Buon giorno from Australia !

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  • Whipper1980
    TV Series God-Mod
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    Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
    Had a good workout, Im sooo unfit
    Any of you guys good at meeting women, Im at univeristy now and want to start meeting some nice ladies In Australia a lot of the woman are really hung up about being labeled sluts and so on, so they have guards up. How do the Italians charm the ladies
    Dude, the "I do not want to be a famous bitch" refrain it's an absolute all time all over the world I think ......but...back to your dieting....Why don't you try to build a structured, balance nutrition plan, post it here and wait for us to check it?
    sigpic10000 Crunch nn servono a un Caxxo, Questo è il Recordman...6 ore al gg x 6 mesi si è allenato...ANVEDI A PANZA......

    Whipper1980 (@) Bodyweb (.) Com


    • dec
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      Originariamente Scritto da Whipper1980 Visualizza Messaggio
      Dude, the "I do not want to be a famous bitch" refrain it's an absolute all time all over the world I think ......but...back to your dieting....Why don't you try to build a structured, balance nutrition plan, post it here and wait for us to check it?
      Originariamente Scritto da fabryzio
      ciao anche io ti consiglio il metodo BIIO e uno dei migliori che fin ora ho riscontrato.........io cn il metodo BIIO sn passato da 65 kg a 76 con il 2.3 di grasso corporeo


      • Whipper1980
        TV Series God-Mod
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        Originariamente Scritto da dec Visualizza Messaggio
        Si taduce da solo
        sigpic10000 Crunch nn servono a un Caxxo, Questo è il Recordman...6 ore al gg x 6 mesi si è allenato...ANVEDI A PANZA......

        Whipper1980 (@) Bodyweb (.) Com


        • Stylewars
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          I just went for another run, I'm so unfit and the run killed me.
          I have a question about my new eating plan, how much chicken is to much in a day? Can the hormones in it mess you up? And what should cardio nutrition look like? Should I be running on an empty stomach if I do it first thing in the morning?



          • Arturo Bandini
            million dollar boy
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            Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
            I just went for another run, I'm so unfit and the run killed me.
            I have a question about my new eating plan, how much chicken is to much in a day? Can the hormones in it mess you up? And what should cardio nutrition look like? Should I be running on an empty stomach if I do it first thing in the morning?

            yes, you must go running with empty stomach... even better if you take a double no sugared coffe before you going out...
            Chiken has 24% proteins, so you must calculate how much proteins do you need... If you only go running it's enought 1,5 gr/kg (without fat)


            • Stylewars
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              Ok. So if I'm eating 6 handfull portions, then 2-3 are allowed to be chicken breast with rice?
              It will be something like this

              Meal 1:
              Oats + honey with Protein shake

              Meal 2:
              Chicken breast + rice

              Meal 3:
              Penut butter sandwhich + apple

              Meal 4:
              Vegetables + chicken breast

              Meal 5:
              Some type of meat + vegetables (usually chicken or steak)

              Meal 6:

              These will all be portions the size of my fist, how does this look. Keep in mind I will drink a lot of water, I want to lose weight first btw. Then I will start eating more when I want to bulk ??
              I have Optimum Nutrition protein whey as well.

              I will run on my off days, so run then weights next day etc for mon-fri. thats 3X run and 3X weights.



              • Arturo Bandini
                million dollar boy
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                Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
                Ok. So if I'm eating 6 handfull portions, then 2-3 are allowed to be chicken breast with rice?
                It will be something like this

                Meal 1:
                Oats + honey with Protein shake

                Meal 2:
                Chicken breast + rice

                Meal 3:
                Penut butter sandwhich + apple

                Meal 4:
                Vegetables + chicken breast

                Meal 5:
                Some type of meat + vegetables (usually chicken or steak)

                Meal 6:

                These will all be portions the size of my fist, how does this look. Keep in mind I will drink a lot of water, I want to lose weight first btw. Then I will start eating more when I want to bulk ??
                I have Optimum Nutrition protein whey as well.

                I will run on my off days, so run then weights next day etc for mon-fri. thats 3X run and 3X weights.

                if you start weights too you need more proteins: 2,2 gr\kg (of muscular mass). You must increas calorie too: 100 calorie over your maintenance. take 2,2 gr\kg in proteins, 25% fats and the remainders in carboyhsdrate...
                your diet looks ok, but in meal 3 where are proteins?


                • Whipper1980
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                  Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
                  Ok. So if I'm eating 6 handfull portions, then 2-3 are allowed to be chicken breast with rice?
                  It will be something like this

                  Meal 1:
                  Oats + honey with Protein shake

                  Meal 2:
                  Chicken breast + rice

                  Meal 3:
                  Penut butter sandwhich + apple

                  Meal 4:
                  Vegetables + chicken breast

                  Meal 5:
                  Some type of meat + vegetables (usually chicken or steak)

                  Meal 6:

                  These will all be portions the size of my fist, how does this look. Keep in mind I will drink a lot of water, I want to lose weight first btw. Then I will start eating more when I want to bulk ??
                  I have Optimum Nutrition protein whey as well.

                  I will run on my off days, so run then weights next day etc for mon-fri. thats 3X run and 3X weights.

                  Not bad bro, not bad at all.....just let me give you some advices...

                  Meal 3: in general, the best should be avoiding mixing carbs and fats up so,ideally, you should choose Carbs + Protein (eg. Whole Wheat bread + Chicken/tuna etc) in any lunch before 14.00 and and Protein + Fat after that time (tuna + oil, peanut butter + ham etc.)

                  Meal 6: there are not many poli-unsaturated fat so I strongly suggest you to mix some Flax seed oil (15g will do) with 25-30g Whey protein before bed time to provide you with a "slow-realase" Protein source during the night and an adequate EPA/DHA source.....

                  sigpic10000 Crunch nn servono a un Caxxo, Questo è il Recordman...6 ore al gg x 6 mesi si è allenato...ANVEDI A PANZA......

                  Whipper1980 (@) Bodyweb (.) Com


                  • Stylewars
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                    Ok thanks man. ATM I only have the flax seed oil in capsule form, I will replace the yogurt with a protein shake and flax seed oil
                    Thanks for the help, now all I have to do is stick my head down and continue to push myself
                    I will get the flax in liquid form and do as you said, mix it with the protein shake. I just hope me eating a lot of chicken doesn't fuck with my hormones and make me grow breasts :P
                    Last edited by Stylewars; 09-02-2007, 10:25:51.


                    • Whipper1980
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                      Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
                      Ok thanks man. ATM I only have the flax seed oil in capsule form, I will replace the yogurt with a protein shake and flax seed oil
                      Thanks for the help, now all I have to do is stick my head down and continue to push myself
                      I will get the flax in liquid form and do as you said, mix it with the protein shake. I just hope me eating a lot of chicken doesn't fuck with my hormones and make me grow breasts :P

                      ahahah....no need to worry dude, you won't need a Bra 'cause you eat chicken!!!

                      then... to max out your cardio result...a present from Italy:

                      HIIT cardio for fat loss
                      You know the scene; the fat guys on the treadmill doing their low intensity cardio at 60% intensity, slogging it out for hours and never seeming to lose any appreciable fat. What is the reason for this? Its simple really, low intensity cardio such as that just burns calories. 300? maybe 400 in 30minutes. Not only that, but the body will not care where the energy comes from(muscle, carbohydrate or fat). Considering it takes an expenditure of 3500 calories to burn 1lb of fat, the impact slow cardio on its own is minimal.
                      This doesn’t mean however that all cardio is useless for fat loss. In fact, the opposite is true. Cardio is good for fat loss… IF, and only IF it is done correctly. What is the “correct” way to do cardio you ask? The answer; HIIT. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval training, and consists of short bursts of high effort work, followed by a recovery period. An example of this would be:
                      3 minute slow jog warm up
                      10 second all out sprint
                      80second slow walk back to starting point
                      10 second all out sprint
                      80second slow walk back to starting point
                      etc etc
                      Ideally, this would be done 5-10 times, followed by a 3 minute slow jog, and 5-10minutes stretching to cool down.
                      If this is not possible (due to no access to a road or field, or for whatever reason) you could easily do this on a machine at the gym. It is harder to completely fatigue yourself in 10seconds on a machine though. So I would suggest something like this:
                      Elliptical machine:
                      3 minute warm up
                      30seconds all out
                      1minute slow pace recovery
                      Repeat 5-10 times
                      3minute cool down
                      Now for the reasons why you should do this.
                      By implementing short bursts of intense work your body will greatly increase its metabolic rate; that is, the rate at which you burn calories when you are typing at a desk, hovering, even sleeping. Yes, you may only burn 200-300calories during the session, but over the next 48hours (2days) your metabolism will get a boost of about 200-300calories a day. This makes a grand total of 600-900calories, from just one 20-30minute session.
                      Not only that, but it will also activate certain enzymes in your body that increase the use of fat (instead of carbohydrate or muscle) for fuel. Once activated, this enzyme will stay active for a few hours at a time. Combine this with the fact that HIIT also increases the availability of fatty acids (stored fats) for fuel, you now have the perfect time to do your Low intensity cardio.
                      A 20minute HIIT session, followed by a 20 minute Low intensity (60-80% Maximum heart rate) session will do wonders for your fat loss.
                      The HIIT will increase your metabolism, free up fatty acids, and increase the use of fatty acids for fuel, then the low intensity cardio will burn those fatty acids off and leave you with your precious muscle to show off to the ladies.

                      You're gonna hate me fro this....believe me....
                      sigpic10000 Crunch nn servono a un Caxxo, Questo è il Recordman...6 ore al gg x 6 mesi si è allenato...ANVEDI A PANZA......

                      Whipper1980 (@) Bodyweb (.) Com


                      • Stylewars
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                        You trying to kill me !!!
                        I remember doing a similar thing up at the park, people look at me like I'm a spastic because I keep stopping and sprinting etc. Oh well fuck them lol. I will start that on Monday, I'm not sure I could do the 20 min jog after the 20 min HIIT, I'm not very fit atm.


                        • Whipper1980
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                          Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
                          You trying to kill me !!!
                          I remember doing a similar thing up at the park, people look at me like I'm a spastic because I keep stopping and sprinting etc. Oh well fuck them lol. I will start that on Monday, I'm not sure I could do the 20 min jog after the 20 min HIIT, I'm not very fit atm.
                          Believe me...if done correctly you'll adore it in the end.......
                          sigpic10000 Crunch nn servono a un Caxxo, Questo è il Recordman...6 ore al gg x 6 mesi si è allenato...ANVEDI A PANZA......

                          Whipper1980 (@) Bodyweb (.) Com


                          • pumbaa
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                            Originariamente Scritto da Stylewars Visualizza Messaggio
                            You trying to kill me !!!
                            I remember doing a similar thing up at the park, people look at me like I'm a spastic because I keep stopping and sprinting etc. Oh well fuck them lol. I will start that on Monday, I'm not sure I could do the 20 min jog after the 20 min HIIT, I'm not very fit atm.
                            I absolutely confirm on what Whipper's written. It really works and I've had great results with HIIT


                            • matt85
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                              bella ly ragazz ai em mett eittingfaiv end ai ev e vveri big augell


                              • Whipper1980
                                TV Series God-Mod
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                                Originariamente Scritto da matt85 Visualizza Messaggio
                                bella ly ragazz ai em mett eittingfaiv end ai ev e vveri big augell

                                mi tu!!!!
                                sigpic10000 Crunch nn servono a un Caxxo, Questo è il Recordman...6 ore al gg x 6 mesi si è allenato...ANVEDI A PANZA......

                                Whipper1980 (@) Bodyweb (.) Com

