tieniamolo pulito sto thread , nei limiti del possibile

    Iniziamo con le regole del K1 in questo post!

    regole ufficiali Muay Thai

    Article 1
    The match shall be held in a 7.2 m X 7.2 m boxing ring surrounded by 4-level ropes.

    Article 2
    Each fighter shall wear regulation gloves provided by the promoter, a protective cup and a mouthpiece. Use of leg pads, shin guards, and kneepads is prohibited. Contact lenses are also prohibited. Gloves sizes for each weight class are as follows:
    Body Weight
    Glove Size
    Under 50.80kg
    6 oz.
    Under 53.50kg
    6 oz.
    Under 57.15kg
    6 oz.
    Under 61.23kg
    8 oz.
    Under 66.68kg
    8 oz.
    Under 72.57kg
    8 oz.
    Super Middleweight
    Under 76.20kg
    10 oz.
    Light Heavyweight
    Under 79.38kg
    10 oz.
    Under 86.18kg
    10 oz.
    Over 86.18 kg
    10 oz.

    Article 3
    Matches shall be held in the following manner.
    One-match fights:
    Each match consists of three (3) minutes X five (5) rounds or three (3) minutes X three (3) rounds.
    When a fighter is down, and the three (3) minute time is up while referee is still counting, the following shall apply:
    (a) For all rounds except the final round, the timekeeper signals the end of the round. However, the referee continues to count, and if the counts exceed ten (10) counts, the downed fighter will be considered knocked out.
    (b) For all final rounds, the timekeeper shall signal the end of the round and the match is completed even if the "Down" count is not completed. (ie. Fighters may be saved by the bell only in the final round.)
    (c) The final round in this case is defined as the round prior to the decision in the event that the winner is to be determined by decision. Therefore, an extra round may be considered as the final round.
    Article 4
    Awarding of points shall be based on the following elements:
    Whether an effective and accurate attack is recognized, and damage is inflicted on the opponent by authorized fighting techniques. Each match consists of three (3) minutes X five (5) rounds or three (3) minutes X three (3) rounds.
    Points will be awarded in this priority:
    (1) Number of downs
    (2) Extent of damage inflicted on the opponent
    (3) Number of clean hits
    (4) Degree of aggressiveness (points in the offensive)
    The dominant fighter shall be awarded a score of ten (10), and points shall be deducted from his opponent.
    Article 5
    Applicable when there is no knockout, technical knockout, or disqualification to decide the winner. Three (3) judges shall award points to each fighter, and the fighter with the higher point total at the end of final round from two (2) out of three (3) judges shall be declared the winner.
    (a) Applicable when the winner is not determined by a decision of the judges as in Article 5-1.
    (b) Applicable when both fighters go down at the same time and neither rises to his feet before or at the call of count nine (9).

    (a) Applicable when a fighter does not stand up before the call of count ten (10). Or when a referee decides the fighter cannot stand up within the call of count ten (10).
    (b) Applicable when a fighter is judged to have lost his will to continue to fight, even though he has stood up within the call of count ten (10), and/or when a fighter is judged to be incapable of continuing the fight.
    (c) Applicable when a fighter goes down three (3) times in a round (or two (2) times in a tournament fight except in the final match).

    (a) Applicable when the referee judges that it is impossible to continue the match due to an accidental injury (of neither fighter's fault) to a fighter. Such decisions shall be made in accordance with Article12.
    (b) Applicable when a corner man throws a towel into the ring during the course of a match. In the event that the referee does not notice the towel being thrown in, the official observer is authorized to announce the end of match.
    (c) Referee Stop: Applicable when the referee judges that one fighter is overwhelmingly superior to his opponent and the inferior fighter is in a physically perilous condition.
    (d) Doctor Stop: Applicable when the official physician judges that it is impossible to continue the match due to an injury or severe damage to a fighter. If a fighter is down and has sustained severe damage, the official physician has the option to stop the match, accordingly to the deliberation.

    NO CONTEST (NULL and VOID match)
    (a) Applicable when both fighters are found to be guilty of a rule(s) violation, match fixing, or collusion.
    (b) Applicable when both fighters fail to fight in good faith (a spiritless fight) after repeated cautions and warnings by the referee, and when the referee declares disqualification of both fighters.
    (c) Applicable when both fighters are judged as not being able to continue the match due to an accidental injury of neither fighter's fault in a one-match fight, where the fight is not justified. Article 12 sub-article3‡@ shall be observed.
    Article 6
    EXTRA ROUNDS (tournament fights only)
    Extra rounds shall be held in tournament fights to decide the winner in case the match is judged as a draw in accordance with Article5-2.
    When a winner is not decided after three (3) 3-minute rounds (five (5) rounds in some cases), one (1) extra 3-minute round shall be held. The result of this extra round shall be an independent judgement that does not take the first three (3) rounds (or first five (5) rounds in some cases) into account.
    When the result of the extra round [the fourth (4th) round, or sixth (6th) round] is a draw, a final extra 3-minute round shall be held. If the result of this final extra round is also a draw, the judgement shall be conducted based on the flow of the entire match as a whole from round one (1), and a winner shall be decided by considering even the slightest difference.
    Article 7
    The following fighting techniques are authorized.
    Punches : Straight punches, hooks, uppers, and backspin blows.
    Kicks : Front kicks, low kicks, middle kicks, high kicks, side kicks, back kicks, inner thigh kicks, jumping kicks, and knee kicks.
    The following restrictions apply to the use of the backspin blow.
    (a) The authorized area of contact for the backspin blow shall be the area of the glove where it bends at the wrist and beyond to the tip of the glove.
    (b) If an area other than the authorized area of contact hits and injures the opponent by accident, Article 12, sub-article 3 shall apply.
    Article 8
    A fighter who executes a foul technique shall be penalized with a caution, warning, or a point reduction. Two (2) cautions shall lead to one (1) warning for the first two (2) cautions; however, a warning shall be given for any cautions thereafter. Two (2) warnings shall lead to a point reduction, and three (3) point reductions in one (1) round shall be grounds for disqualification. This clause shall not apply in cases where the judges rule that the foul technique as unintentional.
    Article 9
    A fighter shall be disqualified when:
    A fighter intentionally uses a foul technique.
    A fighter fails to follow the referee's instructions during a match.
    A fighter is late for a match or does not show up at all.
    A fighter exhibits ill-mannered behavior or a malicious attitude during a match.
    The referee determines that a fighter does not have the will to fight.
    When a fighter receives three (3) point reductions within one (1) round, counting two (2) warnings as one (1) point reduction.
    The official physician deems a fighter unfit to fight as a result of a medical check.
    A corner man has entered in the ring or touched one of the fighters during the match.
    A fighter is found to have broken other rules.
    Article 10
    In accordance with Article 5‡C(d), where a fighter is overwhelmingly superior to his opponent, the referee has the option to stop the fight and declare a victory for the superior fighter before the end of the match.
    (a) The following are defined as fouls:
    Using the head to deliver a blow.
    Using the elbow.
    Attacking the opponent in the groin (attacks to the groin with knee kicks or hand techniques shall be considered as low-blows and will be ruled as fouls).
    Using techniques from wrestling or judo such as throwing or submission techniques.
    Thumbing, choking or biting on the opponent.
    Attacking the opponent while he is down or in the process of getting up.
    Attacking the opponent while the referee is intervening to separate the fighters.
    Grabbing the ropes for any reason including the launching of an attack or for defensive purposes.
    Using offensive or insulting language.
    Attacking the back of the head with a punch (the side of the head and the area around the ears are not considered as the back of the head and are valid target areas).
    Attempting to cause the opponent to fall out of the ring.
    Voluntarily exiting the ring during the course of a match.
    (b) A point reduction may be given immediately to a fighter if the judges find that a foul technique was inflicted with malicious intent.
    (c) A caution shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly charges inside the opponent's arms, with his head held low (ie. to avoid attack). This shall be considered as inducing a head-butt. In case that either of the fighters gets cut from a head-butt and is bleeding, the fighter who has caused the other to get cut shall receive a one (1) point reduction, even if the head-butt was not intentional. However, if the referee finds the head-butt to have been intentional, a reduction of two (2) points shall be given. If both fighters get cut and are bleeding, a one (1) point reduction shall be given to each fighter.
    (d) A point reduction of may be given to a fighter who repeatedly uses holds and clinches that are not accompanied by attacks, and are judged as being defensive/passive in nature (ie. to avoid attack). Grasping and holding the opponent immediately after launching an attack (ie. to avoid a counter-attack) may also result in a point reduction.
    (e) A caution or point reduction may be given to a fighter who is judged as being passive and who simply waits for the opportunity to launch a counter-attack.
    (f) Continuously holding the kicking leg of an opponent is judged as a foul. However, a single attack, while holding the leg is authorized. Continuous attack while holding a leg is a foul. If a fighter does not take any action while holding the kicking leg, the referee shall call a break. Holding the kicking leg and using a throwing technique is also a foul.
    Article 11
    If a fighter is injured, the judges and the official physician shall confer to decide whether the fight shall continue or not. The official physician shall not give any treatment to the injured area during the course of the match.
    Article 12
    If a fighter is injured and it is impossible to continue the match, the match shall be treated in the following manner:
    If the cause of injury is a rule violation (by the opponent), the referee shall give the injured fighter a rest period to check his condition. If the fighter does not recover and the match cannot be resumed, the fighter who has violated the rules shall be the loser (disqualification of the violator). A fighter who is disqualified for a rule violation shall not be entitled to advance in a tournament even if the opponent is not in a condition to continue the match.

    ***Note: an injury caused by low-blow will considered as an accident, whether intentional or unintentional.***
    If the cause of the injury is carelessness of the injured fighter himself and the match cannot be resumed, the fighter who has injured himself shall be declared the loser (disqualification of the injured).
    If the cause of the injury is accidental and at neither fighter's fault, it must first be determined whether or not the match is justified.
    Justification Criteria:
    5-round matches: The match is justified at the end of the second (2nd) round.
    3-round matches: The match is justified at the end of the first (1st) round.

    If the match is not justified, the following shall apply:
    (a) Tournament fights: The fighter who remains in a condition to continue fighting shall be declared the winner.
    (b) One-match fights: The match shall be considered as "No Contest" and void.
    If the match is justified, the following shall apply: The points shall be awarded for the completed rounds, and the fighter with more points shall be declared the winner. In case a fighter is injured after the third (3rd) round (second (2nd) round in tournament fight), the points shall be awarded until the actual time of the round when the fighter was injured.
    (a) Tournament fights: The fighter who remains in a condition to continue fighting shall be considered as the winner.
    (b) One-match fights: The match shall be considered as a Draw.
    In a tournament, if the fighter with higher points is not in a condition to continue in the tournament, the opponent will be entitled to proceed in the tournament.
    Article 13
    No fighter, coach, trainer and/or manager is allowed to raise an objection to calls or decisions made by the referee or the judges. However, official written protests to the Rule Committee are accepted within two (2) weeks of the date of the match.
    Article 14
    The definition of a DOWN is when any area of fighter's body besides the bottom of the foot has touched the ground due to a damaging attack(s).
    Even in some cases where there has been no damage it may be considered as a "DOWN" when a fighter falls to the ground and cannot stand up immediately.
    Even without falling to the ground, a (standing) DOWN may be announced when it is obvious that a fighter has sustained damage, and the referee has determined that the fighter would be in a dangerous situation if the attack were to continue.
    The "DOWN" count will be preceded by a "DOWN" call and gesture by the referee. Following the "DOWN" call, the MC shall announce the count down in accordance with the count of each second from the official timekeeper's stopwatch. The referee shall be the sole person with authority to call a "DOWN."
    The fighter who has downed his opponent shall wait at a neutral corner during the "DOWN" count by the referee until further instructions are given.
    If the fighter does not follow the referee's instruction to wait at a neutral corner, the referee may stop his count, and continue the countdown only after the fighter has moved to a neutral corner.
    Article 15
    A fighter is allowed to have the total of three (3) corner men, including one (1) chief corner man and two (2) corner men, standing by at ringside. All three (3) corner men must remain within the designated corner area during the rounds. Only the chief corner man may give instructions to the fighter during the rounds. Corner men may not place their hands on the ropes, ring apron, or on any part of the ring area during the rounds. Only one (1) corner man is allowed to enter into the ring during intervals. No corner man is allowed to enter into the ring or touch the fighters during the rounds. Article 9-8 shall be observed. Corner men may not place any item (such as towels etc...) in the area around the corner post of the ring. When the referee calls "SECONDS OUT", corner men must leave the ring immediately. Judges shall give a caution to any corner man who does not abide by the instructions listed above. A yellow card shall be given for a second caution and every caution thereafter. A red card shall automatically be given for a third yellow card, and the corner man who was given the instruction shall be required to leave the venue.
    Article 16
    All fighters must be properly dressed in clean and tidy clothes when they enter the ring for the occasions such as opening ceremony. The three (3) corner men are obligated to wear a unified team wear with the fighter. Combination of clothes such as "jeans and T-shirts" shall not be allowed. T-shirts, however, may be worn if they are "team" T-shirts. Fighters are free to select their fighting costume, provided that Article 2, 17 and 19 are observed.
    Article 17
    Fighters may not wear any material other than tape and bandages on their knuckles and on other part of the hands. Fighters must use the tape and bandages supplied by the promoter, and may not use tape and bandages that they themselves bring to the match for the taping of the hands. Tape and bandages must be applied to the fighter AFTER the promoter supplies them and not before this point. Any tape or bandages worn to the venue by a fighter shall not be approved. Tape and bandages that the promoter provides are for use on the hands only, and no tape for other areas for reasons such as an injury shall be provided. Fighters must supply such taping materials individually for themselves. Tape used on such areas must also be checked and signed by the judges.
    Article 18
    Fighters may use a minimal amount of tape on their knuckles in order to protect the hands. Fighters may not insert any object inside the tape or bandage. The definition of "minimal" is the extent that the judges will approve a tape job during the bandage checking procedures.
    Article 19
    The use of protectors made of rubber, plastic, or other material is not allowed for any reason including the protection of an injury. White tape and elastic tape may be used for taping of injured areas; however such dressings must be checked by the official physician and judges and must be signed by the judges. All tape and/or bandages without an official signature to prove that they were checked must be removed. No tape may be applied to a fighter once the match is started.
    Article 20
    All fighters must submit to a glove check before they are put on. After the glove check an official seal or signature will be placed on the tape which seals the gloves. Once checked, the gloves may not be taken off until the end of the match. If there is any evidence that the gloves have been removed or tampered with (ie. if the official seal is broken) the fighter must undergo another glove check.
    Article 21
    If the mouthpiece comes out of a fighter's mouth during a match, the referee shall, in principle, retrieve it and hand it to the corner men after the end of the round.
    Article 22
    In order to establish the prestige and unilateral fairness of K-1, all fighters are obligated to submit to a doping upon the promoter's request. Testing positive for doping will result in penalties to include the confiscation of title and prize money.
    Article 23
    All fighters must submit to a medical check by the official physician before competing. In a tournament, a fighter who has won a match is obligated to go through subsequent medical checks in order to proceed to his next match.
    Article 24
    Official physicians shall not apply any treatment to fighters during matches. Article 11 shall be observed. No one including a corner man is permitted to apply treatment to an injured area during the match. This includes the application of tape to an injury during intervals between the rounds. Article 19 shall be observed.
    Article 25
    When a fighter falls out of the ring, the time count shall be stopped, and a doctor shall check the fighter. During this time, the judges shall confer to discover the cause(s) of the fall.
    (a) When judged as a DOWN by an authorized technique:
    If the fighter is able to continue the match:
    It shall be counted as "1 DOWN", and the match shall continue from the time stopped.
    If the fighter is not able to continue the match:
    The match shall be ruled a Technical Knock Out (TKO) by doctor stoppage.
    (b) When the fighter is judged as not having been downed:
    If the fighter is able to continue the match:
    The match shall be continued from the time stopped.
    If the fighter is not able to continue the match: The cause of the injury shall be considered accidental and of neither fighter's fault, and Article 12 sub-article 3 shall be observed.
    Article 26
    Minimal use of Vaseline to the facial area is allowed. No other substance shall be applied. The term minimal in this case means the amount that the Rule Committee permits. A fighter with an excessive amount of oil/Vaseline to the face and/or body shall not be allowed to compete. In such cases, the excessive oil/Vaseline shall be removed.
    Article 27
    Any issues or circumstances not specifically provided for in these Official Rules shall be resolved by a consensus among the referee and the judges.
    Last edited by Frattaz; 29-04-2007, 21:37:04. Motivo: Titolo update
  • Frattaz
    鏡花 水月
    • Nov 2006
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    Riservato regole ufc
    Weight classes:
    Lightweight - over 145 lbs. to 155 lbs.
    Welterweight - over 155 lbs. to 170 lbs.
    Middleweight - over 170 lbs. to 185 lbs.
    Light Heavyweight - over 185 lbs. to 205 lbs.
    Heavyweight - over 205 lbs. to 265 lbs.

    Bout duration:
    All non-championship bouts shall be three rounds.
    All championship bouts shall be five rounds.
    Rounds will be five minutes in duration.
    A one-minute rest period will occur between each round.

    1. Butting with the head.
    2. Eye gouging of any kind.
    3. Biting.
    4. Hair pulling.
    5. Fish hooking.
    6. Groin attacks of any kind.
    7. Putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration on an opponent.
    8. Small joint manipulation.
    9. Striking to the spine or the back of the head.
    10. Striking downward using the point of the elbow.
    11. Throat strikes of any kind, including, without limitation, grabbing the trachea.
    12. Clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh.
    13. Grabbing the clavicle.
    14. Kicking the head of a grounded opponent.
    15. Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent.
    16. Stomping a grounded opponent.
    17. Kicking to the kidney with the heel.
    18. Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck.
    19. Throwing an opponent out of the ring or fenced area.
    20. Holding the shorts or gloves of an opponent.
    21. Spitting at an opponent.
    22. Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent.
    23. Holding the ropes or the fence.
    24. Using abusive language in the ring or fenced area.
    25. Attacking an opponent on or during the break.
    26. Attacking an opponent who is under the care of the referee.
    27. Attacking an opponent after the bell has sounded the end of the period of unarmed combat.
    28. Flagrantly disregarding the instructions of the referee.
    29. Timidity, including, without limitation, avoiding contact with an opponent, intentionally or consistently dropping the mouthpiece or faking an injury.
    30. Interference by the corner.
    31. Throwing in the towel during competition.

    Ways To Win:
    1. Submission by:
    Physical tap out.
    Verbal tap out.
    2. Technical knockout by the referee stopping the contest.
    3. Decision via the scorecards, including:
    Unanimous decision.
    Split decision.
    Majority decision.
    Draw, including:
    Unanimous draw.
    Majority draw.
    Split draw.
    4. Technical decision.
    5. Technical draw.
    6. Disqualification.
    7. Forfeit.
    8. No contest.

    Referee may Restart the round:
    If the fighters reach a stalemate and do not work to improve position or finish.
    Last edited by Frattaz; 15-04-2007, 23:07:16.


    • Frattaz
      鏡花 水月
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      In the PRIDE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIPS the safety of the fighters and the integrity of the sport are of the utmost importance. The rules of our organization exist to protect the fighters and are listed below to inform the fans and the public.

      Match length
      Most PRIDE FC matches are broken down as follows:

      Round 1: 10 minutes
      Round 2: 5 minutes
      Round 3: 5 minutes

      There are two-minutes between rounds.

      Matches are won via:
      1. Ippon
        A fighter taps either his opponent or the mat three times
      2. Technical Knockout
        1. Referee Stoppage---If the referee sees that one fighter is completely dominant to the point of endangering his opponent, the referee will stop the match.
        2. Doctor Stoppage---In the event that a fighter is injured (via fair methods) and cannot continue the match, his opponent will be declared the winner. The ring doctor will be the one to determine whether the fighter can continue or not. In the event that an injury was caused by illegal methods, the perpetrator will be disqualified.
        3. Forfeited Match---A fighter's corner throws in the towel.
      3. Decision
        If the match goes the distance, then the outcome of the bout is determined by the three judges. A decision is made according to the following: the effort made to finish the fight via KO or submission, damage given to the opponent, standing combinations & ground control, aggressiveness and weight (in the case that the weight difference is 10kg/22lbs or more). The above criteria are listed according to priority. The fight is scored in its entirety and not round by round. After the third round, each judge must decide a winner. Matches cannot end in a draw.
      4. Disqualification
        A 'warning' will be given in the form of a yellow card when a fighter commits an illegal action or does not follow the referee's instruction. Three warnings will result in a disqualification.
      5. No Contest
        In the event that both sides commit a violation of the rules, the bout will be declared a 'No Contest.'

      Grounds for disqualification
      The following acts are regarded as 'illegal actions.' When a fighter commits any of these illegal actions, he will be given a warning from the referee (in the form of a yellow card). Warnings will be considered as negative points in the event that the match goes to a decision. Three warnings will result in a disqualification.
      1. No head butting, eye gouging, hair pulling, biting or fish hooking.
      2. No attacking the groin
      3. No strikes (kicks, elbows, punching) to the back of the head (which includes the occipital region and the spine). The sides of the head and the area around the ears are not considered to be the back of the head.
      4. No small joint manipulation (control of four or more fingers/toes is necessary).
      5. No elbow strikes to the head and face.
      6. No intentionally throwing your opponent out of the ring.
      7. No running out of the ring.
      8. No purposely holding the ropes. Fighters cannot purposely hang an arm or leg on the ropes. Hanging on the ropes will result in an immediate warning.
      9. No kicks or knees to the head or the face of an opponent who falls face down.
      10. No application of oil, ointment, spray, Vaseline, massaging cream, hair cream, or any other substances is permitted to any part of the fighter's body before and during the fights. The discovery of any of these substances will result in a disqualification.
      Last edited by Frattaz; 17-04-2007, 13:52:16.


      • Frattaz
        鏡花 水月
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        Muay Thai rulez

        Muay Thai contest in general. The ring must consists of the following:
        The ring must be a square, small size is 4.90 m. (16 ft.) large size is 7.30 m. (24 ft.) measuring within the ropes.
        the ring must be built in safety, proper level, with out any obstruction, and must extend outside the ropes at least 50 cm. (20 inches) erect posts at the four corners and well covered, or any other ways which will not cause danger to the contestants.
        The ring floor must be covered with soft cloths, or straw mat, wood filings, compressed cork etc. thicknees not less than 1 inch (2.50 cm.) and not more than 2 inches (5 cm.) and upper covered with canvas, by stretched tight and the canvas must be covered all the ring floor.
        There must be 4 paralleled ropes, with diameter at least 1.50 inches to inches, stretched to the posts at the corners, height from the ring floor, the first rope 55 cm. (1 ft. 0 inch), the second rope height from the ring floor 85 cm. (2 ft. 6 inch), the third rope height from the ring floor 115 cm. (3 ft. 10 inch) And the fourth rope height from the ring floor 145 cm. (4 ft. 10 inch). The ropes must be covered with soft and smooth material. At the 4 corners, the insides of the ropes must be covered with soft materials.
        There must be stairs at the opposite corners of the ring for the contestants, referee and boxers tot go up and down.
        The boxers must wear gloves. Weight of one glove not less than 4 oz. (133.4 g.) and not to exceed 6 oz. (170.1 g.)
        The ring must have the following equipments:
        Resting seat for the boxer before the match, 3 seats for each corner.
        buckets of water.
        bottles of water.
        water cups.
        Tables and chairs for officers
        1 or 2 stop watch.
        Points recording cards.
        1 box for keeping points recording cards.
        3 points giving tables.
        set of First Aid equipment.
        Board indicating Round, Event & Time.
        The screen 2 piece. (For athletic supporter of boxer is lost)
        The cradle 1 set.
        The scissor 1 piece.
        RULE 3. BANDAGE
        The width of bandage not exceeding 2 inches and the length of each side not to exceed the following limit:
        From Mini Flyweight to Feather weight not exceeding 10 yards (2 rolls of bandages)
        Plaster can be used to cover not exceeding 1 packet, or the contestants will agree themselves. And not to cove the fist bone, if agreeable not to exceed 1 packet, and the width of the plaster not to exceed 1 inch, the length not to exceed 5 yards (1 packet).
        RULE 4. THE DRESS
        The contestants must dress as follows:
        • The protector must be worn and wearing trunks according to the colour of the corner. Not to wear cloth and shoes. Keep polite hair-style, and cleanly shaved. Nails must be cut and short. The superstitious magical substances can be tied on the upper arms or waist, but not to be dangerous to the opponent.
        • The ankle can be used not exceeding one on each leg.
        • Belt and anything which is metal is not allowed.
        • Using of vaseline or anything which will be dangerous or diskle on the face, arms or on upper portion of the body are not allowed.
        • A sacred cord must be worn on the head and one has to pay homage.
        Mini Flyweight weight not exceeding 105 lbs. Z47.629 kg.)
        Junior Flyweight weight not exceeding 108 lbs. (48.990 kg.)
        Flyweight weight not exceeding 112 lbs. (50.805 kg.)
        Junior Bantamweight weight not exceeding 115 lbs. (52.166 kg.)
        Bantam weight weight no exceeding 118 lbs. (53.526 kg.)
        Junior Featherweight weight not exceeding 122 lbs. (55.341 kg.)
        Feather weight weight not exceeding 126 lbs. (57.155 kg.)
        Junior Lightweight weight not exceeding 130 lbs. 58.971 kg.)
        Lightweight weight not exceeding 135 lbs. (61.238 kg.)
        Junior welterweight weight not exceeding 140 lbs. (63.506 kg.)
        Welterweight weight not exceeding 147 lbs. (66.681 kg.)
        Junior Middleweight weight not exceeding 156 lbs. (70.764 kg.)
        Middleweight weight not exceeding 160 lbs. (72.578 kg.)
        Junior Heavyweight weight not exceeding 175 lbs. (72.578 kg.)
        Heavyweight weight exceeding 175 lbs. (79.383 kg.) upwards.
        RULE 6. WEIGHT – IN
        Weighing of the contestants is form 08.00 A.M. to 12.00 A.M. on the matching day. When the contestants over weight, reweight is allowed, wighin the limit time not exceeding 12.00 A.M. If still over weight, it is stopped, in this weighing, the contestants weigh nakely.
        Before weighing, the contestants must be certified and body check from appointed Diploma doctor that they are fully healthy to perform the fight.
        The weight must not below 100 lbs., age not less than 15 years and the weight must not differ more than 5 lbs.
        The fight normally not exceeding 5 round, a round is 3 minutes, interval during the rounds is 2 minutes, and the fight must not less than 3 rounds.
        In case of accident causing the fight cannot perform again, if is it necessary to get the result, the fight must be more than 3 rounds, and the result of the fight can be decided by points.
        The fight normally not exceeding 5 round, a round is 3 minutes, interval during the rounds is 2 minutes, and the fight must not less than 3 rounds.
        In case of accident causing the fight cannot perform again, if is it necessary to get the result, the fight must be more than 3 rounds, and the result of the fight can be decided by points.
        Each contestant has the fight to have 2 boxer seconds and must be under the following rules:
        The boxer seconds will not advise, help or support their contestant during the round in the fight.
        The boxer seconds will not give up the fight for the contestant by throwing sponge or towel into the ring, except there is special agreement.
        During the fight is going on, both the boxer seconds and their assistant will not standing at the edge of the ring. Before starting each round, the boxer seconds must take towel, bucket etc. out from the edge of the ring.
        The boxer seconds of both corners must dress politely.
        If it is a Championship fight, 3 boxer seconds are allowed.
        If the boxer seconds or assistant violate the above rules, the may be blamed, and may be decided not tot be the boxer seconds of that fight. For the contestant, the referee may warm or blame or decide to be defeated.
        There are 4 members, 1 Referee and 3 Judges. The above mentioned member must be well learned and studied, and have experience in doing their duties.
        RULE 11. THE REFEREE
        The Referee has the duty to control the fight in the ring according to the rules with justice during the fight.
        Has the full power in decision solely, nobody can object it.
        Advises the contestant or boxer seconds who do not perform according to the rules.
        The Referee must not give points.
        Collects & checks total of points in points recording cards of the 3 judges after the fight ends, and decide according to the most points & give the points recording cards to the chief of decision.
        The Referee must use 3 orders i.e.
        • STOP when he wants the boxers to stop the fight.
        • BREAK when he wants the boxers to separate.
        • BOX when he wants the boxers to continue the fight.
        In the case of the referee orders to break, the contestants must separate themselves first at least one step, then they can continue the fight.
        The Referee must point out some rules to the contestants & chief of the boxer seconds before commencing the first round.
        The Referee has duty to control the match according to the rules with justice.
        The Referee has the power to do in the ring.
        To stop the fight when considers that one has skill more than the other.
        To stop the fight when considers that the contestant has received severe injury so that he cannot continue the fight.
        To stop the fight when considers that the contestant does not really fight. In this case, the referee may stop one contestant or both.
        In any round of the fight, if the boxer is counted, & is ordered to box and after though consideration that the counted boxer does not fully perform the fight, the Referee has the right to stop the fight.
        To stop the fight to warn the boxer when be does not box according to the rules or by other reasons, thus to make justice in the fight and to reakky do according to the rules.
        To let the disobey boxer out of the fight.
        To let the disobey boxer second out of the fight and if reasonable, may let the contestant out of the fight also. (The boxer must responsible his own seconds)
        To let the foul boxer out of the fight, whether being warned or not, or if considers that such deed is to let him be defeated by foul.
        The decision of h \ the referee in final without any appeal.
        In case the referee has made wrong decision, he can re-decied to correct according to points recording cards.
        When any boxer falls out of the ring, the referee can count immediately.
        • If the boxer falls out of the ring, the Referee will count. If count upto 20, the fallen boxer cannot come up on the ring, he will be lost by K.O.
        • If the fallen boxer can come up on the ring before counting upto 20, he can continue the fight without losing the points counted.
        When any boxer falls out of the ring is opposed by the audiences or held up not to go up the ring, the Referee will stop counting and clearly warn and continue counting.
        When both the boxers fall out of the ring, the Referee will begin counting, if any boxer tries to hold up by any mean, will stop counting and clearly warn the continue counting. If that boxer does not listen, fines him as lost.
        When the boxers fall on the floor by any mean, the Referee separated the boxers first and stands in the middle and beginning counting.
        In case of both boxers are counted, if one can stand up, stop counting that one and counts the still fallen boxer.
        RULE 15. JUDGES
        Three judges must sit at each side of the ring separate from the audiences.
        Each judge is free in consider points within the rules.
        The judges must pay attention to both the boxers only.
        The judges must give points to each boxer in points recording card, after end of each round. Then total up the points after the fight and write the name of the winner with his signature in the points recording card, then give to the Referee.
        The points announcing will be done only in Championship title contest.
        RULE 16. THE TIME – KEEPER
        The specify duty of the Time-Keeper is to keep time of each round, amount of round, interval time during the round, and stopping time when the Referee gives signal without mistake by following procedures:
        Must sit on one side of the ring.
        Seconds before each round, must clear the ring by giving signal to let the seconds out of the ring.
        Giving signal of starting – ending each round by striking the bell.
        Stopping the time while temporary pause or when the Referee orders.
        Keeping correct time every period by portable watch or stop-watch.
        Giving manual signal to the Referee every seconds the Referee counts when the boxer is fallen down.
        At the end of the round which is not final, if there is a boxer falling or the Referee is counting, when the time finishes (3 min.), the bell must not be striked, the striking of bell when the Referee order “Box”
        At the end of final round, if there is a fallen boxer and the Referee is counting, when the time finishes (3 min.), the Time-Keeper must strike the bell immediately.
        Must be done according to the following rules:
        Wins by Knock Out is the contestant falls on the floor or stands holding the rope losing consciousness on the rope, cannot fight or protect himself within 10 seconds, i.e. when the Referee counts upto 10.
        Wins by Technical Knock Out is as follows:
        • When the opponent is disadvantaged and badly injured and may be more dangerous.
        • When any boxer cannot perform his fight, after interval during the rounds.
        • Or if the boxer is injured, i.e.
          1. When the referee considers the wound not less than 2 cm. (Appoximately 3 stitches)
          2. In case the Referee is not sured, he may consult the stadium doctor.
        Winning by points. After fight enda, the Referee collects his own recording card and from the judges at both sides, and decides the boxer who tets most points is the winner.
        In case both boxers received severe injureis, so that both of them cannot perform the fight, and have agreed to get the results before the fight, if the fight, has been performed not more than half of the specified round, the decision will be draw, if the fight more than half of the specifien round, the decision will be accounding to the points.
        The winning by the contestant is to be lost, i.e. his opponent does not fight according to the rules so that the Referee decides him to lose the fight with or without any warning before.
        No decision. When the boxer is decided a “No contest” both or any side, the fight will be declared as “No decision” such as, any boxer has fought with the attempt to lost or both agree with one another or damage to the stadium, the audiences are not in peace so that the fight cannot be continued.
        If the decision of the decision of the decision Committee cause the audiences are not in peace So That the fight cannot be continued The sodium or Chief of technic section decide as a no contest and delayed “No Contest”
        There are 5 points in a round. The best boxer will get full 5 points, and his opponent is reduce \ cede by 4?, 4, 3?, 3 accordingly, and not to give points as 4? or 4 1/3.
        In the draw round, he will get 5 points each.
        The loser in the not clear round will get 4? points, the winner gets 5 points.
        The loser in the clear round will get 4 points, the winner will get 5 points.
        The loser that has clearly seen all the round, with least opposition, fallen down and scramble up again and is counted will get 3? points, the winner gets 5 points.
        The loser who has done for through the round and is counted twice in one round will get 3? points, the winner gets 5 points.
        The giving of points will be considered according to the following rules:
        Any boxer uses Muay Thai weapons (fist, Kick, Knee, elbow) according to the rules, against his opponent more is the winner.
        Any boxer uses Muay Thai weapons against his opponent severely, clearly, violently, badly injured at most important parts is the winner.
        RULE 19. FOUL
        The fight not according to rules and fouls is as follows:
        Bite, stab eyes, spit his opponent, stick out the tongue, strike with head.
        To embrace of to throw down or lock arms his opponents.
        Holding the rope or trying to hold the rope for his fight and any other benefits.
        Pretend to fall over his opponent or repeat against his opponent who has been fallen down.
        Using judo and wrestling styles.
        Using unsuitable words during the fight.
        In case the fight is going on and there is embracing, when the Referee orders to stop, but both or one boxer do not do according to his order, let the Referee stops the fight any gives warning, or order to out point. If such fight caused knock out to the contestant or received severe injury, the disobeyed boxer is lost by foul means.
        Kneeing the protector purposely, i.e. catch the neck & kneeing the protector, kneeing the protector or throwing knee at the protector. (In consideration of the Referee whether purposely or not)
        RULE 20. FALLEN DOWN
        If any part of the body touch the floor except the feet, or standing unconsciously on the rope, or is boxed out of the rope, or standing unconsciously with opened eyes & falling hands with usability to protect himself, will consider that boxer as being fallen down
        In case any boxer as being fallen down 1 second, the Referee will begin counting, let his opponent steps back to the farthest carner immediately. If he does not step back as ordered, the Referee must stop counting until that boxer does according to order , then the Referee will continue counting from the previous count. When the fallen boxer stands up and is order to box from the Referee. He then can continue his fight.
        When any boxer is fallen down, the Referee counts loudly from 1 to 10 withinterval of 1 second counting. The Referee must give hand signal also so that the fallen boxer knows that he is counted. Before counting 1, the period from falling to the floor 1 second, then begins counting 1.
        If the fallen boxer can stand up before the referee counts to 10 and he is ready to fight, then he can continue to fight. But if the referee has counted up to 10, the fight is finished and decides the fallen boxer lost by “K.O.”
        IF both the boxers and fallen, the Referee continues counting all the time any boxer still fallen down. If both of tem still fallen down up to counting to 10, the decision is a draw, if there is no other agreement.
        During the Referee is counting, but not yet up to 8, the counted boxer whether ready to fight or not, the Referee must count up to 8 then he can order to “BOX”
        If the fallen boxer can stand up before counting to 10, but fallen again without being boxed, the Referee will continue his count from the counted number.
        If any boxer cannot perform his fight after the interval has finished, will be counted or not being in the consideration of the Referee.
        In any round of the fight, when any boxer is being done by Muay Thai weapons (fist, feet, knee, elbow) according to the rules, till he is counted by the Referee, the counted boxer will lost 1 point, by the counted boxer gets 4 points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:4) If he is counted again for the second time in the same round, the counted boxer gets 3 points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:3) And the boxer who is counted twice in the same round is fallen down again for the third time, the Referee will stop the fight by deciding his opponent wins by Technical Knock Out.
        In any round of the fight, If the contestants have equal points, when any one is counted by the referee once, the counted boxer gets 4 points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:4)
        In any round of the fight, any boxer has ? point more (Before or after counting), the consideration is as follows:
        • The leading point boxer is counted once, will lost ? point, the counted boxer gets 4? points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:4)
        • The leading point boxer, bit is counted second time in the same round, will lose 1? points, the counted boxer gets 3? points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:3)
        In any round of the fight, any boxer has 1 point more, (Before of after counting) the consideration is as follows:
        • The leading point boxer is counted once, the result in that round, both the boxer will get 5 points each. (5:5)
        • The leading point boxer is counted twice in the same round, the counted boxer will lose 1 point, the counted boxer gets 4 points, the other boxer gets points. (5:4)
        In any round of the fight, any boxer gets ? point less, (Before of after counting) the consideration is as follows:
        • The lesser point boxer is counted by the Referee once, will lose 1? points, the counted boxer gets 3? points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:3)
        • The lesser point boxer is counted by the Referee for the second time in the same round, the counted boxer gets 3 points, (The lowest points of the fight) is counted by the Referee once, the counted boxer will lose 2 points, the counted boxer gets 3 points, the other boxer gets 5 points. (5:3)

        There will be hand catching before starting Round 1 and final round. The boxers will catch hands as traditional, to mark that they will fight as sportsmen, with cleanness according to the rules of the fight and not to catch hands during the fight.

        Any meaning of this rule or any problem arises due to the contestants, even does not mention in this rule, the Referee will decide. Except such problem has been occurred, & Technical Committee of The Lumpinee Stadium has laid down the procedures, to perform according to such procedures.


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          chiunque voglia aggiungere qualcosa , faccia pure io aggiorno

