Assurdo, torna **** e lo fa nel mondo dei portatili, console con tecnologia Dreamcast e retrocompatibile con **** Master System, Megadrive, **** Saturn {cavolettoli} e Dreamcast...mia al lancio solo per ringrazia la casa giapponese di esser tornata nel mercato dell'hardware!!!

Specifiche tecniche
The device will be equiped with a 566Mhz Samsung processor, and 128MB nVidia graphics processor based on the GeForce 3D 4500 (similar to the Gizmondo's graphics chip), and a LCD display capable of 640X360 resolution and touch-screen capabilities. It will have an analog joystick, four buttons and two triggers. Supposedly, it will not have a traditional D-Pad, but solid details were not availible.

Specifiche tecniche
The device will be equiped with a 566Mhz Samsung processor, and 128MB nVidia graphics processor based on the GeForce 3D 4500 (similar to the Gizmondo's graphics chip), and a LCD display capable of 640X360 resolution and touch-screen capabilities. It will have an analog joystick, four buttons and two triggers. Supposedly, it will not have a traditional D-Pad, but solid details were not availible.