That's all we know for now, folks. Apple's CEO is taking a medical leave from work, his second in as many years, with Tim Cook filling his role during that time. In an email to the Apple team, Steve Jobs says he'll be on leave to "focus on [his] health," though he will retain the position of CEO and will remain involved in the major strategic decisions -- Tim Cook will be picking up the slack on day-to-day operations. No further details have been provided, save for Steve expressing his love for Apple and wish to return to his duties as soon as he can. See his email missive in full after the break.
Jobs lascia di nuovo..
Jobs lascia di nuovo..
That's all we know for now, folks. Apple's CEO is taking a medical leave from work, his second in as many years, with Tim Cook filling his role during that time. In an email to the Apple team, Steve Jobs says he'll be on leave to "focus on [his] health," though he will retain the position of CEO and will remain involved in the major strategic decisions -- Tim Cook will be picking up the slack on day-to-day operations. No further details have been provided, save for Steve expressing his love for Apple and wish to return to his duties as soon as he can. See his email missive in full after the break.Presidente siamo con Te,
meno male che Silvio muore.Tag: Nessuno
Originariamente Scritto da Icarus Visualizza MessaggioGià, cancro al pancreas, trapianto di fegato.. Fosse stato un povero cristo, sarebbe già nell'aldilà
Chissà se il titolo Apple perderà in borsa.. L'elevata dipendenza dalla salute di Jobs è l'unico punto debole delle azioni apple..
Originariamente Scritto da Black87 Visualizza Messaggioha già perso in borsa a quanto si legge online. Comunque è davvero sfigato poraccio...
Sfigato è sfigato, ma molti vorrebbero essere sfigati come lui, con tutto che probabilmente non gli rimane molto da vivere.
Ovviamente la compassione umana va al ricco come al povero (ma non a Berlusconi - crepa crepa crepa- )Presidente siamo con Te,
meno male che Silvio muore.