Si tratta di una distribuzione nata per "girare" su una pennetta usb da 256Mb o su altre memorie flash compatibili, ora divenuta una vera e propria distribuzione.
Gli screenshot:
his is the initial GRUB boot loader.
This is the same for the LiveCD and the USB key, the difference being that the loader in the USB key defaults to the next item down in the list.
Next is the boot screen, we're currently using the bootsplash loader, although this will go to "gensplash" in the next version. If you need more detail or things don't go according to plan, you can press F2 at any time for more detail.
If all goes well, the next thing you'll see will be the login screen.
If you're feeling brave and you do press F2 ..
This is the sort of thing you're likely to see going on behind the scenes ...
This is the default login screen.
The login splash screen .. nomans land between anonymous and authenticated ..
This is the default FlashLinux desktop for the root user.
Viewing the readme file using GEdit.
GNOME's cups manager in action showing the only available network printer on my network.
GNOME theme selection in action.
Thin client applications, GNOME now has an integrated application called VINO that allow one to "share" their desktop with another user via VNC. (much like the option now available in Windows XP)
Also shown is "tsclient" which is an RDP client for Linux .. allows users to run Terminal Server sessions against a Windows Terminal Server.
The GNOME system monitor with a couple of local hard disk partitions mounted.
XChat running @ Chatjunkies, default settings
Using Abiword to edit README.txt
Gnumeric with a dummy spreadsheet .. although I'm used to OpenOffice, Gnumeric is rather nice!
Planner, does look rather like "Mr Project" .. anyway, it certainly handles all the basics of project management and looks pretty good too!
GIMP 2.0, Graphics at it's best .. what more could you want ?!