Protein is the most important macronutrient your body uses to re-build muscle tissue. Working out increases your muscles’ need to adapt and grow, so give them what they want: protein. But why just protein? As protein is broken down through the digestive process, it’s converted into many different types of amino acids, mainly L-glutamine and L-taurine, that are the structural matrix of muscle tissue. Without an adequate supply of amino acids, your muscles can become weak and begin to atrophy.
Postato originalmente da : TheMax:
<STRONG>Protein is the most important macronutrient your body uses to re-build muscle tissue. Working out increases your muscles’ need to adapt and grow, so give them what they want: protein. But why just protein? As protein is broken down through the digestive process, it’s converted into many different types of amino acids, mainly L-glutamine and L-taurine, that are the structural matrix of muscle tissue. Without an adequate supply of amino acids, your muscles can become weak and begin to atrophy.</STRONG>
W/protein intake,you supply your body w/all the AA.
So what's the matter?